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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    GT86 Facelift pic

    It looks fine and in all honesty I never pass judgement on cars or revisions until I've seen them a number of times. Once people get used to it, my best guess is they'll like it. People just can't cope with change it seems.
  2. Lauren


    Aha, I wondered who bought Jonathan's car. Welcome aboard. That car had my old winter tyres on and spare set of OEM wheels. I'll bet that was interesting trying to get the power down, or go round a corner! Jonathan had Teins on it before he removed all the bits.
  3. Lauren

    Bassett's GT86

    They always carry out a vehicle inspection. You should get a video of it emailed to you. RRG Macclesfield do this as a matter of course now.
  4. Lauren

    Suspension setups question

    It allows the damper rate to vary according to the G-force levels, so it increases the damper rate as you corner, brake and accellerate. It is programmable, so I find that the increase in damper rate helps when I corner, which is what the EDFC Active Pro is for. I've never changed my anti-roll bars, you want some suspension movement to allow it to work, particularly so on the road. Increasing the size of the ARB's will increase the spring rate effectively under load. On bumpy roads, this will increase the chances of traction problems. A 7/7kg spring rate I think is high for UK roads. Most run 6/6kg with the Tein Flex. I use 5/6kg.
  5. Hi Joe, you need to upload pics with prices, it's the rules.
  6. Lauren

    Abarth 124 Spider

    I think it looks pretty good. Will be interesting to see how it reviews in the likes of EVO etc.
  7. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    Looks like a nice bit of kit. How does it drive?
  8. Lauren

    "New" Top Gear

    The best bit was Harris in the Ferrari's! But even though I'm not a mega fan of Ken Block, I appreciate how cool it is to be able to do what he did around the streets of the City of London. Quite something! Extra Gear was good too. Very happy with the change since Clarkson et al., have left.
  9. Lauren

    Grey Import BRZ

    JDM cars don't have that, no need.
  10. Lauren

    Wiper Blades

    I would honestly just go to the dealer. OEM blades seem to pretty much always work the best. If you can just change the rubbers it's cheap enough. Even the whole unit with the blade is only about £18 IIRC.
  11. Lauren

    Grey Import BRZ

    Hi Barry, wow that is unusual, not seen any JDM imports of the GT or BRZ over here yet. In respect of the Km/h thing, I'm not sure there is an easy way, you may need to find a UK dash, which will be likely where the difference is. Then plugging in a UK dash I think would just likely work straight out of the box. You may want to consider the GT86 dash over the UK BRZ as it's much nicer. You could just carry on using Km/h, I must admit, I use that in all my cars having had a number of imports, you just get used to it after a while. I suspect the reverse beeper is simply down to disconnecting a wire, though I'm not sure whether it would be on the gearbox, or related to the dash which thinking about it is more likely. I hired a GT limited GT86 when I was in Japan and it was seriously poverty spec, though I could have had a higher spec more like the UK cars and an English satnav if I wanted an auto (which I obviously didn't). So what are the difference on your BRZ apart from the obvious Km/h settings?
  12. Lauren

    Bassett's GT86

    I really wouldn't worry about using a dealership, though there are undoubtedly the odd rogue dealer around, most will be absolutely fine with your car. I don't think people should distrust them more than any other garage you leave your car with. Battery is a common issue, a lot of us have had this changed under warranty.
  13. Lauren

    "New" Top Gear

    I have to say, I think they totally nailed it. So many good articles even the SIARPC was quite good fun, though I never seem to know who they are. But, yeah, nothing to moan about at all, some really interesting cars and it so works to use other presenters on the main show. Quite a coup to get to drift round London as well.
  14. Lauren

    noise not sure what it is?

    I'd be frankly amazed if a wheel bearing had gone already. The best way to check is to drive past a concrete wall and put your window down, it sounds like chattering. I've done over 85K and not had any replaced.
  15. Lauren

    Young newbie forum user

    Welcome aboard, Bert, you've come to the right place! That's a long old trip down from Edinburgh, but next time you're down let us know as there are plenty of us around the Manchester area and we're always up for a meet up. There are some owners with the Tuning Developments turbo kit on their cars and a number of us with remaps from there.
  16. Lauren

    Hopeful future BRZ owner, need some advice

    I think the cars will easily be in reach, after all they are around the £15K mark now at four years old, so I don't think you'll have a problem there. I'm not really seeing the BRZ holding it's value more than the GT86 (same car after all), but you'll probably have to travel to find a WR Blue BRZ, but again, can't see a problem with that. In terms of RWD, yes, easy car to learn on, chassis doesn't have any nasty surprises, but best thing to do is book a track day and get some tuition.
  17. Lauren

    Milltek Resonated or Non-Resonated?

    Depends who you're with. My remap added nothing, so I added it to the insurance a year before I got round to doing it. But if you're going to change the manifold then probably best to hold off on the remap until you've done all the bits you want to do.
  18. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    I think you've missed my point about cost. But if you're not bothered about doing the TSS anyway, is there any point in discussing it?
  19. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    To a point it's more likely about cost, I would say and keeping the class competitive. A coilover setup like your's at the cost it is, would be seen as very much more into the professional category. These are meant to be road cars in the N1 Street class after all. If everyone had to spend £4K on a coilover setup it would put people off. The Pro class is for those who want to spend the spondulas and be racing drivers and all that.
  20. Lauren

    Milltek Resonated or Non-Resonated?

    I'd say lose the second cat whilst you're at it. It's not that loud really. That's what I did (though I have an overpipe too) losing the cat made a bigger difference I think, though such things are marginal of course. But there's no drone on the motorway it's not silly loud at all.
  21. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    Regulations are regulations, so you would be in the Pro class on your own. At least you'd win. Sounds good though, will be interesting to see what they are like. As you say it should be a decent step up from what you currently have. I'm spending a whole load on new suspension for the car I hardly drive, the AE86. I could never do it though as I like racing in the biggest class, more of a challenge and all that. But, sure, come along and see if you can trounce the N1 Street class.
  22. Lauren

    Milltek Resonated or Non-Resonated?

    The ones that seem to have issues come MOT time are those that fit, cheap aftermarket high flow cats. Either spend decent money on a high flow cat, or keep one of the stock ones in and you'll have no problem.
  23. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    Interesting. So why these and spec, cost etc? I fear there is no chance of you ever doing the TSS now.
  24. Lauren

    Recommend me some tyres!

    Yes, not too much grip, Maurice, so you can still light them up should you so wish. That's what I like about them, not too grippy.