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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/22 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    There was myself and afew others who knew about how TD was up to shady stuff. I've owned my 86 for about 3 years and have known about this for the past 2 years. I never ever made a thread about it simply because TD had almost a cult like status and anything negative you said about then would get shot down. Poor parts, poor design, awful quality. Stories of Mike scamming and extorting other owners of this car platform. There are countless stories about his shady practice and even instances where he had over charged his customers only to later stitch himself up and go quiet on people. His constant reply of 'the courier has it' and 'I'm packaging the item today'. All of these kinds of messages and then not providing tracking numbers etc is just lies when really he hasn't done anything. Even regarding his forged builds, other owners have questioned why he uses 'skunk2' conrods and his reply was simply 'most people for what they use it for will do fine with this type of rod's' knowing full well that it's a poor quality product - certainly a product he's willing to fit into your engine but not his own. But his actions have consequences and I'm glad people can finally see how he conducts his business. Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  2. 1 point

    Front bumper 'sagging' / gap

    Just tried this and I'm not sure it's made a huge difference tbh. My gap was nowhere near as bad as some other examples I've seen though, so maybe it's just diminishing returns. On the plus side, I didn't have to remove the bumper...just undoing the side indicator and taking a clip out from there I was able to pull the bumper forward enough to fit this clip. Very fiddly (the clips are tiny), but managed it. Im not going to do the drivers side...it wasn't as bad, and now they look roughly even. It just looks like "bad panel gaps", rather than "bumper falling off". Stupidly, I forgot to take a 'before' picture, too.
  3. 1 point

    Front bumper 'sagging' / gap

    Almost a year on from this post and I never got around to fixing it myself. But last month I was looking into the problem again and found that they sell these little clips on Japan Parts, and they aren't charging 15 quid each. Instead, I was able to get 2 of them for 17 quid, delivered. Overnight parts from Japan, yo! Although not overnight. I ordered on the 19th May and they turned up this morning. That's a little job to attend to in my time off this week
  4. 1 point

    Front bumper 'sagging' / gap

    Subaru have now acknowledged this and have parts to fix: http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132308