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Everything posted by Tareim

  1. Tareim

    Gunmetal Supra rebuild from DW

    that is a great build, as with Keethos, I wish I had the time, space, money & skills to do something similar
  2. Tareim

    New BRZ owner

    Hello and Welcome to the club, nice to see more BRZ's here
  3. Tareim

    Cars and Donkeys - Sidmouth July 5th

    sounds like a plan
  4. Tareim

    Stretched Tyres - Pro's and Con's?

    Con's looks stupid seems dangerous higher chance of kerbing alloy less contact patch to the road Pro's are there any?
  5. Tareim

    Will I enjoy as much

    or £180 for the auto
  6. Tareim

    Aero C Pillar fins

    I'm in the same boat, apart from the fact that I will be getting one, just going to delay it due to buying the rear visor
  7. Tareim

    Will I enjoy as much

    I've not driven a type r civic however I can say for sure that you'll have a lot more fun because its such a great car
  8. Tareim

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    hoodie has arrived, fits nicely and is rather comfortable
  9. Tareim

    Possible Meet/Event @ Coventry Airport

    maybe worth contacting a local motor club to see if they are up for the idea of an auto solo then we could possibly piggy back off their insurance if possible
  10. Tareim

    Mystery thing in my car

    what does it say under STi? put that into google and it should come up with some answers for you
  11. I would love to but already have prior engagements for the next few sundays :/
  12. Tareim

    Bit of plastic missing?

    I'll have to have another look soon
  13. Tareim

    Aero C Pillar fins

    you take it off, if you look closely you can see some screw or the dreaded scrivets that hold it on so can be took off for cleaning
  14. Tareim

    Bit of plastic missing?

    are we on about that bit of plastic that has got the lines going down it with the cut out? if so I have that on both sides
  15. Tareim

    Aero C Pillar fins

    I've decided I'm getting a louvre when I have the money as they are a lot cheaper now then when I first saw them + they look amazing
  16. Tareim

    Best upgrade for under £100

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Toyota-GT86-Subaru-BRZ-RHD-Arm-rest-Armrest-/381109958004?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item58bbec7574 claims to be genuine and less than £100, my one came with it and I can safely say that I'm glad it's there, would be uncomfortable without it especially on the longer journeys
  17. Tareim

    Best upgrade for under £100

    would this be MT only?
  18. Tareim

    Booked In At Fensport

    seems a bit much for a bit of ally though I will wait any comments to justify it
  19. Tareim

    Booked In At Fensport

    didn't know they had the power blocks, any ideas on the price?
  20. Tareim

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    looking forward to getting mine
  21. Tareim

    hey from the south west

    thanks and how far up the road?
  22. Tareim


    always good to have a few more BRZ's about welcome to the club
  23. Tareim

    Dash camera

    only problem with using a phone is the hassle of putting it in position when you get in the car and remembering to take it out, with a dedicated dash cam you install it once and forget about it
  24. Tareim

    How to snow foam your car

    do you fill the bottle up with that or just a little bit and top it off with water?
  25. Tareim

    Possible Meet/Event @ Coventry Airport

    get a waiver to say if you crash its your own fault for being an idiot?