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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Novice install

    I've got those speakers in my car. I have a number of other additions and don't use any of the OEM equipment. They are excellent to be fair.
  2. Lauren

    Hi all.

    Welcome aboard Dave. Here we have no sides, really we just like to get out and about as much as possible and have some fun with our cars.
  3. Lauren

    LFA's Blog

    It does seem a bit of a shame to reduce the rev limit. But a supercharger will turn into a hairdryer beyond a certain point. Would an air-air intercooler help to cool the air more effectively than the water to air setup you have under the supercharger at the moment? I just wonder how effective that is.
  4. Lauren

    Happy Birthday keelerad

    Happy Birthday, Alec, have a good one!
  5. Lauren

    RRG Macclesfield Racing

    He's not coming to Woodbridge.
  6. Lauren

    RRG Macclesfield Racing

    Good stuff!
  7. Lauren

    re- torque your wheels people;

    I went for the Y extra load rating for a stiffer sidewall was the theory. A stiffer sidewall does make the ride stiffer, though ironically it's a better ride than I had on the stretched Primacy's that I had before on my 8" rims. It's a personal preference really but a stiffer sidewall gives better feel and the shoulders don't rub off when used on track. I've tried tyres with softer sidewalls before and admit I'm not a fan. Personal preference and all that. James, did you go for the X or Y load rating just out of interest? In terms of reviewing the Advan Sport V105s I've only really driven them hard in the dry so far, they are very grippy and again compared to the stretched Primacys the sidewall perhaps unsurprisingly feels a little softer. This does mean you feel the tyre settle as you load it up, whereas with the Primacys there was not much of that so they handled very sharply indeed. Obviously the grip levels of the Yokos way surpass the Primacy's. My initial impressions of the limited wet driving I've managed to do so far in the last week is that they will grip very well indeed. Progression seems good, but I could really do with a wet track day or at least some rain on a well sighted A road. It will happen at some point of course! James it's 'Tyre' btw.
  8. Lauren

    Ian's GT86

    I think keep it black, good contrast.
  9. That's not a UK dash set, Alec.
  10. Lauren

    GT86 Drivers Club Hoodies!

    See you at Woodbridge for mine please, Rob.
  11. Lauren

    Ian's GT86

    Looks good to be fair.
  12. Lauren

    This is getting serious..

    No MOT till January 16. Doubt it's int the field of vision, both are very low on the screen.
  13. Lauren

    Newbie from Herts

    Hi Phil, was good to meet you last Thursday. There's plenty going on so hope to catch up with you soon. Woodbridge for the TSS this Sunday then as Keith says Blyton Park for a Toyota trackday on the 19th July. Blyton is a good track which is actually more technical than it looks, but there's plenty of room, so an ideal place to come and have a play I think.
  14. Lauren

    This is getting serious..

    I've already got two in my screen, had them months. Doesn't seem to be an issue though.
  15. Lauren

    This is getting serious..

    What's a 'Palm Sport 3'? Is it some kind of TDF?
  16. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Maz, we are staying at the Intercontinental Grand which is about half a km from Autobacs so we will be popping in there. Thanks for the heads up about CBY and Prova, we knew Yokohama was well placed for tuners and will be our base so we will do trips out to these two. But we will look at other shops too. There is just so much to do! Thanks for that.
  17. Lauren

    Japan trip 2014

    Hire car booked. Only one car would do really. Yes, you've guessed, it, GT86 from Toyota Rentacar.
  18. Lauren


    There is no other way than lowering it. It just won't look right otherwise.
  19. Lauren

    Jamie_GT86's Mods

    A 7.5" rim shouldn't really put much stretch at all on the tyre. Mine only had a bit, it wasn't extreme on an 8" rim. Untitled by Lauren Blighton, on Flickr
  20. Lauren


    Good choice for a yellow car I think.
  21. Lauren

    Jamie_GT86's Mods

    I do wonder if the wheel colour is a bit too dark and that's why it's hard to see the colour unless you've got the sun right on it. Are you running stock tyres on an 8" rim? I was doing this on mine. I swapped to Advans mainly for competitive reasons for the TSS. The biggest thing I've noticed is a marked improvement in ride quality. I think the deterioration in ride was caused by the stretch with the stock tyres on my rims. The handling was fab though, very direct response on the steering and easy to just light the rears up and go sideways. I can see why drifters like it. Interesting to hear how you're finding it.
  22. Lauren

    LFA's Blog

    Good stuff, look forward to when it's run in and mapped.
  23. Lauren

    Happy 86 Day everybody !

    We stopped for fuel on the way, back Mike, that'll be why. Jamie, I still am awaiting a good pic so I can see what your wheels look like! @Alec, you've got loads of near duplicate pics there.
  24. Lauren

    Happy 86 Day everybody !

    It turned out to be a fab day out. The weather played ball and the roads were quiet for the most part. We did a couple of laps of the EVO Triangle. It was simply epic! Brilliant route. Thanks Martin. This time round we really had a good play and had lunch at Lake Brenig visitor centre which is not a bad place to stop. I got two clear runs at the 'triangle' and got the chance to push on a fair old bit on the second time round. The road is just mega, lots of crests, dips, a real challenge and some very, very fast corners. Wicked fun!