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rob275 last won the day on February 12 2019

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About rob275

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 02/24/1991

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  • Interests
    Cars, Computers, Photography, Sleeping, Food
  • Colour Car

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  1. rob275

    How do we report a user

    That ship sailed when the other forum was sold on to be fair. We did want a merge, it's now impossible without selling this to the same company (which is american). We kept the forum here owned by enthusiasts and always intend it to be in the future if it exists because that way there's a vested interest and it won't get clogged up with shitty sponsored adds for dildos etc.
  2. rob275

    How do we report a user

    We've asked previously and nobody could be arsed *shrugs*
  3. rob275

    Jordan aka Smudge

    This really was a massive shock to me, i've known Jordan since I got my very first car and he's always been a great guy. It's taken until now for the shock to leave my system in all honesty. Knew he had been having a tough time but with how upbeat he always was always dishing out the banter I wouldn't in a million years think i'd be sitting here writing this... Today has reduced me to tears as he really was one of the nicest guys i've met, thoughts are with Michelle and family. Lets hope they successfully finish his V8 project off, he put so much time and effort in to it and never gave up despite all the set backs.
  4. rob275

    Directors wanted!

    @GravelRash It would certainly make sense for all to get together to discuss things. I'm stuck indoors for the foreseeable due to having Chemotherapy. Perhaps next month may be doable who knows.
  5. rob275

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    Can also get these ones which go up to a 5XL though they aren't as thick and don't feel as premium (which is why we pick the better one, though they only go up to a 2XL unfortunately) https://justhoodsbyawdis.com/products/JH050
  6. rob275

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    Stopped making them due to interest dying down. Need a minimum of 25 really to make it viable due to setup of the screen (current one would have expired) Currently only embroidered ones available as they can be produced as and when with no setup cost.
  7. rob275

    Sticky McSticker

    I'll get them out this weekend for you sorry I never get a spare minute to myself these days and should probably check the forums more. I'll pm you once I've got my finger out 😂
  8. rob275

    Review Corolla Hybrid 2.0

    @BRZ-123 They can be good on the motorway, you need to adjust your driving style drastically, you can't just sit on the pedal you need to feather it constantly to get the best out of them. I was regularly able to get 70-80mpg in my Auris when I had it. This would likely be a little less with the 2.0 Corolla.
  9. rob275

    Review Corolla Hybrid 2.0

    You could also use carwow to get a load off the corolla. I managed to get the touring sports with the JBL speakers and Pano roof for near enough £29k
  10. rob275

    Always on 12V power

    It's not wise to do it really, it's only going to show a badger or two knocking about.
  11. rob275


    Sorry David i'm not on here much lately so rely on emails telling me about orders. It appears i missed your one. Will post out today for you (You should have received an email to this effect.
  12. rob275

    Smudge's supercharged V8 build

    Do you know they swapped the fuel rails over? Or maybe the person that sold you it assumed it was an earlier engine because of said fuel rails.
  13. rob275

    Severe engine rattle

    Bound to be a few bad eggs in a mass produced car. You've clearly been unfortunate, but I wouldn't be concerned. It's why the warranty is there, thank yourself these things have been resolved during a warranty period and not found out after.
  14. rob275

    History of Car

    Was going to say not from round here as I live in Crawley.
  15. rob275

    Club stickers

    Did you receive these now? I guess it's worth me checking the postman hasn't stolen them for his transit 😂