Event created by VAD17
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Event details
Halloween Action Day
Castle Combe Circuit
Sunday, October 29th 2022
Halloween Action Day is a spooky send off to our show season!
Expect non-stop track time, huge club displays, drift demos, trade village, show & shine competition and much more...
Members can now purchase club passes and reduced price track time for Halloween Action Day. To do this you will need to select your club from the dropdown list in the club member zone, and input the following code when selecting items for purchase.
Your unique club booking code is: GT86HALLOWEEN22
This code is to be used by club members only and we request that it is not shared with third parties.
The link to book club tickets is as follows: https://castlecombecircuit.co.
Earlybird track time is reduced automatically by £5 when you enter your club code. Earlybird discounts close six weeks prior to the event, so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment!
Please note that club passes and track time are sent out in the post roughly 3 weeks prior to the event. In the meantime please get in touch if you require any further assistance.
See you there!