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About WonkyJon

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  1. WonkyJon

    Wiring Sub

    There is a nice big grommet to the right of the battery (looking at the car from the front) that's easiest to get to with the battery removed. Apologies for not having better pictures, but you can see in the one where the cable isn't yet terminated the grommet used and the black plastic is the battery tray so hopefully enough to point you in the right direction Once in the car there's enough room under the carpet down the side of the passenger seat, up and behind the trim in the back and then into the boot.
  2. WonkyJon

    Cosworth catback

    Dom has first refusal pending pictures once it's off the car. There's been a lot of interest though so I'm going to get it off the car as soon as possible (weather/work depending. I'll pop the stock back on for the time being)
  3. WonkyJon

    Cosworth catback

  4. WonkyJon

    Cosworth catback

    As Steeps said, 3"
  5. WonkyJon

    Cosworth catback

    Cosworth catback up for sale. £400 I've not had it long since buying from another member on the forum but sadly my car is too low and the roads too bumpy, I don't want to scrape this exhaust and ruin a beautiful bit of kit so it's up for sale (and being replaced with a smaller diameter exhaust) My new exhaust won't be here for at least a week, maybe two so until that time comes I won't be able to ship out the Cosworth exhaust. I will however honour an agreement, if you want it I'll hold it and no money need change hands until it's off and ready to go. I will take better pictures once it's off the car First shout goes to those who showed an interest at JapFest Donny. Edit. This item is not new. I don't have the original purchase receipt and there's no warranty (not that anyone in their right mind would expect a warranty unless it's explicitly stated that it comes with a warranty on a second hand item. but no, no warranty. soz )
  6. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    A full month since I last did anything on the car, yikes! With show season well underway I didn't want to keep taking the interior in and out so I've not done too much on the car but following JapFest on Saturday I felt motivated to get something done on Sunday. It can sometimes be the small jobs that take a while and this was one of those jobs. I'd previously started on the power and earth connections to the battery but straight ring terminals were no good, 90 degree terminals were close but needed some tweaking so not a straightforward job but having looked at how to tackle it, I got it done. First up, chop the earth cable to length, 045 by WonkyJon, on Flickr then take a right angle ring terminal, fit it, find out 90 degrees is too tight. Order more ring terminals, grind the terminal off, bend a new terminal, fit it and jobs a good'un! I'll save pics of the failure, but the final article looks like this: 046 by WonkyJon, on Flickr and once attached... IMG_8284 by WonkyJon, on Flickr next up was the positive side of things, lesson learned I didn't crimp a single cable until I was sure it would fit. With the stock fuses on the battery terminal there was no way I could simply come out of the side (as the fuse block wouldn't fit back on) so I had to get a little bit destructive/creative. I split open the battery +ve terminal, dropped the bolt out and put a (slightly straightened) 90 degree ring terminal in the middle of the stock terminal. You'd think it would have just dropped on the bolt and the stock wiring on top but no, it was having none of it. 047 by WonkyJon, on Flickr After a test fit on the car I crimped the cable in place then bashed the ring terminal until it was back together and not springing apart any more. 048 by WonkyJon, on Flickr and then the heat shrink and labels were applied 049 by WonkyJon, on Flickr And back on the car 050 by WonkyJon, on Flickr And then with the stock +ve block/wiring fitted back over the top of it. 051 by WonkyJon, on Flickr 052 by WonkyJon, on Flickr The end result is 2awg wiring that hasn't changed the standard operation of the battery terminals and the red +ve cover fits just as it should. IMG_8276 by WonkyJon, on Flickr IMG_8284 by WonkyJon, on Flickr Next up was the fuse holder, another job where I spent an age looking at what to do, considered just sticking it on the battery but then a strip of metal in the garage caught my eye and a plan was formed. A simple platform, using stock bolts at both ends and a plate on the fuse block to clamp the two together. Forming the bracket 055 by WonkyJon, on Flickr After some cutting, filing and sanding I had the bracket and 'clamp' good to go 057 by WonkyJon, on Flickr 056 by WonkyJon, on Flickr Gave them a quick coat of paint 60 by WonkyJon, on Flickr then fitted to the car 61 by WonkyJon, on Flickr 62 by WonkyJon, on Flickr I know it's only a simple bracket but I'm pleased with how it turned out. Next I need to sort out the power cable into/out of the fuse holder...
  7. Awesome photos! I was just about to upload my photos, shan't bother now as yours make mine look like I used a potato instead of a camera
  8. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Thanks chap I've been doing this for years but mostly on the SPL side of things so the standard of finish hasn't really been high on my personal priority list. My last couple of SQ builds were done by James at Bloomz Car Audio, he'll do some bits on this one but I'm trying to get what I can done at a standard worthy of the Bloomz name... it just takes bloody ages doing things properly
  9. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Another small update, the RCA's have been 'made' and fitted, the power cables are in place and the sub speaker wire run into the boot area. First up, the RCA's. I went with the DD Audio Z wire for ease of construction. Simply cut the wire (straight, and don't squish it) then pop the RCA end on, do up the grub screw and that's it. done! 036 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 037 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Once one end was done the cable was braided and fitted into the car. This time because one end of the cable didn't yet have the RCA ends fitted it was a much more simple job, fitting the grommet then passing the cable through. 038 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 039 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 040 by Jon Clements, on Flickr and similar on the passenger side 041 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 042 by Jon Clements, on Flickr While I was there I tidied up the power cable, made sure all the ziptie pads were holding firmly, pulled the zipties tight and made sure everything was secure and tidy before popping the carpet back in. Passenger side with power from the battery (2awg), power cables (4awg) that run off to the sub amp under the drivers seat and the RCA cables all making their way out from under the carpet IMG_7889 by Jon Clements, on Flickr And drivers side with power cables, subwoofer speaker cable and RCAs 044 by Jon Clements, on Flickr The carpet will have to come out again to run the speaker wire loom but it had to go back in as I was at Mod-Nats at the weekend and wanted the car to be presentable even though I wasn't competing in anything. I'm now waiting on an adapter for the Match Audio loom to the Toyota headunit but plenty to be cracking on with while I wait!
