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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    O'Keeffe 88

    Peak District Cruise

    Hi all, Just a quick one to say that there's an event I'll be tagging along to next Sunday (details on the events page, Facebook and at: https://facebook.com/events/s/peak-district-cruise-4/2220911314868584/?ti=as). Hope to see a few of you there πŸ‘
  2. 1 point

    Peak District Cruise

    Guys 100% going now, and I've got 6 mates coming too in their various projects. They're getting there at 8.30am to get good spots but I'll be joining later as saturday is a sesh. @O'Keeffe 88 whats your plan mate? Black GT86 I'm looking out for? Any unique mods to know it's you? πŸ‘ My first cruise ever.
  3. 1 point

    Aftermarket part out , updated

    Hi sorry the wheels are XXR 527 18” and width is 8.75 , can’t remember what the off set is , just checked the rear of one of the wheels and there is 35 ?
  4. 1 point

    Hey GT86 Crew

    You would be welcome to have a look! I know weve identified some strange differences but its made me love it more. Its unique! The speedo is in KMph and the odometer is also in KMph. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† The digital bit of OFF and I think they removed the fuse when it arrived in the UK. my plan is to replace the whole console so I can have MPH on the digital read. I think I'll attend the meet in the peaks next week! I'd like to meet to guys to ask millions of mod questions..
  5. 1 point
    O'Keeffe 88

    Hey GT86 Crew

    Absolutely! Would be great to meet up again soon for a Cars and Carvery! I'm going to make a separate post now for anyone on here who isn't on the FB group, but the Peak District drive is next Sunday (5th) - would be great to see some familiar faces, as well as some new ones, too! The start point is Cheterfield, so not far away from you at all, @Leonard, if you want to see what the 86 can do πŸ‘Œ