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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    It's so great of him to meet up with the owners. It shows true dedication, and passion, and concern for customers. I'm really impressed. You guys must have had a trememdous day!
  2. 1 point
    The Minion

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    Any chance of getting a 'Giallo" one as my polo shirt? If so I'd love one!😊
  3. 1 point

    GT86/ BRZ Breakfast @ Denbies

    See your there might have another car join us Vad if ok Mkiv Supra Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 1 point

    GT86/ BRZ Breakfast @ Denbies

    Called Denbies, confirmed they will have parking spaces for us and restaurant opens at 9:30 am I will aim to arrive there 9:15 ish. 40% chance of rain, so hopefully should stay dry See you Sunday!
  5. 1 point
    Can also get these ones which go up to a 5XL though they aren't as thick and don't feel as premium (which is why we pick the better one, though they only go up to a 2XL unfortunately) https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/products/JH050
  6. 1 point
    Ewwww, nooooo, sacrilege. I have actually seen photos of that prototype, and I'm so glad they didn't go into production. A convertible version just seems so out of sync with what this car is all about. I have to go wash my eyes now.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Imho relatively abnormal popularity of cabrios despite rainy climate is UK specific thing, not sure it would add that much of extra twins sold numbers world wide. I certainly know that i'd never consider cabrio to have heavier, less rigid and more expensive car that is even noisier due less sound insulation, and easier to break into. Only way i'd think of getting such if car had been designed as roofless from ground up and only option possible, like MX5 or S2K. As for good things that cabrios provide .. imho motorcycles are even better at those. Damn. That mentioned meet looks to me as enviable event i'd much love to get to. Lot's of cars i like, lot's of people with similar tastes/interests, and on top able to meet/talk with Tada san :). 👍
  9. 1 point
    It was complicated, I think Rob had something to do with it as well as Richard at RRG. But Adrian and Patrick are very good friends of mine, I've known both of them 20 odd years now! I was with others competing in the TSS which Adrian setup, so there was a huge amount of cross-linking between the lot of us. Tada San wanted to meet the owners of the GT so us lot were an obvious choice!
  10. 1 point

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    Hopefully newbies will see this conversation and express some interest!