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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    MartinT's BRZ

    I see this in my hi-fi forum a lot. "internet wisdom" appears to consist largely of people expressing opinions when they have no experience of the product!
  2. 1 point

    MartinT's BRZ

    Cool, thanks. I've had good experiences using high power coils on old skool, distributor based ignition systems before, but at least some purveyors of "internet wisdom" claim it's not worth it with COP packs unless pushing big power. Good to hear that's not the case. Another thing for my shopping list, and "little" job for Abbey at some point!
  3. 1 point
    And as@spikyone said, it's probably better to buy a faster, more powerful car as there is always an element of risk with going with mods that take the factory numbers up substantially by 30 to 50% ( 260 to 300 bhp). You need to be ready to take the risk and agree that the overall life of the car / platform will be reduced as it adds an amount of stress on all components from transmission to clutch to Differential to everything in between . Its just luck for how long and whether that meets your personal driving style and needs and you take on the additional wear and tear. Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk
  4. 1 point
    Since you are googling up, Google LSPI ( Low Speed Pre Ignition) and you will get why people say that. It comes back to peak cylinder pressures like the post from Mark yesterday. Low speed pre-ignition (LSPI) is a premature combustion event, occurring prior to spark ignition in turbocharged, downsized gasoline vehicles. As the name implies, it occurs when engines operate at low speeds and high loads. It can result in extremely high cylinder-pressures and can lead to heavy knock. At a minimum, LSPI can generate an audible knocking noise noticeable to the driver. Repeated exposure to these conditions can cause engine hardware failure, including broken spark plugs and cracked pistons Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk
  5. 1 point

    MartinT's BRZ

    The plugs that came out were in decent condition, so I would attribute most of the improvement to the Delicious coil packs. Sent from my Oppo X3 using Tapatalk