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Everything posted by rob275

  1. rob275

    Best Brakes

    I find 15-20 minutes enough on track for me. Anything else my concentration seems to diminish. Which isn't what I want as it potentially puts myself and other circuit users in danger. So i'm after some pads that will just last that little bit longer with potentially a little bite. Best brakes is like a can of worms. It's clear so far from this thread there are many varying opinions and I guess it's much like tyres and geo setup. It's all down to personal preference. Obviously some opinion is nice but at the end of the day it should be your own choice
  2. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    19 Dec 2014 08:01:53 Croydon Out For Delivery. Potential reveal this evening! and if the weather is any good fitment also over the weekend
  3. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    Released by customs, so no drugs in it this time.
  4. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    No it was Jamie, get your irrelevant chat off my thread fools!
  5. Both units come with bluetooth functionality
  6. rob275

    Rear Lights Condensation

    Yeah I think just take it in and they will replace. They replace the whole light even though its just the foam behind it that is the issue.
  7. rob275

    Introducing DIXCEL Brake Pads

    Going to try some of these pads in the new year.
  8. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    I can neither confirm nor deny this.
  9. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    ETA Is next Monday, bloody customs.
  10. rob275

    Nige's GT86

    Good idea Nigel!
  11. rob275

    Robs S/C GT86 Project

    Package just landed at Heathrow, this one is for the showers not the go'ers though
  12. Stumbled upon this, Guy has balls, looks great
  13. rob275

    Nige's GT86

    Too generic, it's a dated engine these days anyway.
  14. rob275

    FI and tyre size

  15. rob275

    My first Avo ride!!

    Other project? Dave spill the beans?
  16. Yes you can contact the DVLA and explan your cause for wanting their information. If it is a legitimate reason, they can bypass the data protection act and provide you with their address. I'd say if you have evidence of an accident the DVLA would assist you here. Let us know how you get on and its nice to see someone actually caring for once so well done to you!
  17. Ian, You are welcome to test drive mine at any time, as for how loud it is, no it's not loud. It's audible above 5k but it's by no means loud. Anything below that my exhaust overpowers it to be honest with you. Bare in mind you don't have to get a twin screw charger.
  18. rob275

    Learner driver question!

    50mph is 54mph on speedo, 52 is 56.8mph(ish) in my car. Though it is very dependant on wheel diameter of course and also the car itself. Saying that the majority of cameras do not clock you until you do x amount over the limit. A general rule of thumb seems to be 10% +2 or so a copper told me once.
  19. rob275

    Learner driver question!

    Have no idea, perhaps they were left over from road works? haha
  20. rob275

    Learner driver question!

    They use infrared so work in the dark and do not use a film (minimal running costs), they all work unless explicitly stated they are not in use. They also don't take an average between each other, they can take and average between any of them and any number as far as I am aware.
  21. rob275

    Learner driver question!

    Take advantage of them, cameras can't see you if you're behind a truck... They are probably speeding for your benefit
  22. rob275

    Learner driver question!

    Speak to me when you get a worthy time in the TSS
  23. rob275

    Hello from tweedbean

    You know it makes sense, although that's a little gutting as it looks awesome