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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    MartinT's BRZ

    A few things: the economy has settled to around 30.6mpg. It did hit a high of 30.8, but in this nice weather I've been using the power a bit more again. The supercharger installation is running very smoothly and I think it likes the cool intake air, which is running at +14 (so 22C today). The rear tyres are really wearing much faster than the fronts now with the supercharger, it's reminiscent of my old BMW in that respect. I should probably rotate them to even things up a little. I had a Golf right up my backside this afternoon. Dropped it to 5th and hoofed it. Nope, wasn't losing him so I pulled aside in the next gap. It was a Golf R. Oh well, can't beat them all!
  2. 1 point

    Condensed mode not condensing

    I'm on a PC running W7Pro and firefox I have discovered that on another forum I'm a member of, that runs the same software, the same problem exists - probably a buggy software update.