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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Custom exhaust JP Macclesfield

    I'd go and have it done properly, fitted to your car etc. You can always pop in to RRG Macc, get a bit of lunch out etc.
  2. You even admit to it? * *shuffles away.
  3. Yes, already paid for weeks ago. Doesn't seem to be any issues at the moment.
  4. Okay people, Jeff and Chris, let me know what you're doing in Lake Garda and we'll try and meet up. I can recommend pizza and litre glasses of beer in Sirmione. Let me know what days/evenings you are around and we'll make it so.
  5. Lauren

    Silchester mini meet 19th July

    Very good. Why the long face?
  6. Lauren

    Jap car shows, events etc

    Japfest at Castle Combe around the middle of May is the big one. We had a track session to ourselves this year, well we shared it with the AE86 guys which made it a bit more special I think. A lot of us compete in the Toyota Sprint Series as there is a GT86 cup. Much prefer this to the 20 minute sessions you get at shows, plus there is the competitive element. JAE is the other huge show. No track action but you can drive a drift car like a number of us are doing. It's a great party and the best social of the year spread over four days. This is one for the clubs rather than the public. Don't miss it. Whilst the cars may not move much there will be plenty going on to spectate as well as a large array of tuner stands etc.
  7. Lauren

    Potential BRZ owner

    Subaru are really concentrating their sales on North America, so that would make sense.
  8. Lauren

    One on order - new GT86 in GT86 Blue

    That's very odd, but salesmen have been known to talk tosh on occasions. The name wouldn't be changed, it's 8-6 for a reason. Can't see any likely possibility of a GT3 version, it makes no sense at all really.
  9. Lauren

    Potential BRZ owner

    MY2016 model is already out. I think it's just the usual long wait from Subaru. I wonder if they only build to order rather than shipping a load to the UK that are here ready like Toyota do?
  10. Lauren

    New croydon based owner

    Welcome aboard.
  11. Lauren

    JDM North Meet, 2nd August, Trafford Asda

    Going to be in Italy on holiday. Sorry.
  12. Lauren

    Potential BRZ owner

    Good news, but that really is a horrifically long wait!
  13. Lauren

    Rally armour mud flaps Yay or nay?

    Ones from Toyota were £110 for a set.
  14. Lauren

    Drivers club structure and background

    We don't actually have any moderators, just directors as there isn't much to moderate thankfully.
  15. Lauren

    Drivers club structure and background

    Yes, Keith, I stand corrected Trustee was the term I was looking for.
  16. Lauren

    Drivers club structure and background

    There was never a mission statement, but I don't believe in such things, it's a bit of an outdated fad in my opinion. In a nutshell, there were a number of us that wished for the other forum to become a non-profit organisation using the forum income to help provide and fund events for members. They didn't want to do that, so we setup our own club which is a non-profit limited company to limit our liability. We were then banned from the other club the moment we became directors. That's it. The directors are: Me Rob Keith Alec Spec K is club secretary, but not a director. We decided to setup our own club at Japfest 2013. I am already a director of another club, IMOC-UK, so I knew about how to set it up and run it.
  17. Lauren

    Best Way To Run In New GT86...

    What I said previously. I'm sure everyone wants the best power and therefore economy from their engine. Running in won't be economical of course.
  18. Lauren

    Best Way To Run In New GT86...

    Okay, the 4000rpm limit is for those who have no understanding of such things. It's a safe way to run an engine in. So you could do that. It's better though to fully load the engine when it's warm. For example full throttle in second to 4000rpm then lift off and do this at least every time you drive it. Increase the RPM's as the mileage goes up. Vary the revs, get the engine under load, this helps seal the rings. Do not use cruise control and speed up and slow down if you are on the motorway. Also don't just cruise in 6th, use 5th as well to work the engine. I increased my rev limit as I went, with it starting at 4000rpm so by the time I had done 500 miles I was up to 5000rpm and by the time I had done a 1000 miles I was up to 7000rpm. One I went over a 1000miles I was redlining it regularly. I still do! My car hasn't used any oil in 65K miles. I think it's better to run the engine in harder than it is to run it in softer. The absolute worst thing you can do is labour the engine. So don't cruise around at 1000rpm in top gear. In fact never ever do that. I was careful to keep the revs at at least 2000rpm. Obviously now 1500rpm is a minimum. For the first 1000 miles try using one gear lower than you normally would.
  19. Lauren

    Insurance canceled

    Is that really necessary Dave? After all he is not insured with Prestige, but a number of us are!
  20. Lauren

    At a Showroom

    It is leather! Mine hasn't worn badly at all in over 65K miles!
  21. Lauren

    86 owner in Nottingham

    If you do the Peak District I'm sure some of us in the NW would be up for it.
  22. Lauren

    New GT86 owner... Picked it up today!

    Just start a new thread. It's fine, if that's what you want to do.
  23. Lauren

    GT86 Alarm Unit Programming Codes

    It should only beep if you mess it up. I do this at time. I open the boot from the inside. Then get out the car lock it, which will cause it to beep because the boot is open. Same scenario if you try and lock it with the bonnet open of course. It shouldn't beep at all in normal use.
  24. Lauren

    Gringo's 86

    Ooh that's a bit of a shame about the windscreen chip. May be repairable? I've got a couple in mine that have been there for well over a year, not quite that big though.