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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren


    Welcome aboard! I've not driven or been in a Cayman so difficult to say. Though reviews would say the Cayman is the better car.
  2. I would add though, well done for getting back on track, it's what you need to do after a big off.
  3. Sorry I could see the stability control kicking in at times, so thought it was in sport mode. I've never driven my car with everything on, all I know is it cuts in sooner. You were going too fast to make the turn, hence the understeer, but you may have kept the brakes on, which would make it worse. I was driving with everything off, so had more control over the car, better suspension etc so stuff like that would make a difference. It was unfortunate of course and I do feel for you, was horrible seeing you in the wall as I went past. I think it's down to experience and sometimes at that point you get away with it and sometimes of course you don't. Don't worry I've learnt the hard way before too.
  4. I think you can see it's in sport mode. Still can't defy the laws of physics though. Way too fast on the entry speed with only half the width of the track available.
  5. Lauren

    GT86/BRZ forum split

    Toyota did Subaru a favour in effect. Plus the practicalities of Subaru being able to build it at their production rates (smaller than Toyota of course) may well have suited Toyota and Subaru. The boxer engine became key to the concept with it's low COG. All these things helped of course. Key to the concept was having a car that was fun to drive and would revive Toyota nuts enthusiasm as a fun car with an FR layout and emulate the AE86 of who the now older enthusiasts such as myself who would remember the AE86 and love the idea of a modern take on it.
  6. Lauren

    GT86/BRZ forum split

    That's a tad simplistic, Nigel. Toyota brought the collaboration to Subaru with their concept of a car to be the spiritual successor to the AE86 with design cues from the 2000GT. It's not a nod to any Subaru design as such. Subaru supplied the mechanicals, but for example Toyota did five different revisions to the gearbox to get the feel right and gave Subaru their expertise on the direct injection stuff. Toyota were very much involved in this project as we all know. So it's a lot more than a Subaru that Toyota paid for.
  7. Lauren

    GT86/BRZ forum split

    Come on, without Toyota, Subaru would never have put this car into production. It was Toyota persuading Subaru to get in on it all. The story is easy to find on all the collaboration stuff. I bought a GT86 because I have an AE86 and have known RRG Macc since around 2002. I would never have considered the BRZ and the reviews pointed to a more lairy nature of the spring setup on the GT86 so there was never any doubt. I prefer the GT86 front end and interior. It was a no brainer as far as I was concerned. I've been to the factory where the cars are built at Maebashi, Gunma.
  8. Lauren

    GT86 Final drive kit

    So you've changed your final drive in time for Cadwell then.
  9. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    I guess though it's a bit different with a 700bhp Celica though! But I don't understand why anyone with an NA would want less power if you see what I mean from a remap? Doesn't make sense. I'd want more which is what I expect everyone else would want too. I don't think your crash is relevant to this. Also Jamie made even less power. I've no idea if his exhaust doesn't help, but overall I admit I'd expect more.
  10. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    Keith, I dont understand how anyone would expect a remap to lose them power. My best guess is that your second remap lost you power. Jamie's was low too. If my car was remapped I would expect it to produce more power, not less. On the other hand, Adam's stage 3 turbo made within 3bhp of what Adrian said it would, which is impressive. I think this is telling me that a remap without using a rolling road is not the way to go. I don't want to remap my car and lose power!
  11. Lauren

    Oil Leaking into Manifold

    That turned into a big job Steve! Still at least it will be done properly now. Bit of a game having to take the engine out though.
  12. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    Great day, LOL, Jo! Good to meet you, hopefully you can join us all for a curry night when I organise it! Yes, the sound of that 4AGE in my AE86, I never tire of it, I admit. And Indy is proven to add power. It is interesting that I got more peak power than the two remapped NA's. I'm not mocking and they probably have better power curves than I do, but I would have expected a remapped car to make better power than one without even at peak power. So the likelyhood of me having a remap is dropping I think. Was good to see everyone and yes, great getaway, Mark! The food was good and it was nice catch up with Mike and the crew. We'll have to get you, Nick and Gary out for a winter curry sometime. Thanks for putting on a great day. I was pleased to see that both of my cars are in good health. The AE86 was far from optimised but it's a rebuilt engine that has only just been run in, so great to know nothing is wildly out. Also really impressed with my GT for making exactly the same power as it did two years at 10k miles and now with 64000 miles more on the clock! That's one good engine and it uses no oil at all. All I do is ensure it is well maintained and enjoys the care of RRG Macc'. It's not had an easy life either with three sojourns round Europe and the Alps and two years of the TSS. Happy days.
  13. Lauren

    Stumbled across from the dark side...

    Welcome aboard, Paul. We're a pretty friendly bunch with a lot of events going on, we just like to get out and about in our cars. Hope to see you at some meets.
  14. Lauren

    New GT86 running in?

    What's your oil consumption like Faith? Just out of interest.
  15. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    Oh the sound is to die for, Mike. I've been out in it today and that induction noise..... Will sound good on the rollers I think!
  16. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    We're bringing up both cars, but the AE86 for a dyno run as it's run in now.
  17. Lauren

    Toyota S-FR coupe

    It's a really interesting little car, looking forward to hearing more about it.
  18. Lauren

    Disks and pads

    I've ran the Stoptech pads for a while now. Must be getting on for 20K miles, but I admit, it's hard to keep up as I do so much mileage. They're fine and they're a fair bit cheaper. No squeal at all and the dust doesn't seem to be any worse than the stock pads. They seem to work fine on the road. They slightly lack the bite of the OEM pads when cold, but really you just get used to it. They still work fine though. I'm running OEM discs if that helps, I'm on my third set.
  19. Lauren

    TSS Celica GT PREP

    Well at least Cadwell is a nice easy circuit to try it on. Guess it's a case of suck it and see, not sure about toe out though, but you'll have to see.
  20. Lauren

    Nige's Wide Body Project

    I think it's interesting that you are doing this, but given that the stock roof is 0.65mm thick and already incredibly light I would think, what is the point of doing it? I guess if you just want to do it because you can that's fine, but it does seem a tad unnecessary.
  21. Lauren

    Bye pearl white...

    Blimey! Enjoy the last 24 hours with your car! Sort of sad really. Interested to know about the replacement.
  22. Lauren

    Northern Meet/Open Day @ Tuning Developments

    Could go out for a meal, though I've no idea about Warrington, it's not famous for it's cuisine as far as I know.
  23. It's not diesel! There is a slippery bit where the road goes off camber as you turn left at the roundabout leaving RRG and if you accelerate hard in lane two just as it starts to go right the car will slide.
  24. Lauren

    New GT86 running in?

    Manual says keep below 4000rpm for 1000 miles. I didn't particularly with mine, though I was careful. I varied the revs a lot, though and gradually increase it during the first 1000miles, so I didn't go from 4000rpm maximum to the redline the moment I went past 1000miles IYSWIM. I've done 74000miles my car uses no oil and has been trouble free in that respect.