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  1. 2 points
    I didn't specifically ask about the torque dip, because that's really more a result of emissions and to a point to make the car feel like it gets going at higher revs. He was very interested in my AE86 which I still had at the time and loved hearing about that. We talked about what might happen in the future for the GT but he didn't give anything away of course. He enjoyed looking at what I had done to my car. It was a fab day and Toyota looked after us well with food and a mobile ice cream parlour!
  2. 1 point
    It was complicated, I think Rob had something to do with it as well as Richard at RRG. But Adrian and Patrick are very good friends of mine, I've known both of them 20 odd years now! I was with others competing in the TSS which Adrian setup, so there was a huge amount of cross-linking between the lot of us. Tada San wanted to meet the owners of the GT so us lot were an obvious choice!
  3. 1 point
    Yes Annie. It was the most amazing day! I got Tada San to sign my Toyota book and he was most interested in my nose badge, which we were discussing in the video. Lovely man. Very grateful that the Drivers Club were able to link up with Toyota to make this happen!! (assuming that is how it came to fruition - I don't know the details).
  4. 1 point
    All booked in for w/c 11 Nov...so a bit of delay but..of course anyone wanting to take on the recall and do extra work on it has the opportunity Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 1 point
    We’ll talk about timing haha I awoke this morning to find this on my doormat...so will be sorting it in the meantime. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 1 point
    Rocket Panda

    Newbie from North West London

    Happy motoring.....enjoy the blue beauty. Hope to meet you at a club event! 😁