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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Stop the press! Just seen Chris Evans on the One Show saying they will hold auditions. Anyone can apply! There'll be some strong competition there.
  2. Here's the current ones in the running in regard to female http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/jun/17/top-gear-female-presenter-chris-evans-jodie-kidd-suzi-perry It's really interesting I think. Really VBH has all boxes ticked and they need a racing driver in there as it's not Evans. Jodie also ticks the boxes though her presenting needs work. Don't think Suzi is right. Not convinced of her knowledge. As for the other two, well they're unknowns to me. They'd need to be total petrolheads.
  3. I don't think there will be any problem getting a good female presenter who knows her stuff about cars. They do exist!
  4. Lauren

    2nd service

    The diff oil being changed is part of the service, so it should be included in the price!
  5. Lauren

    2nd service

    That is a silly price for a 2nd service, Dan. Take it elsewhere.
  6. Looks like it's shaping up: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33162666 Chris Evans has the blessing of the others. Sounds like they're trying to work out which female presenter is right for the job. No news on who the third presenter will be though. But generally it looks like Evans is grabbing this with both hands, so there may be promise yet.
  7. Also look how well TG USA did with a decent driver like Tanner Foust. I really think they will look to include a racer in the line up, it's what TG here was really lacking.
  8. Jodie Kidd is an obvious choice. I would love to see VBH back on the scene though she's unlikely to be pulled away from 5th Gear. Plato is a great driver though, he did very well in his cameo roll with Tiff on 5th Gear. Having someone who knows that they are talking about when it comes to cars and handling is very important and something TG hugely lacked.
  9. The specials were good, I'd agree with that. I think it was still funny in 2007 or so, but the format needed refreshing. It's also been a bit about three blokes, being blokes (which I find tediously boring) rather than about the cars. What is done is done, but I do look forward to a more balanced show with less dicking around I hope and at least one presenter who can really drive. Plato would be a great choice.
  10. TG was around long before Clarkson, May and Hammond. In fact May and Hammond didn't appear till far more recently, but that's all people seem to be able to remember. I've watched TG since 1978. It was crap back then, but let's face it so was pretty much everything else on TV. In fact, life was just crap then really! I'm not a big Chis Evans fan, but don't underestimate him. He's come a long way since his days on the Big Breakfast. If Clarkson, May and Hammond want to go round smashing cars up that is fine, but I'd rather it wasn't with my licence fee. Sometimes it's good to have a change and let's face it, it was very much needed.
  11. I think TG was so tired and boring with the same old heavily scripted show, that it lost it's way. It is true that there is likely to be a female presenter, but I don't see an issue with that. Historically TG has had many female presenters in it's history from Angela Rippon to VBH. Obviously she's still having fun on 5th Gear so inevitably it will be someone else, but that's a good thing. The all bloke mentality to the last ten years of TG was tiresome and off putting for me, so I think it's time we had a change and that can only be a good thing. We can then but only hope for a more interesting format with less needless dicking around and less of the stupidness of smashing cars up for the sake of it. Let's also hope we get some decent drivers in and that the they get rid of the Stig which was always a huge annoyance. I mean why have the only person who can drive, in a non-talking role? Idiocy.
  12. Lauren

    White 2014 GT86 for sale

    Just to help you, it may be good to add what a 'top spec' is, i.e. heated seats whether it's leather/alcantara or full leather and also to list what the modifications actualy are. Of course if you can take more pics with your phone and upload them showing all these things it may well help you sell the car.
  13. Lauren

    Litchfield GT86 Performance Pack

    Milltek have revised the design of the Milltek by adding a flexi. That should solve the problem. I'm on my third. When this one goes I look forward to a replacement with a flexi, so it looks like it's sorted now.
  14. Lauren

    Adam's Stage 3 Turbo Rocket Bunny

    Adam, you are talking a lot of money to get a fully built forged bottom end. You will need to add a few grand (guessing about £5K) to all that if you're paying someone to do it all. You may want to consider how necessary it is to have 400bhp in a GT86.
  15. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    It isn't dropped 40mm though. In fact it's nowhere near that. I can't precisely measure from those datum points, so something is wrong somewhere. I still have a reasonable gap between the the top of the tyre and the wheel arch. My car really isn't that low at all. I thought your's was noticably lower when you had the lowered springs on.
  16. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    Just tried to measure to wheel centres which is difficult with no centre caps. Coming in about 330mm. If it helps, SpecK and Dave's are exactly the same as mine. It may be better to compare to manufacturer figures rather than with your car though as there are too many extraneous variables to consider. My car at Japfest was not sat over even ground.
  17. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    I'm trying to remember exactly, but recall 21mm front 25mm rear. Rollcentres are not about camber. By lowering you change the angle of the suspension arms which can result in issues like bump steer and also with the rollcentre. 50mm lower is way, way too much I would say.
  18. Lauren

    Adam's Stage 3 Turbo Rocket Bunny

    Forged means they are forged. Which means instead of being cast, they are done so under very high pressure. Forged over cast means much, much stronger. Obviously the more boost pressure you put the engine under, the higher the amounts of pressure, the rods and pistons need to withstand. Upto 330bhp (Stage 3 IIRC) is fine it seems on stock internals.
  19. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    I think you may have issues with roll centres if it's that low. Plus grounding must be more of an issue. You would need to do a fair amount with RCA's I would have thought. I have a 20mm drop, which doesn't have such an impact on roll centres and I can still clear all but the highest speed humps.
  20. Lauren

    ready to ride

    Welcome aboard. It's mid summer, (so I hear) and there will be a number of meets coming up, hope to meet you soon.
  21. I think this is simply a lesson of getting into doing something and then getting out of your depth. At that point it would have been better to have backed out if you didn't have the time or organisational skills. But, in your defence, you're young and obviously you've learnt from this experience. I would just say knock doing the cameras on the head. Fensport are doing them, there will likely be others too. As for the 'negativity' and not coming to meets, your better option is to learn to deal with it, rather than avoid it by walking away. It's happened, you can't change it. Face up to it and move on, it won't last forever.
  22. Lauren

    GT86 Reverse Camera Kit

    You may do better to email Fensport, Nigel.
  23. Lauren

    Magazine Feature

    EVO. Fast Lane before that (which dates from the 80's). I used to like Fast Car when I was 19, but people's modification stories rarely make interesting reading, particularly so when the standard of writing is often so poor and aimed at a young audience, of which I am not.
  24. Lauren

    Magazine Feature

    It's a tough one because both are shocking magazines. Banzai would be more appropriate. No offence but you couldn't pay me to read those two mags.
  25. Lauren

    My Silver Project 86

    I've yet to see an electric supercharger be worthwhile. Though I admit this looks a bit different from the infamous ebay 'supercharger' kits that have been around for years. Interesting idea, but really it must work more like a turbo as it's not driven by the engine. Also I've yet to see manufacturers use this kind of setup, but do keep us updated.