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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Handling upgrades

    I'd love to hear a full review, but you need to do some more miles first. The geo setup will be more twitchy, but I like it that way.
  2. Lauren

    Winter tyres

    I honestly think the whole hype thing about winter tyres being better at 7 degrees is simply hype. I would take a summer tyre any day at that temperature. But I think the marketing is such in the UK due to it not actually being that cold here. I think winter tyres are better when it is closer to freezing and certainly below freezing they perform better.
  3. Lauren

    Winter tyres

    Yep, fair enough. Last year in the UK the temperature was barely under 5C and at 5C winter tyres aren't that good, just IMO. It needs to be closer to freezing in my experience which was for about five days last winter. But, it was a very mild winter so we shall see.
  4. Lauren

    Winter tyres

    I have the Yoko Winter Drives on stock rims in stock sizes. Last winter when I had them on it just wasn't cold enough, so my advice is to maybe get the tyres but wait and see if the weather is looking to go through a cold snap as otherwise they can be a bit of a liability in higher temps.
  5. Lauren

    Handling upgrades

  6. Lauren

    Second Service

    Yep diff oil every 20K, I've had mine done twice now!
  7. Lauren

    Forum Downtime

    It was the usual 'jam-custard' imbalance issue, but Alex was able to eventually use his 'sailor' powers to bring things back to equilibrium.
  8. Lauren

    Water Methanol Injection discussion

    I would add that given the setup without water/methanol doesn't have any issues, then the only point of adding water/methanol injection is the power increase. However, having said that for about £500 for buying fitting and mapping, if that's about right is not bad for that power increase. It's somewhere in the region of the increase you might see from remapping an NA and people who have done that say it's worth doing. Obviously you're going to need to start looking for special offers on antifreeze.
  9. Lauren

    Water Methanol Injection discussion

    Changing the final drive made a fair old difference to Keith's car.
  10. Lauren

    Water Methanol Injection discussion

    It's good to see you have a gain, though a small one, at around 10% or so. I guess you should think about shortening your final drive as the auto gearing is a tad intergalactic.
  11. Lauren

    Coil Over kits

    So 4.5kg (sorry not a fan of imperial measurements) which is hardly an increase in standard. Is this done more for road comfort than performance? Stephen you can't adjust camber without at least offset bushes so you will be stuck with whatever it is after lowering.
  12. Lauren


    Yeah, maybe, never tried it as I've always camped. But yes, just let your passenger buy a day ticket.
  13. Lauren


    Per head.
  14. Lauren


    You have to buy the weekend ticket if you want to bring your car in. You don't have to camp of course. Or you can buy a day ticket but your car stays outside. Happy Birthday, btw.
  15. Lauren


    Come to JAE instead! Bigger BBQ and piggy!
  16. Lauren


    It's going to be at JAE right? I've got as friend who's very keen on seeing it. It does look good that black/yellow combo. I admit it's not my thing, but that doesn't mean it's not cool of course!
  17. Lauren


    They don't make them in that size. EDIT: Sorry didn't realise it was such an old post, doh!
  18. Lauren

    Grey for sale

    He bought a pre-reg IQ, so down, I would say.
  19. Lauren

    Forge's 86

    Can't believe you're off so soon! Blimey, seems to be the month for people selling up!
  20. Lauren

    GT86 Ebola

    So a two month wait to get the parts and basically you cannot drive the car as it is at the moment?
  21. Copy the link, then click the 'link' button which you can find by hovering over the buttons (it's directly bellow the drop down for 'size'), paste link in there, then click okay.
  22. Lauren

    Coil Over kits

    Sounds good, please do a full review when you've got your alignment done and complete a reasonable amount of mileage.
  23. Lauren

    Coil Over kits

    Interesting you say that as I was originally offered a 6/6kgs setup but didn't want the car too stiff so I specc'd the 5kg front springs. In terms of compliance and control over bumps I've not had any issues. My damping strength varies though of course with load. Though in saying that I've not heard anyone with the 6/6kg complain of issues with it being too stiff on UK roads. The BC stock setup is 5/5kg but most others seem to be 6/6kg. I was though more interested to hear any thoughs you have on handling balance with the 5/6kg setup compared to a 6/6kg setup. My ride is fine to be fair and is I would say overall an improvement over standard.
  24. Lauren

    New blue GT86

    Welcome aboard, Brian, good choice! Get those miles done, then you can really enjoy it.
  25. Lauren

    Coil Over kits

    Interesting stuff. I wonder how having the 5kg rate affects things given all that? Obviously I've driven my car for 10K miles like this, I've not noticed any issues. In regard to my knowledge of handling and driving, I'm competent as I'm sure many would agree, but if there are handling quirks as a result I would tend to drive around them, though I've not noticed any. The car handles well IMO. Whether it would improve it with a 6kg spring is another question. I've driven Keith's car a bit with the 6/6kg setup. Last time I drove it was in the wet at Blyton Park, though he has very wide tyres which makes the car feel quite different from mine, for example there is more sidewall flex which dulls the response IMO.