Event created by rob275
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TSS goes overseas and travels abroad to the island of Anglesey for it’s first ever event outside of England. Anglesey Circuit is a new additional to calendar for 2016 and well worth the trip, you’ll be able to tackle the circuits challenging corners whilst enjoying the scenic views.
TSS will be sharing this event with the Javelin Trackdays Sprint Series so this means that entries for each series will initially be limited so they are shared equally between them so we advise you to get your entry in ealy so as not to miss out.
Circuit Length – TBC
Competiton Licence* – Available for purchase at signing on for £5 per individual event or £15 for the year
Competition Plates, Numbers & Sticker Packs* – Available for collection at the events only at a one off cost of £10. You are required to display competition plates with your competiton numbers on your doors throughout the event along with the series sponsor stickers. We advise that you mount your stickers on magnetic plates if you wish to remove them between events
Helmet Hire* – Available on the day for £15
*Please note that all transactions on the day are cash only