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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/21 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    FB and rival Club Stands

    @Mani I'm a little surprised that Sam Hardy has not approached the drivers club in the first instance. That would have been the easy way. There is no breakdown in communication. Sam at Cult 86 has simply not consulted us. Then people seem to be aking us why. If Sam wishes to combine Cult 86 with the DC then all he had to do is ask. Simple stuff you'd think? Cult 86 has 66 FB members. GT86 BRZ DC has over 11,600 I cannot think why it would be my job to chase them?
  2. 1 point
    The Minion

    FB and rival Club Stands

    The forums seem to be getting ignored when events are arranged and people NOT on FB don't get to hear about them. A lot of forum type questions get asked on FB when the answers are on the club forums, which can be searched for (not on FB!). This results in the same old questions being asked. FB users need to be pointed in the direction of the 2 existing forums, Drivers' Club and Owners' Club. Another club has started up (Cult 86 which I admittedly have joined) that are having separate Club Stands at shows i.e Japfest Silverstone surely we all want a gathering together of as many 86's as possible not rival stands!
  3. 1 point

    FB and rival Club Stands

    To me it makes sense they want their own stand at Japfest. There was already two existing GT86 clubs, they decided they wanted to be different so made their own club, fair enough. If you're going to the effort to make your own club, why would you then want to join existing clubs stands? It would defeat the whole point, unless I've missed something?
  4. 1 point

    FB and rival Club Stands

    A question I would ask is why Cult 86 didn't speak to us about joining with our stand seeing as it's been organised for a year and a half. Cult 86 could have had a section on our stand. Maybe you should ask them? GT86 OC have always been invited to join us at Japfest. The GT86 DC FB page is exactly that. It is not a joint venture with the OC. If you would like to liaise with Cult 86 and direct them here, Jeff, Will and I would be more than happy to talk. People will always ask the same questions over and over. It's simply the nature of the beast. We can't really help that many spend their entire lives on FB and don't look at forums, it's just the way things have gone.
  5. 1 point

    P3 Vent Gauge

    Try changing the url in your post from v3 to v2. [edit] just seen this post was weeks ago, hopefully you've found it by now