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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    GT86 RallyMaster Experience Days

    Do this instead and spend all day in a MK2 Escort: http://www.philprice.co.uk/courses/1-day-intense-course/ Price £299. Includes lunch and refreshments. You also get a ride out on the full stage with Phil in his GpA WRX.
  2. Lauren

    Lee's HKS v2 Supercharged 86

    Fair comment, Kevin. I have not specifically tried the NS2's so I don't have experience of them. I have tried other Nankangs on other people's cars, they were okay in the dry, but not in the wet. I have also tried tyres like the Toyo T1R which again, I just felt weren't good wet or dry, but that was due to soft sidewalls which took the precision out of the steering. The same is true of GSD3 F1s (though they're old tyres nowadays), though havint tried the newer Assymmetrical Goodyears, they still seem to suffer a too soft sidewall. I have used Yokohamas for over ten years, so I would disagree that it's a tyre that people wouldn't use a few years ago. Yokohama did a specific tyre for the Elise back in the early noughties, the Neova LTS and all accepted in the trackday community that this tyre was the best thing since 'sliced bread'. It was a fantastic tyre that I fitted to my then supercharged AW11 and in the wet, it was just stonking. Also there was the A048 as well of course. The 888 was always seen as a budget contender in comparison. Whilst I wouldn't fit 888's to my car, I have on occasion tried a race car with them and in the dry they were great, loads of grip etc and I found it easy to balance the car and maintain decent cornering speeds. So I quite like Yokos and see them as a well established tyre. I also like Contintental Contisport Contact. Another really good tyre. Bridgestone are another manufacturer who makes some excellent rubber. I had RE010's on my old DC2, that was a tyre specifically designed for the DC2 and NSX. When it comes to how cheaper budget tyres work in the wet, it's not so much about grip but more about feel (which becomes more critical) and progressiveness, simply because when you're driving in the wet, you work the tyre in it's slip angle and beyond far more than you do in the dry and having good feedback is critical when you're trying to balance the steering and throttle. So when it comes to tyres, I will only fit the best that I can afford and trying out how different tyres feel is something I've always enjoyed doing as it can make some difference to how the car feels and behaves.
  3. Lauren

    Lee's HKS v2 Supercharged 86

    I'd say you'll only know how good the Nankangs are, when you drive a track in the wet.
  4. Lauren

    Lee's HKS v2 Supercharged 86

    Cool, notice you were driving Knockhill the wrong way round. I was thinking, 'what's going on', but I figured it out when the pitwall appeared on your right! Sounds like an interesting project. Not sure about Nankangs, though.
  5. Lauren

    GT86 RallyMaster Experience Days

    Yes he was. I cleared 2nd place by 12 seconds in the little competition at the end. The guy had Asperger's and didn't take it too well!
  6. Lauren

    GT86 RallyMaster Experience Days

    It'll be fun, but 2x20 minutes is IMO not really long enough. I did a full day with Phil Price as a birthday present some years ago driving a MK2 Escort on gravel, it was fantastic, but I was in the car all day for £300. You'll certainly learn something, but you need the maximum sessions to get a chance to hone your skills.
  7. Lauren

    What a lucky dipstick!

    It is a problem and something I hate, when people think it's okay to enter a motorway at 40mph and because you're behind them it feels dangerous. I have at times used the hard shoulder. But when will people realise that it's so much easier to slow down than to speed up when entering a motorway and that's the better approach. I tend to cruise along at 55-60mph behind the trucks for the most part when I'm on the motorway. I tend to use cruise control and the amount of times I have to adjust my speed for cars entering the motorway is pretty common. The point is, I'm going at a constant speed and already on the motorway so it should not have to be me who makes the adjustments.
  8. Sure, but add that to a service as well and it becomes a sizable amount of dosh, so I'm just driving around with a dented car at the moment.
  9. You might want to check your policy though as I found out when I hit a 5 Series. If I want my car repaired by my preferred repairer (RRG) then it's an extra £250 for the pleasure bringing my excess to £600. If your policy is by Marker Study this is bound to be the case. Can't decide what to do about it.
  10. Hi Kal, Yes, still got the AE86. It's managed to rust a little despite being dry stored for the last two and a bit years. In fact at the GT86 launch, that was within a few weeks of my AE86 being on the road before I took it off the road in August 2012. So it's nearly as nice, had a few things hit it whilst it's been in the workshop, but otherwise it's okay.
  11. Lauren

    Nige's GT86

    It's not just driveshafts it's also the wishbones which would need to be extended, which likely makes it not worth doing. Plus I wouldn't go altering the track from front to rear, so not a good idea for so many reasons.
  12. Lauren

    Nige's GT86

    Interesting. I wonder what difference changing the track like that will make to how the car handles? Those spacers sound huge to me, with the width of rims you are using are you sure you need that much? Though you are putting on wide tyres so there will be a lot of grip.
  13. Lauren

    Fensport GT86R Dyno Result ...... 421bhp :)

    That is impressive, I must say, especially with such a high compression ratio. I wonder where it's limit is?
  14. Lauren

    Nige's GT86

    Good work. I'm guessing mega wide wheels will be on the horizon for the Rocket Bunny kit.
  15. The only one I have is for my AE86 I'm afraid. You could make your own, or try: http://forum.corollabrotherhood.com Or if you're a member on AE86IRL you're bound to find one there; http://www.ae86irl.com
  16. About £600 for a boot lid or so IIRC.
  17. Lauren

    Public Service Announcement - Winter Tyres

    Not really Dan. My reckoning is that winter tyres would be useful for about two months a year, three at a push, but if you've not got to drive in bad weather, it hardly seems worth it.
  18. Lauren

    Lake District this weekend

    I didn't know you were Welsh. Nice sheepies!
  19. Lauren

    Not too big

    It might look better painted. I must admit, I'm not one for physical additions really, unless I can find something that is classic and timeless like say the TRD spoiler on the AE86. It's the fin that comes down onto the boot lid that I'm not sure about.
  20. Lauren

    Brake Pads

    If you've bought OEM pads I wouldn't worry. 14500 miles is a hopeless amount though. I got nearly 40K out of mine including a few trackdays and some sprints!
  21. Lauren

    Not too big

    Interesting, but I'd like to see pics of it from more angles, before I can decide whether I like it or not.
  22. Lauren

    Public Service Announcement - Winter Tyres

    Not especially. RRG were offering the Yoko W drive which is what I have. As with all things tyres if you're going to buy some, buy some good ones from known brands. That said a lot of people wax lyrical about Nexian tyres which seem to be a bit of a specialist in the Nordic countries. It is your first post, Dan, you've got to start somewhere. Welcome aboard. My experience of using winters last year was a bit unfortunate as it simply was not cold enough. I'll try again this year but I think I'll wait till December before putting them on.
  23. Lauren

    Hello from Porto-Portugal

    Nice, welcome aboard. Did you drive all the way to Fensport for the remap? And if you did, I hope you took in the Pyrenees!
  24. Lauren

    Some photos of my GT

    Cool, I thought I had seen some of those pics before!