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The driver's university & track day guide by Driver61

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Hi Everyone

I recently came across a website which contains several tutorial explaining the fundamentals track driving. There are 20 tutorial's which explain the basic's of cornering, braking, vision, grip limit, etc and a couple of other guides. Having done the CAT Driver training a couple of years ago this was a good recap for me, and will hopefully help everyone else. The tutorial's are definitely worth a read.

There is also a video for each tutorial, however not all of these worked for me. 

Driver's University: All Tutorial's

If you CBA to read all the tutorial's but are new to track days, I'd definitely recommend you have a read of their guide.

Track Day Guide: The definitive guide to track days


Here's one of their video's on how to drift a road car, in an 86 no less.

Thanks for looking


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