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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Gringo's 86

    Let us know how you get on. I've never really been convinced by changing brake lines to braided lines, but I guess you'll need to feel a difference for the review! Yes, the blasted Primacy tyres do last a long time. Used to get 14K out of a set of rears. Half that now with the Yokos.
  2. Lauren

    Hi from Scotland

    Already got the stainless exhaust. You can keep your Mikunis, who wants obsolete technology?
  3. Lauren

    Social drive including coffee or beer

    I'm still up for this. Who else is? 1. Lauren 2. Mark (AE86- possibly) 3. Neal 4. 5. 6. 7.
  4. Lauren

    Recall Notice: Power Steering Defect

    Yep, it's no different, but no surprise there.
  5. Lauren

    Ben's BRZ

    Welcome aboard, LFA's old car. I saw it out at the track a couple of times when Ed had it. For checking the oil pressure, think you have to check it after running and let it sit for five minutes.
  6. Lauren

    Is this car good value?

    I think the trouble you'll have running in a completely stock class is the relative lack of grip with the Primacy tyres. But, maybe give it a go, see if it's competitive.
  7. Lauren

    Is this car good value?

    It's a mistake that seems to proliferate in many for sale ads for some reason. But yes, well spotted, stock 17x7's on that. As are all Giallos.
  8. Lauren

    Hi from down south

    Welcome aboard. Will's cunning plan sounds like what you need. Only you can decide of course. Do your research, speak to as many people as possible. Usually the best way.
  9. Lauren

    Is this car good value?

    Good stuff, Bob. Mine has done three years worth of the Toyota Sprint Series, been round Alps both clockwise and anti-clockwise and also been out to the old 'east' of Germany! 90K miles and it's been utterly reliable. I'm guessing given you will be competing in it, a few upgrades will be happening?
  10. I'll have a look at coming to that, bit of a trek for me at 50 miles away though. Would be nice to see the RA28. Maybe I should try and come in the AE86?
  11. I may well pop along to this on Sunday. I've been before it's an alright little meet to go to. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1658247834424947/ Botany Brow PR6 9AF Chorley. Meet is normally 1pm till around 4pm. There's food and drink available there. Let me know if you're interested.
  12. Well, the weather is brightening up, the rain has stopped. See you all there later.
  13. Lauren

    Hi from Scotland

    Pretty much everyone swops out the stock exhaust. If you want it to sound nice, swop out the exhaust and add an induction kit. Makes it sound pretty good at 7K revs. Though it still doesn't come close to my AE86 for induction noise.
  14. Lauren

    Prep begins

    Easy. Red and white.
  15. Lauren

    Prep begins

    I tell you what, Kev, there can be no lengths too far to go to, to get away from the ginger. Well done!
  16. Lauren

    Is this car good value?

    The deal with the two clubs is simple. Four of us approached the other forum and suggested that they turn it into a not for profit club so we could fund events for the members. This was declined as the other site makes money from advertising with the then owner not having any particular interest in the cars and running numerous forums, solely for that reason. So we decided to setup a not for profit club so we could support events through revenue generated by traders and membership. The other forum banned the four directors of this club when we registered the company. This is why we have far more events because we are able to use the club to pay and book events etc. None of us have any issue with the OC, rather their issue is with us. As for the Giallo, it's a limited run of 86 cars, so they don't come up that often, but more will do so as the car ages of course. It does seem a high price mind. But if you love the yellow, then it could be for you.
  17. Cars will always be noisier, on drive-by. Induction noise, wheels etc. A static noise test just measures the exhaust.
  18. Lauren

    Hello from the Highlands

    Nice, welcome aboard. Any plans for the car?
  19. Lauren

    Big Brakes On Track

    I've had Stoptech pads on the for the last year. I compete in the sprint series and do the odd track day. They've actually been pretty good. Of course it depends how you drive on track. If you just slam on the brakes on the approach to every corner, then not much will cope. But if you have a degree of progression to your braking and are sympathetic, I find them absolutely fine on track. I'll tend not to do more than five laps or so at a time, just for the sake of not murdering the car and oil temp and all that, but they work well enough and there is no squeal at all. Given their price, it's a win-win situation.
  20. Lauren

    GT86 Servicing & BRZ Servicing

    Look at your manual, details are in there. But 4th year or 40K is the same as 2nd year/20K.
  21. Lauren

    Hi from Scotland

    Just checked, all these leather seat options are fitted at the port of entry (Portbury docks), there is no such thing as a 'factory fit' option, hope that clears it up.
  22. Lauren

    Hi from Scotland

    I'm sorry for being a 'know it all'. Google is quite good if you're not sure how to spell a word, I find.
  23. Lauren

    Hi from Scotland

    I had a pro-install with a slightly different set of Focals, but my understanding is the plug and pray ones are not hard to fit and use existing mounting points and wiring, so it's just matter of removing the old ones and plugging the new ones in. Rob fitted a set for another member. Have fun in your car when you pick it up. You'll certainly enjoy those back roads.
  24. Great pics as always, Will. Cheers.
  25. Lauren

    Valenti lights for sale

    Pics and price please Mark. This isn't ebay you know.