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Improving DAB reception (AutoDAB)

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So, I have the, supposedly official, AutoDAB unit in my car. When it’s locked on, to Radio 6 99% of the time, it’s generally fine (once I rerouted dashcam cabling to avoid interference).

However, it has a habit of going hunting for stations when you get into a black spot area (e.g. a multi-storey car park) and in doing so takes me ages to scroll back through the 50 or so channels to get back to R6M.

i don’t want to replace the HU so I’m wondering whether there are any other options, e.g. replacing the 'stick on' aerial or replacing the AutoDAB unit altogether.

Any thoughts/advice welcome.

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Hmm, that’s got me thinking, would a 2017MY aerial have the same effect, as DAB is available as standard. As such the stock aerial should have a DAB output and in theory be better than the aftermarket stick on one. Anyone have any idea whether this hypothesis is in any way correct or if I’m talking out of my...

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