  10. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Managed to do a bit more work on it this weekend, the progress doesn't look like much but some jobs are just slow going. Mostly cable routing with a bit of sound deadening... First up, the subwoofer speaker cable was braided, termination done and then fitted... 025 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 026 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 027 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Where the cable needs to connect to the amp it simply comes through the carpet IMG_7765 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Then I moved on to the RCA - there's only one, between the amp/dsp and the sub amp. There are a couple of handy holes in the brace under the front of the seat IMG_7768 by Jon Clements, on Flickr I used some rubber grommets to keep everything nice and safe and ran the cable through (although it was more like heat the grommet, fit it over the cables and then into the hole, bit of a pig to do but it got done) 030 by Jon Clements, on Flickr And then a fairly simple case of routing the cable 031 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 032 by Jon Clements, on Flickr The RCA routes the same way on the other side so not much point in posting pictures, especially as it's had to come back out again. It's a fairly short run so the RCA I have is about 2.5 meters too long! I'll make up my own RCA to the correct length, possibly some time this week. Then I moved on to the power, again this has to go from passenger side to drivers side. (earth cable not braided at this moment in time, it is now) 033 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Again, much of a muchness on the other side. And lastly for this weekend, a bit more deadening. The boot floor is a tinny, thin bit of metal and needed a reasonable amount of damping material to get it to stop ringing like a bell. 034 by Jon Clements, on Flickr I then applied some 6mm Dodosuperliner over the top - it's not overly heavy but should help dampen noises down a little. 035 by Jon Clements, on Flickr A few other small jobs done, nothing pic worthy but some prep on the speaker cable runs and that's it for this weekend. Slow progress, but progress none the less
  11. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Yep, seen yours chap, very nice work! I had reservations about the midrange too but given that at the CAS event some of the best in the business (Lee, James, Nige, Richard, to name a few) said it would be a good shout I'm willing to give it a go. I fully expect to beef up the mounting somehow, I just need to figure out what that 'somehow' is! (the dash might have to come out ) Tweeters, yeah, a simple pillar build/pods. I'm still someway off getting to that point so I've not put much thought into it as yet.
  12. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Slow progress, but progress none the less. I was expecting to have to spend more time doing house 'stuff' but due to incompetent delivery people I instead got some time on the car With the drivers side amp mounting done, it was time to move on to the passenger side. More checking of position and more drilling of holes for rivnuts. 015 by Jon Clements, on Flickr With that done it was time to get the carpet back in and check for clearance under the seats. Drivers side 017 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Passenger side 016 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Passenger side clearance 019 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Drivers side clearance IMG_7665 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Its hard to get a decent picture but the passenger side is fine, the seat moves freely. On the drivers side it moves freely around my usual position but if I want to slide the seat all the way forward I have to lift the seat a little using the height adjuster. a minor inconvenience for the very few times I'll ever need to move my seat. With the amps positioned it was time to move on to cabling. The designer of the car was kind enough to put a bloody huge grommet on the passenger side. 020 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Another cable went through there (pos and neg in 2 awg) but I didn't grab a pic as yet. Cables were run along the sill as there is a bit of room there to put them (not a lot though!) held in place with cable ties. 021 by Jon Clements, on Flickr The cables pop out from under the carpet and into the distribution block 022 by Jon Clements, on Flickr And from there, off to the amp/dsp. 023 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Finished off the day with a smidge more deadening, this time in the rear quarters: IMG_7709 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Next job is getting the 4 awg cable over to the drivers side, but that will have to wait until this weekend And that's where the build currently sits. I'll update as I go from here on in
  13. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Did a little more interior removal yesterday, centre console and carpets are now out 005 by Jon Clements, on Flickr And a literal drop in test of the mid midrange speakers. happily there is plenty of room in there for them 006 by Jon Clements, on Flickr My fibreglass order hasn't arrived as yet so I'll move on to looking at the amp placement. I'd like them to go under the front seats, with the carpet in they were a bit of a tight squeeze but now the carpet is out I'll have another check. Fixings are in place for the sub amp which is going under the drivers seat. This required taking the seat out and putting it back 3 times but with a little tweaking and a little cutting I finally managed to get the amp to fit without fouling anything in my normal driving position and, should I need to move the seat I just need to lift the seat a little and there's plenty of clearance for full movement of the seat. Holes drilled and painted. not pretty but does the job (and this is the only time you'll see it) 007 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Rivnuts fitted 008 by Jon Clements, on Flickr All four done 009 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Nervous moment when I checked I'd measured and cut correctly but happy to confirm, the holes in the amp and the holes in the floor line up. 010 by Jon Clements, on Flickr I then had a quick look at the passenger side, another amp and power distribution to go under there but the Audison 4 way distro is a bit too big for my plans so need to re-think that part of things. So I moved on to a known rattle spot in the car, the rear shelf. I quickly identified the culprit, one of the box of electronics isn't held in too well, has a metal base and a plastic case that rattles against the base. A smidge of deadening was applied. Enough to get the job done.... 011 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Some parts of the shelf were also particularly 'tinny' so they got a bit of treatment too. 012 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 013 by Jon Clements, on Flickr And to finish off for the day, a bit more deadening on the boot lid. This is particularly thin and flat so I gave it a half decent amount of silent coat. 014 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Thats probably all I'll get done this weekend...
  14. WonkyJon

