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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    favourite tires?

    Too soft on the sidewalls. Mediocre budget tyres IME.
  2. Lauren

    favourite tires?

    Stan ran the AD08R, but they may be noisy and reduce your ride quality. If you are making your car track focused then it's worth it for high grip if that's what you want. May be marginal when it gets a bit colder though and you can't get them up to temperature on the road.
  3. Lauren

    favourite tires?

    Yoko's. Of the Advan variety. Contisport contacts are good too. Eagle F1s are good as long as you don't take them on track. Too soft on the sidewalls for my liking.
  4. Lauren

    Decision to make

    There is one at Portbury docks, so yes, I would say so. I saw a couple in Japan too.
  5. Lauren

    Water Methanol Injection discussion

    Steve isn't trying to fault what you've done, he's merely being objective and he is right that injecting the water/methanol would be more effective after the supercharger as that is where the heat is generated. After all the intake temperature at the point it enters the engine is where you want to cool it, not before the compressor when the air intake temperature is at it's lowest. How is it futile to make a very good point as Steve has. Also how do you know that your engine runs colder and gives you full power lap after lap on track when you haven't even been to a track yet? I think it's ridiculous talk like this that totally undermines you credibility wise.
  6. Lauren

    New version Available sept

    I don't think the basic version (after spending a week in it) will appeal to UK buyers. Also it's not how Toyota want to aim the car in the UK, they want it to be their premium car, so offering a poverty spec model is a non starter. This has been the case forever really, there are always lower spec models offered in the JDM, but only the top specs tend to be offered in the UK. I don't think TTE would be tempted to do anything really, we're not a big enough market in comparison to the Japanese, USA and Australian markets. A few special editions are likely to be the limit I think. If you want more power then you have to look to the aftermarket, the GT86 follows the AE86 in this respect with the basic car being the starting point. This is very evident on the scene and what I saw a lot of whilst in Japan.
  7. Lauren

    Dans GT86 TRD

    Wow, impressive!
  8. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Our time in Yohokama Minato Mirai: http://laurenblighton.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/our-time-in-yokohama-minato-mirai.html
  9. Lauren


    Tell me more about this 'tweaky' modification, Keith!
  10. Lauren

    Decision to make

    I don't know, Keith, but they are a branded make of course indicating that the damping has been changed over the current dampers. Most people associate Sachs with performance, so there is a possibility the damping may be improved. Obviously there must also be a reason why they were implemented at this point. When I was at 86 style I saw a car with the Sachs dampers fitted that looked like a totally stock car to me.
  11. Lauren

    Decision to make

    Whilst I prefer the look of the TRD over the new bodykit offering, I think you should wait for the new options and find out about that yellow one too. Also I've heard that the new version will have Sachs dampers, so it would be interesting to wait for that.
  12. Lauren


    Well I used the Fensport settings which are fast road and track really. I went for the maximum camber I could without undue tyre wear so 2 deg neg on the front and 1.75 on the rear. Front toe is parrallel as per stock and rear is reduced (less toe in) which helps to make the car more agile. I do the rest with my suspension programming. It's much sharper than a stock setup and turn in is improved. Sure if you drive too fast into a corner you'll get understeer, it's inevitable, but balancing the car is better because the car reacts more quickly. It has quite a neutral balance and tends to oversteer pretty easily which I really like as I like to steer the car on the throttle. In terms of stability it's absolutely fine, though I admit I'm fairly tuned to it due to setting previous cars to have a pointy front end. But it's no issue at all you would adjust quickly.
  13. Lauren


    Yep totally dependent upon how you like the car to feel on the road and track. I like my car to oversteer and move around, I like to have agility over stability, but it's not for everyone.
  14. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    All the 86 Style at Fuji Speedway coverage. 370 pics so took me all day to sort out. http://laurenblighton.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/86-style-at-fuji-speedway-3rd-august.html If there's any styling ideas people want, it's all here!
  15. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Accidentally finding one of three 'musical' roads in Japan. A bit of a shock this one!
  16. Lauren


    Welcome aboard! Hope to catch up at some meets soon.
  17. Happy 86 Day everyone! Here we are standing in front of Tsuchiya-San's N2 TRD AE86 with Kamata-San who runs Tec Arts at 86 Style at Fuji on Sunday.
  18. Lauren

    How to fit TRD engine start button

    Okay thanks all done it, was really easy. I drove to RRG Macc, gave Richard the keys and five minutes later it was done.
  19. Now I'm sure fitting this button is not going to be difficult, my question lies more with what bits of the dash need to come off to get to it. I'm guessing it's nothing too mad, but I'd appreciate any advice before I go trying to figure it out. Cheers.
  20. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Undoubtedly my favourite day in Japan. This is when we met with my Japanese friend who knew the top people in the AE86 world. Just fantastic and we had so much fun and even a welcome party! Happy days! http://laurenblighton.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/akira-tec-arts-tsukuba-kms-and-fabulous.html
  21. Lauren

    A quick hello

    Great stuff, welcome aboard. Tsuchiya-San too! Very impressive.
  22. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    A quick edit of the after effects of driving a GT86 hard down the Toyo Tires Turnpike. Brakes got a bit hot:
  23. Lauren

    GT86 TRD Alloys

    £437 each plus VAT and shipping. So £524 each plus shipping. Nice wheels!
  24. Lauren

    How to fit TRD engine start button

    Cheers, Dan, will give it a go after I get some sleep! Am still suffering a little adjusting to an eight hour time difference!
  25. Lauren

    How to fit TRD engine start button

    LOL! Erm.... I'll find something! In all seriousness I'll pop down for a chat and bring a load of stuff that we amassed to show you. Jay, is it simply a matter of pulling the bottom panel out then? I.e., does it just prise out with a screwdriver or some such?