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Odd behaviour this morning

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Morning all,

I've been commuting daily in my new car, this might be a question for Keith tbh but I thought I'd throw it out there. The only thing I can think of is that it was windy last night and this might have disturbed some kind of immobiliser fitted to the vehicle? But without making assumptions I'll describe what happened, step by step:

Left my door, walked to the car (which has keyless entry)

Interior light came on as normal, car unlocked with door handle pull.

Foot on brake, pressed brake pedal. All lights came on as normal and then instantly went dark with no response from anything, like a complete lack of 12v supply to the interior systems

I've been reading about flat batteries, so assumed it was that and proceeded to get out of my car to grab my CTEK from the garage.

As I closed the door of the car, all the interior lights came back on as if it was ready to start the engine...

Weird, I thought, so got back in. Pressed starter button and again everything switched off and became unresponsive.

Got out of the car a second time, closed the door, everything comes back on.

Opened the door, pressed the start button to manually turn everything off, closed the door, locked the car, unlocked the car.

Got back in, pressed the starter. Car starts as normal and I drove to work...


Anyone had this? Is this an electrical fault? Gremlin? Ghost? Aliens?


Thanks in advance!

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A cabin-dim is inevitable when the car tries to fire the starter motor, but not if nothing happens!

If the battery is healthy/new enough, then what about electrical shorts or a declining starter motor/starter solenoid? Personally I think it's a bit young to have a clapped out starter.

Have you had anything done to the wiring?

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