    SQ oriented build log

    Hi all, I've been a member of TalkAudio (now TalkStuff) for a fair while and done a fair bit of competing in both dB Drag and EMMA events and my builds have always been accompanied by a build log. I thought I'd share it with you guys over here, so here it is... After 7 months of ownership and a few performance/visual changes to the car I've decided now is a good time to put some time into the sound side of things. None audio wise it's had suspension, wheels, manifold, EcuTek tune and a raft of other 'goodies'. 001 by Jon Clements, on Flickr As with my previous SQ oriented cars I'll be looking to be sympathetic to the stock look of the car which means nothing more than a tweeter build to imply anything has been changed and being a #racecar means I'm not looking to add a huge amount of weight (minimal deadening!) The plan is to use existing kit where possible, adding to it where needed. Current kit list is: DLS R5a tweeters DLS Scandinavia 3 mid-range (new addition) Match Audio 6.5" midbass Match Audio PP 82DSP Match Audio MA 10FX (sub amp) Subs - Kicker S10d (The proper ones. Old round solobaric) I've made a start on stripping the car down so it currently looks like this: 002 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 003 by Jon Clements, on Flickr 004 by Jon Clements, on Flickr Once I've finished gutting the car the first thing to do is sort those doors out. I won't be adding a ton of deadening but there are some pretty big holes that need covering up so I'll make fibreglass panels to cover them. Once that's done I'll look at amp placement and get the cabling runs done.
  15. WonkyJon

    Speaker Baffle Template

    Thanks for creating and sharing this chap. I'm just getting started on the audio in mine and stuff like this is very helpful indeed!