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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Happy 86 Day! :)

    Funnily enough I had one of those (GT86 of course) scenarios happen to me on my holiday! Flat battery?
  2. Lauren

    How to fit TRD engine start button

    Cool, had a look but it doesn't tell me how I take it apart if that makes sense. I'd rather only take off the bits I need to.
  3. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    I've only ever watched it in Japanese with subtitles. We showed it to a friend once who insisted on American. It's terrible.
  4. Lauren

    Happy 86 Day! :)

    It'd be more accurate to say Happy 86 Day worldwide as it isn't just the Japanese that celebrate it on this day.
  5. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Cheers, Stevo, some more to come when I get home and back to fast broadband, I'll get all the 86 day at Fuji Style uploaded, I've got 400 hundred to sort out!
  6. Lauren

    Ford Mustang

    Horrible cars.
  7. Lauren

    TRD in black in R&D

    Blimey, go fun yourself eh? New Aygo looks good in a similar way that the old one did back in 2004. But if it drives the same as the old one it will be dissapointing. Is the chassis all the same, i.e., is it just a cosmetic make over?
  8. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Flat batteries, Ikaho, Yokota Toy, Doll and Car Museum, 'Mount Akina and the downhill'. Lots of Inital D stuff! http://laurenblighton.blogspot.jp/2014/08/ikaho-initial-d-downhill-yokota-museum.html
  9. Lauren

    suspension settings

    Too much camber really. The trouble is you risk wearing your tyres unevenly. It's all about how it feels to you though, but you'll need a trackday to understand that.
  10. Lauren

    Club T-Shirts

    Medium was easily the most popular in Japan. It's not that people are generally small, they are well, a bit more trim than those in the UK if that's the right term!
  11. Lauren

    Club T-Shirts

    I'm bringing back a large from Japan if that helps?
  12. Lauren

    suspension settings

    Drop 25/21mm. Camber 2 degrees front, 1.75 degrees rear. Toe parallel front (stock), a bit less toe in on the rear depending upon how twitchy you want it to be.
  13. Lauren

    GT86 4x4?

    Unfortunately unlike the good old days, WRC spec cars are not produced for the general public. It's really interesting though that a WRC editon has been produced, though this does not mean that we will ever see a 4x4 GT86 for sale. Still, will be interesting to see how it does for sure!
  14. Lauren

    My first 2 weeks and 300 miles

    Welcome aboard, Bart, now you just need to get it run in! Happy days.
  15. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Phew! Megaweb, puppies for sale and the history museum blogged: http://laurenblighton.blogspot.jp/2014/08/toyota-megaweb-puppies-for-sale-toyota.html
  16. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Hi Paul, the Hakone Skyline has a 50km/h speed limit but I chose to ignore it. Ditto with the Toyo Tires Turnpike where I saw speeds in excess of 170km/h. Slower cars simply pull over for you. You could say it's famous for being a drives road and where people likely go to street race at night. Everyone in Japan keeps to the speed limits and so do I, apart from the odd exception. I think people accept that rather than having the police patrolling it just to stop you having fun like they would in the UK. I haven't had time to update the blog, just got back from a 200 mile round trip to Gunma hitting Tokyo traffic both ways not helped by a late start due to a flat battery. New battery fitted now, typical Japanese efficiency! I've been paying homage to Initial D today. Atop 'Mount Akina' at the start of the downhill waiting for the Speed Stars! In the Yokota Museum!
  17. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    I've got loads of pics from our trip to Toyota Megaweb today. This really is a better bet than the museum in Nagoya. Nice cutaway of the 4UGSE.
  18. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    You might like this one! I've updated the blog with our trip to Super Autobacs Yokohama: http://laurenblighton.blogspot.jp/2014/07/super-autobacs-yokohama-minato-mirai.html
  19. Lauren

    Peeking at the "dark side"

    Welcome Omer, we try and be a friendly bunch and we certainly do get out and about a lot. I look forward to meeting you at some meets when I get back from Japan.
  20. Lauren

    Sprintex SC feedback

    Great write up, well done, enjoy that car!
  21. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Hakone Skyline & Toyo Tires Turnpike now blogged. It was absolutely amazing! http://laurenblighton.blogspot.jp/2014/07/hakone-skyline-toyo-tires-turnpike-and.html
  22. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    £63.90 in Super Autobacs, Yokohama. Had to have a car pressie!
  23. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Just did the Hakone Skyline and after a few navigational errors we made it to the Toyo Tires Turnpike. Stability control off, pay the toll and away you go. We didn't see any other cars on the way up till we stopped at the viewpoint. It's all second gear up and down to the redline with every bend a hairpin. The Toyo Tires Turnpike was much faster and was downhill. I admit I just ignored the 50km/h speed limit and went for it. That was until approaching some bend at around 160km/h to find I had no brakes! Err, slightly scary moment. I went around another corner, yep no brakes so pulled in just about to a small car park to see smoke rising from both sides of the front wing! Oops! Okay after two minutes they had stopped smoking, but you get the idea: Was amazing fun though. Even went Irish for a minute and did a few donuts in the car park (it was remote). What we noticed at any turning point there was just loads of circular lines everywhere where people just donut, I'm guessing. Also slower cars just get out of your way, reckon this road is famous for having a play. Crazy, mental fun and it felt like it was the kind of place where you can just let rip and nobody minds. On Hakone Skyline at the viewing point.
  24. I think the 6kg front spring rate will keep things on the front, i.e., a greater tendency to understeer in comparison to a 5kg spring. I have a 5/6kg setup and having driven Keith's 6/6kgs I think this is the case. That's a fair amount of camber at both ends. Should be good!