Official Club Events

Event created by Keethos
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Event details
Back for 2014, the Supercar Siege is a charity car event being held in support of the “Royal Navy & Royal Marine Children’s Fund“.
The day is open to all and will have a relaxed family focused atmosphere. Events for the day include the following:
- Ever popular Dream Rides from the Sporting Bears, a dedicated group of individuals who donate their time and cars to give passenger rides in return for charitable donations. (100% of the money raised by passenger rides will go to charity)
- Static car displays next to the Castle.
- Royal Navy helicopters on display .
- Activities for children inc inflatables and facepainting.
- Access to tour the stunning Castle and grounds.
There is a possibility of having a club stand at the event with will be £10 per car to attend which will obviously go to charity.
Leeds Castle,
ME17 1PL
Please visit the thread here for more information.
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