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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren


    To be fair, you don't need the strut brace, so you could just lose it. You will have the stock bracing in place which is all you need.
  2. Lauren

    Nige's Wide Body Project

    To be fair, for the price of it, I'd expect it to fit!
  3. Lauren

    GT86 in latest EVO magazine

    If it's running stock suspension with an SC kit, that isn't a fully developed car IMO.
  4. Lauren

    GT86 in latest EVO magazine

    Sounds like Cosworth haven't quite sorted the car as a whole package. Wonder what suspension it's running?
  5. Lauren

    Anyone running BC Racing BR series coilovers?

    Mark's were 5/5kg.
  6. Lauren

    staggered wheel advice

    225 front and 245 rear?
  7. I'm exactly the same, even for just moving the car, well nearly. I just automatically hit the Sport button as soon as I've started the car.
  8. Lauren

    Turbo advice

    I think you'll need to give a bit more detail on the car and all that as what you are saying does not make sense. Boost pressure normally goes up when the inlet temperatures get hot, but produces less power as the air is heated.
  9. I used to be on itr-dc2.com, back in 2008 or so!
  10. Tbh I remember my first race in an RX8 where we told we had to leave the stability control on. It nearly killed me. The reality is I feel that I would have been safer with it off, so stability control is not always a good thing. However, if I'm driving briskly on the road, I don't want lots of slip at higher speeds as there is nothing to be gained and it is the public road after all. I do feel that if it's not in Sport mode, it just allows you nothing before intervening whereas in Sport mode you can at least have a little bit of slip, albeit not much.
  11. Lauren

    can anybody help !

    Really sorry, meant to ask Richard when I was there Friday afternoon, but had quite a long day and I forgot.
  12. Lauren

    GT86 Cosworth

    Still pretty pointless. Even if you are aiming at mega power, a turbo alone would be a better option. Twincharging is just a bit too complicated for what you gain really.
  13. Lauren

    GT86 Cosworth

    I honestly think twincharging is complete madness. All that complication for so little gain.
  14. I always drive in Sport Mode. Never with all the bad aids on. Occasionally if I'm going to be naughty I will turn everything off, have play on say a given corner or roundabout, but then I will put it back in Sport mode afterwards. The other thing I do if I think I'm going to need a sharp exit out of a junction is turn the traction control off. Otherwise if there is any wheel spin the ECU just kills the throttle. Obviously it comes back on again over 30mph. If I'm on track or sprinting then everything must go off. At Snett some mentioned that it may be quicker to drive in Sport mode, but really that's not driving it properly to me, so it must all be off when on track.
  15. Lauren

    Nige's Wide Body Project

    So Nigel, what it will become at the end of it? A show car, a race car.....
  16. Lauren

    GT86 Cosworth

    Well in a way if Cosworth want to sell more they will have to allow a custom tune. If I wanted to put that kit on my car, I'm not going to want their exhaust etc and if like a lot of others say I changed the manifold then, it would need mapping anyway. Good news that they are okay with this as it opens up the doors to others.
  17. Will it go under 17's? I've got 17x8 TE37's with a 38mm offset, would hope that might help.
  18. Lauren

    MY16 GT86

    There's a part of me that likes it, that if you want more power you modify it. These cars are all about individualisation just like the AE86 is. It's good for the scene to have tuners doing things with the cars and there are tons and tons of parts available as a result. They should leave it as is and let us make it our own in our own way.
  19. What a game you're having Keith. Really hope you get it sorted.
  20. Lauren

    Smile time

    Yeah I did know I was posting it. But yes, it does beg the question that if one isn't allowed then neither should the others, I agree on that. The trouble is such jokes are made on stereotypes which is problematic in itself and whether it's an old steretype or a newer one doesn't make it any better. The problem is all the time we make jokes like this we reinforce prejudice and therein lies the problem. Not only that but we demonstrate our ignorance. We live in a multicultural community and I would be appalled to think that a member is offended because of their religion, race, sexuality or for some other reason after seeing something posted on here. This community is for all and we welcome anyone, so we can't allow jokes that poke fun at minorities especially so if we are in the majority.
  21. Lauren

    MY16 GT86

    Good to see there are going to be a few more options. Interesting that they are deleting the spoiler as standard, I guess that will be an option too. I guess the 18" wheel thing will be popular. This 'Blanco' version is going to be a special white version I'm thinking. I wonder what the fashion is with Italian names? But in summary, nothing major then.
  22. Lauren

    Smile time

    You are right Geoff, I'm sorry for targetting you, I was just appalled at what I was reading. It's not just you either, so I am sorry, but I really feel we need to review what is acceptable to be posted on here and especially so in respect of this thread.
  23. Lauren

    Smile time

    Racism will not be tolerated on the forum.
  24. Well yes, in Germany you even have the option of 100RON. But I guess what I mean is just like there being no issue ever getting SUL here, it's the same over there. Everywhere sells it pretty much. I had no problems in France, Belgium, Netherlands (expensive there though), Germany, Switzerland or Italy when I did a couple of trips there in 2013.