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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    North East Newbie....

    Welcome aboard, Tasha. Hope to see you at some meets soon.
  2. Lauren

    Nige's GT86

    So when it is done, Nige, what are you going to do with it?
  3. Lauren

    Nige's GT86

    LOL! Not quite the same as a sequential box!
  4. Lauren

    MY 86 HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!

    Great news, hope all is okay!
  5. Lauren

    hey from the south west

    Welcome aboard! The southern lot are very active, so there is a lot going on it seems, even at this time of year.
  6. Lauren

    TSS License?

    Think you'll need to get the 'IOPD' licence too as it's specific to the TSS from what I can work out. It's £15 for the year or you can pay a fiver per event.
  7. Lauren

    Headlight adjustment for lowered cars

    1. rob275 2. smudge 3. jamie_gt86 4. Lauren
  8. Lauren

    Anyone for Coloured Hoodies?

    1. Rob275 - 1xMedium-Grey, 1xMedium-Red 2. Minion - 1x Medium-Red 3. Captain Duff - 1 x XXL Red, 1 x XXL Black 4. STEVO9000 - 1x Medium - Grey 5. Lauren 1xSmall Purple 6. DebbieJ 1 x XL purple and 1 x XL grey
  9. Lauren

    TSS License?

    That website wasn't there last year!
  10. Lauren

    If I get another GT86....

    I don't think it's an issue. Your new car will have a different chassis number etc.
  11. Lauren

    TSS License?

    It's just a licence that Javelin have pretty much made up from what I can work out. So it's not an MSA licence at all. Was £15 for the year.
  12. Lauren

    OEM Wheels & Tyres All black

    What's this about Captain? Are these for sale?
  13. Lauren

    Midlands Meet - Sat 21st February

    Of course you are welcome, Minion. I will try and come, Keith. I admit, not interested in planes and will likely have Indy anyway if Mark comes. Will let you know.
  14. Lauren

    Headlight adjustment for lowered cars

    Hmm, how much are these? There just might be a deluge of orders now we're aware!
  15. Lauren

    Top Gear

    It was okay. It did not need the media frenzy about the all the Falklands stuff that preceded it. I think purposefully abusing cars is totally pointless and I'll never understand why they think it is okay to drive over rocks and stuff simply for the sake of TV. Maybe the great unwashed find that kind of thing funny, it's difficult to comprehend at times. It was watchable I thought, but a bit of a waste of cars that were certainly more than £1500 scrappers which was a shame.
  16. Lauren

    Top Gear

    It was okay last night. I always struggle with TG as it's aimed way too much at the proletariat for my liking rather than the car enthusiast. Even my mum watches it, which is just wrong. I found the Russian thing not hugely interesting because I've got zero interest in hovercrafts or pushbikes or public transport. But, the review of the Huracan was okay. It's inline with other reviews I've read (don't forget by the time TG feature a car on their programme it's been tested months ago by everyone else) and looks like it's not going to be that much fun. There wasn't really much else on last night's show that I recall. I do quite like the roads trips that TG does to be fair, but I hate all the stupidity like making vans into hovercraft. Not cool. Much prefer 5th Gear but I only have Freeview so I can't see it.
  17. Lauren

    Headlight adjustment for lowered cars

    I must admit, I hadn't noticed this at all!
  18. Lauren

    Trackdays and helmets

    Here are regs, difficult to read for some reason: But really any new crash helmet or one that is in good obvious condition will pass this really. Taken from elsewhere: Car specific helmets that are 'FR, so fire retardant are obviously ideal. I only use these kind of helmets as a rule simply because I only have one head and it'd be difficult to replace!
  19. Lauren

    Some more Pic's of the Banana

    I think just give it varied driving. I edged the rpm up as I got nearer a 1000miles. I also made sure I gave it full throttle in 2nd gear a few times, just from 3-5000rpm then lift off, that sort of thing. Vary the speed and all that. I've done 53K miles. My car uses no oil.
  20. Lauren

    Some more Pic's of the Banana

    It's UK only, so another UK special. I honestly don't see how it's going to be worth a huge amount more when it is is purely cosmetic additions. Providing that colour doesn't make it to the options list, then it will command a premium, but this won't be a fortune over a non Gialla. The Black Limited AE86 which was the JDM only run out for the last of the AE86's had no performance additions, though had different dash lighting and a unique colour scheme is worth a fair amount more. But, we don't know at this point what other special versions of the GT86 will come out yet and providing the car is is improved when it's revised during it's production life, it's normally the later cars that become the most desirable. So in that respect it's really hard to tell what will be worth money in years to come as we simply don't know what's going to happen yet.
  21. Lauren

    hello everyone

    It's in Macclesfield, near-ish to Manchester.
  22. Lauren

    hello everyone

    Well, it simply depends upon what you want to spend. The OEM Audio + upgrade is favoured by some and at about a grand it's not too expensive. I think the standard head unit is poor though. If you haven't got nav consider ditching it for something better. The problem for me with it, was that there is not separate sub adjustment on the stock unit. Also the screen is pretty low res. Also the rear speakers are beyond useless and basically serve no purpose. The front speakers are incredible for how light they are, but they are still no good really. Also the tweeters atop the dash are not in a good position for acoustics. I went for an Alpine head unit and I had my arm twisted to go for digital sound processing via Audison. It did cost me quite a lot in the end, but really what I have now is incomparable to the stock or even JBL system. Here's what I did: http://www.gt86.org.uk/forums/topic/807-my-wikkid-sound-install/ Unfortunately most of the pics have disappeared, so I have uploaded to Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/62120109@N06/sets/72157650385396966/
  23. Lauren

    Some more Pic's of the Banana

    Can you really not get an automatic version? One for the purists only then.
  24. Lauren


    I've shared too. Let's hope we find it.