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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. I programmed mine to lock as I don't drive around with the doors unlocked, so was happy to put this feature on my car. It's only if you want to open the door with the engine running that you need to then unlock it manually.
  2. No, but how many people actually have? I'm sure you are, so it seems a bit odd that you are having issues. Never noticed it, but driven quite a few miles.
  3. If you have the autolock on which locks the door when you depress the clutch, it will only unlock again when you turn the engine off. I seem to constantly have to tell passengers to wait for me to turn the engine off!
  4. Lauren

    Pitman's Toyota Sprint Series car

    That's cool, Dave, but didn't the car have power steering as stock? Okay I have to admit, on Mark's Yaris it is pretty dreadful, thought it was a hydraulic system on the stock car?
  5. You don't need a remap to drive the car smoothly. It's just basic finesse. Rear demist sorts out the rear screen.
  6. Lauren

    My eyes are bleeding

    It's Jon's car. Recovered as stolen but there's no explanation as to what that was all about. It apparently went through auction and this trader now has it.
  7. Lauren

    Pitman's Toyota Sprint Series car

    It's not really meant in a negative way. After all why interpret a folly as negative? I do think both you and Nigel have gone to extraordinary lengths with your car and that is to be applauded, even if I don't really get quite why. It does seem odd though to spend so much money simply to prove a point when it's your own money, but again, your choice. But, if it motivates you, fine. I suppose I thought that a better idea (okay it doesn't cost as much) would have been to buy a Yaris T Sport, get out in the TSS this year, spend your money on driver tuition. I think having an under powered car teaches you more because you have to carry the momentum into the corners, rather than relying on power alone to blast you along the straights. But that's just my 'self opinionated' opinion which you don't agree with. None of this was meant to upset you, I'm just trying to understand why I guess.
  8. Lauren


    Noise issues at Thruxton which are long standing. I would love to go there as I think it's the only circuit I've never driven with the exception of Llandow where I decided it wasn't worth driving.
  9. Lauren


    The south lacks usable tracks though, with the exception of Combe perhaps. Brands probably too expensive, Thruxton is a no go, Goodwood problematic due to noise issues. Pembrey is a trek but quite good. Llandow nearer but a waste of time. We use Snett though. If you look at last year's calendar, the circuits are not nothern based, only Croft is really in the north and Cadwell is 'north' midlands. Blyton is midlands and then you had Woodbridge and Snett which are in the south.
  10. Lauren


    That's a shame it would have been nice to see out there. With the exception of a mere two hours to Blyton, Snettt is over 4 hours away, but it is a problem to a point with the rounds being focused on the eastern side of the country. Some though, like Cadwell and Croft are well worth a trek I reckon. Best circuits are in the north of course which can't be helped.
  11. Lauren

    Pitman's Toyota Sprint Series car

    It's your car to do with as you wish, don't have an issue with that.
  12. They should heat up quickly, i.e. you should start to feel it if you put it on the 'rapid heating setting', by pushing the button down on the forward position. It's not a high position, it just heats them up. Then put them to the other position and it maintains it. I find mine excellent and use them all the time.
  13. Lauren

    RWYB Santa Pod - Sunday 28th Feb 2016

    No chance I'm afraid. Not interested in straightline junkie stuff and I hate Santa Pod as it's a terrible venue, overpriced with rubbish facilities.
  14. Lauren


    Well, if you're not in it, you won't know. Got to have something to aim for and all that. I had to work pretty hard to win my class, but that's what competition is about.
  15. Lauren


    Why not compete in the NA class? @knightryder, excuses, excuses. Just get the right tyres. Snett isn't up north, neither is Blyton. I travel a very long way from Manchester to most of the rounds with Blyton Park being the nearest at two hours away.
  16. Lauren

    Pitman's Toyota Sprint Series car

    It's up to you, but that's a huge amount of effort for car that will have no value in monetary terms at the end of it and probably won't be eligible to compete in very much apart from what you're buidling it for. You may end up with no competition in your class as well. I always think it's better to evenly match cars, but that's just me of course. But your money and choice of course. I think you're mad, but that's just my opinion. Mark has a stock Yaris, it's crap. I'm being kind. ;)
  17. Lauren

    RWYB Santa Pod - Sunday 28th Feb 2016

    Never been up the strip myself, so I can't comment with any authority.
  18. Lauren


    Yes a bit small on the class sizes for FI it seems. I wonder if it's because those that put turbos and SC's on their cars don't seem up for competing. Strange really!
  19. Lauren

    RWYB Santa Pod - Sunday 28th Feb 2016

    You won't get over 100mph on the 1/4 mile with an NA.
  20. Lauren

    A few noobish questions

    No idea tbh, though it's not on by default. Two second job to turn it on though.
  21. Lauren

    A few noobish questions

    Yes, you need to turn on the gear indicator. It's a matter of pressing the odometer button IIRC with the ignition on auxiliaries, i.e. first push. You just toggle it on and off.
  22. Lauren

    ... a refugee from Lotus

    My TE37's at 8" wide (17's) are 7.4kg though they should be 7.2kg without the powder coat. It really makes a big difference though in every area. I also run stock width tyres, though currently Yoko Advans V105. They are a good tyre but struggle with standing water if you're going quickly. I think an 8" rim just pulls the sidewall nice and tight (still within spec) and helps sharpen things up a tad as you lose the sidewall flex. 7.5's will be better than OEM 7's of course. Have you decided on suspenders yet and what you're going for?
  23. Lauren


    Well you could go the halfway house type of thing and just fit a turbo etc and compete in the F1S or is it F2S can never remember and be up the against the likes of Rob if he CBA to compete and maybe a few others. Not a big class though. N1 Street is the biggest class. I reckon I may have to polybush my rear end as something feels a bit wayward at the moment. 77K miles though will take it's toll of course. You'll be pleased to know I've got no mods planned really, just want to put a dent into paying the car off as three years are up at the end of Jan.
  24. Lauren

    ... a refugee from Lotus

    Welcome aboard! Are the Enkei's really 7.2kg? That's a very good saving.