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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Cracked wing mirror news

    Probably better for me to wait until there are more parts around, or in fact just leave it as really you wouldn't know. I'm fortunate my damage is pretty minimal.
  2. Lauren

    TRD Aero Fins - Xmas Pressie!

    Agree it would only look any good if it matches the wheels and stripe. Which I haven't sorted yet!
  3. Lauren

    Cracked wing mirror news

    £500 is not what I want to be spending really! But, the good news is that now I've clipped it back together, you just wouldn't really notice. You can only see it from the driver's seat really if you look up into the corner of the mirror housing. Externally there is nothing to see, so I may well leave it.
  4. Lauren

    Cracked wing mirror news

    Good news, had a jiggle around with it this morning and managed to clip it all back together properly. You'd hardly know were it not for a crack in the plastic on the inside of the top corner.
  5. Lauren

    Cracked wing mirror news

    Tis a pity, I'm hoping Mark can have a quick look at it today as it might just pop back together. I admit my skills in this area aren't brilliant. Mirror is secure though and the mounting isn't affected, but like Rob said, can you get individual parts for it?
  6. Lauren

    TRD Aero Fins - Xmas Pressie!

    Interesting. I must admit, being an Xmas pressie I had no idea about, I've not had time to think what colour I might like the fins. Red is cool, but only if the wheels and stripe are red, which they aren't at the moment. White is a safer option and of course could go on straightaway. I don't think black is likely, especially so if I change the colour of the stripes. Hmm, decisions, decisions.
  7. Lauren

    Merrry Christmas To All

    Merry Christmas, everybody. Obligatory pic of Indy in her new designer jumper:
  8. Lauren

    Relocating to Lincolnshire, UK

    Welcome, glad you made it. We'll keep an eye out for you, though January and February are probably the quietest months, so you'll have a chance to get your car over and sorted. I don't think there are any big issues with a left hooker (as we call it), it's just more of a pain when you are trying to see if it's clear to overtake. Obviously us lot with RHD always have these issues the moment we set down in mainland Europe so we're used to driving on the other side of the road. Mind you, should you do some European jaunts, your BRZ will be perfect. If you fancy Autosport 2014, which is the second week in January, I'm sure you could meet up with the others that are going.
  9. Lauren

    Premium membership

    Hi Jenny, Sorry to hear that. I believe Rob was awaiting a new batch of stickers. I'm away in London at the moment, I'll have a word with Rob. The upgrade is normally quick so I'm not sure what's happened there. Don't worry we'll get it sorted.
  10. Nice! 1. Will300 - Size Medium. 2. Lauren - Ladies Small. 3.
  11. Lauren

    GT6 Anybody?

    Slicks aren't road legal.
  12. Lauren

    couple of cheap mods

    No, sound deadening in the wheel well does nothing to quell the road noise.
  13. Lauren

    GT6 Anybody?

    I meant in real life people wouldn't fit slick tyres to a stock road car and expect to go on track. Too dangerous.
  14. Lauren

    GT6 Anybody?

    I wonder if it might be better to limit it to sport soft tyres as then you will not have such a high probability of rolling the car. Also putting slicks on a stock road car is not something anyone would do really, for obvious reasons!
  15. Anglesey used to be utterly brilliant. Then they dug it up and put in a new track that was really wide and forgot to add a chicane or link to corners together to add a bit of technicality to the challenge. There was much talk about the 10m drop of the 'corkscrew' and when it was being built it was likened to the one at Laguna Seca. Exciting stuff you might say? I worked on the pitlane there for a few hundred trackdays and a number of years. We used to drive the old circuit all the time. We loved, the section down the old pit straight into School then into Abbotts was legendary for being a corner where you needed some bottle and if you cocked up the entry it murdered you all the way into a likely spin on the exit of Abbotts. Then there was Douglas into Mountview where you had a fast left, right, left, that again required precision to alter the balance of the car just enough to get the weight transfer. And lets not forget Radar where much sideways fun was had. All quite technical and immense fun. So, they make this new track, there is not one corner that flows into another apart from the frankly lacklustre corkscrew on the coastal layout. It's wide, without much in the way of technical corners. Perhaps Peel and the left hander after that require a bit of thinking about turn in, but they're still a 100 metres apart. Church is the best corner because it's the fastest. The rest I don't really rate. It's a crying shame but I really think they should have hired someone to design the circuit that knew what they were doing as it could have been just so brilliant. Footage of the old track by my friend, John in his MK3 MR2: http://youtu.be/k158nOF7mHg
  16. Lauren

    hello again :)

    Hi Luke, welcome aboard.
  17. To be fair I don't think they should bother with Anglesey, but Donington would be worthwhile.
  18. There are two UK tracks on GT6 that I can think of. However, Silverstone is boring and Brands GP is infamously expensive! There is of course Brands Indy, but it's so short it feels like you're going round in circles. You'd need to buy that canbus thing, so my best guess is that it would no make sense at all given it's incredibly limited use. So is it the case then that it has to be for one of the tracks in the game?
  19. Lauren

    Fensport Avo Turbo No 8..... 1st BRZ :)

    I reckon you'll love it. Of all I've driven, I liked Ian's the most, thought it was just very well judged.
  20. Lauren

    Fensport Avo Turbo No 8..... 1st BRZ :)

    Blimey, he did keep that quiet!
  21. Probably because Toyota are selling more cars. No need. Obviously a tough few months for Subaru.
  22. Lauren

    GT6 Anybody?

    I've only done it last week in a 312bhp GT86 with what I'd call mild mods. 7.53 IIRC, 469PP or something like that. Might try it, but I'm not sure I could drive an FRS.
  23. Lauren

    Winter tyres

    Aha, sounds like they probably know what they're doing then. :+:
  24. Lauren

    Winter tyres

    I admit, I would still go for a known brand.