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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Mark (formerly of Car Limits) is back doing Handling days and Activity days at the North Weald Airfield. I did a few of these days and they are fantastic for learning car control at and over the grip limit in a safe environment. 4 people instruction days are £ 225 per person 20 people Activity days are £80 per person http://drivelimits.com
  2. 1 point

    Sluggish after third service

    It's quite likely the battery was disconnected and this resets the ECU's learning. Throttle response is always an issue for me after a reset. You can speed things up by turning the ignition on (but not starting the engine) and moving the throttle pedal fully down and fully up about 10 times. This helps it to relearn the pedal travel. Then just drive it. Throttle response comes back pretty quickly after that.,
  3. 1 point
    Either way can be a lot of fun. As a group day we can ask him to customise the training more specifically for what you would want to get out of it - once you are over the basics, plus you get to compete against cars similar to yours rather than something like a 700hp McLaren in the final circuit trials ;). But I've done it on my own too and enjoyed meeting the other drivers, some times we jump in each other's car as a passenger. Depending on your particular level of car control you may also get to do slightly different things. Like when all the new guys were practicing braking I was doing variations on exiting the high speed bend and so on.
  4. 1 point
    Car Limits went bust and was bought out by another company. Not sure about the details, but their main business was Supercar Days (lots of people paying for 3 laps in a Lamborgini or Ferrari and so on) relying heavily on continuous income from it. Once the lockdowns hit they couldn't hold out for too long. Drive Limits is Mark's own venture, focused solely on driver training and activity days.
  5. 1 point

    Sluggish after third service

    If you're able to switch maps then it's no change in the map. If they disconnected the battery it would have reset the ECU so lost the fuel trims and pedal/throttle learning. You can reset the latter by turning the ignition on without the engine running and press the pedal a few times and then let it idle for about a min. Not sure why you'd need to disconnect the battery though. Other than that, maybe a MAF sensor issue or an intake leak from changing the filter?