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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I doubt anyone will get a 86 as cheap as I did...paid 11K in 2019 for a 2018 with only 4.5k miles.... Cat S, but fully repaired and to this date the only issue's I've had is the passenger door needed adjusting because it rubbed a bit on the bottom and the passenger side wheel was slightly buckled but got replaced by the dealer under warranty. I feel like 86 prices will go up a bit since the new ones are so hideous (personal opinion ofc) and the whole E10 fuel thing will have a lot of older car owners looking for new. My mk2.5 mx5 ran like a bag of spanners on E10 and I cant see many older 'cheap' sports car owners willing to pay for the premium fuel, which is only not E10 for another 5 years, and not able to afford modern sports car prices which seem to start around 30-60k these days.
  2. 1 point
    If I didn't actually like the car and want to keep it, I've probably got a healthy £4k profit in my BRZ since buying it last November. But whatever you gain you'd lose right away buying a replacement car, unless you go back down the ladder, or don't need another car at the moment. So it's all a bit academic really Give it 18-24 months and things will start to get back to normal.
  3. 1 point
    A year ago my car was worth circa 11k - right now they are selling for 13-14k and even wbac are offering 12k. Anything sporty and in limited supply is seeing the same crazy increases.