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About Racer

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    Langdon Hills Essex

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  1. Grab a bargin. In good condition with the overpipe. Based in Essex near Brentwood/Billericay Matt.
  2. Thanks for the offer. Strangely enough my mate from Benfleet is picking me up in the morning and we're going to Japfest. We're going in his 240z, so there isn't really room.
  3. Hi. It was ok up to about 80 and then did drone a bit. I have a decat manifold as well so much quieter if your still running a cat.
  4. Nicely made system, just a bit loud for me guys. Although I was running it with a Decat Tommie as well so with a cated Manifold it would be a fair bit quieter. Cost £650 to be made. £275 collected. Based in Essex
  5. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Great cheers Rob
  6. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Cheers Nik Strangely enough my mate is coming from Benfleet to pick me up in the Morning. We're up at the Pod for Japfest. I don't suppose your going? I've got a company van for work on Monday, so I can order the Batteries and weight a few days.
  7. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Thanks Rob. Are these the ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/Panasonic-CR1632-1632-Lithium-Battery/dp/B0042KL4AO/ref=pd_lpo_421_tr_t_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=JP4GDAJJARERPG7H92YX
  8. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Good job the trusty old Mk1 Mr2 fired up straight away after being sat for a month. Love the old motors with a simple Key. I'm getting old
  9. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Thanks Guys I've not had the car long and I've never seen a light on either Fob, so looks like that's the answer. I'm assuming an ebay search will come up with the goods? or Are the batteries covered under warranty?? Cheers
  10. Racer

    Alarm going off HELP!

    Hi Guys Just got home from work and tried to get in the car. Tried both fobs but both dead. Used the manual key to get in and , off course now the alarms going off ! I've had to disconnect the battery and luckily the back up didn't last too long and its now stopped thank God. I thought the neighbours were going to lynch me! It's played up like this a bit lately, but then once I got in the car a waived the fobs around a bit all seemed be well and I could drive away. Now though it's just refusing to work on either Fob. Could I have a dead battery in both Fobs? Or is it more likely to be a faulty sensor in the car? Is there some sort of reset process I can try? I've not had any main battery issues since I've had the car. Any suggestions would be most welcome, I'm pulling my hair out. Matt
  11. Might be handy if you've been enjoying your car http://speedingcheck.co.uk/
  12. If only Toyota would hurry up and make that Supra! In the mean time I'd one of these