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About KatBeans

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  1. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    nah! Didn't want to overcrowd her .... its looking pretty perfect at the minute
  2. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Ok she's finished and no regrets with the decals! Now I just need to give her a name 5 days of driving and I'm officially in love
  3. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    I spend most weekends down heybridge basin .... You might see my car around there i hear there have been a few meets down there?
  4. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Took a pic of wing mirrors for you though couldn't get the detail right
  5. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Morning and thank you! You definitely didn't see mine .... First go on the road was yesterday brand new. I will be commuting in it to and from Ipswich though so keep an eye out
  6. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Cheers, to be honest this is a pretty big jump for me from my Yaris........ so wanted to go nuts.... so i suppose i will.... and ill be sure to share the final result on here.... cant even sleep now thinking about wanting to go driving....tomorrow will be the first day i look forward to my commute into work!
  7. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Thanks for the reassurances, I guess I'm just nervous in case I don't like the final result, but as you say, i can always have them removed afterwards... Ill take some closeups of the mirrors tomorrow and share, the carbon fibre is lovely, and was a nice surprise when i discovered rear parking sensors with the pack! (didn't realise at first) Either way, she's great to drive and im sure re-sale value will be pointless as I doubt i'll want to sell her anytime soon.
  8. KatBeans

    Urgent advice - Decals -!

    Hey everyone! My name is Katrina, and Im desperate for advice! So I'm as new as new can be, picked up my gorgeous Red GT86 this evening, with carbon propack, and had originally ordered roof and bonnet standard decals. Toyota have screwed up and the decals hadn't arrived yet, but they needed the sale put through before July, and I was more than happy to run off with my car, too eager to wait. Now I thought the plain red would look bland, and wanted mine to stand out a bit, however now all im reading online is how much everyone hates the roof and bonnet decals What do I do? do I tell them to not bother and refund my 200 quid? do i go ahead? or this going to effect the residual value of my car? do people really hate them so much? they are likely going to call me tomorrow to arrange a convenient time to take my car off me and do the decals, so any help urgently would be amazing!!!!! just a few sly pics of her down below... and hello to everyone!