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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Nobody has had a letter yet, they will go out eventually I suspect. Some dealers are doing the recalls ahead of others. Someone at your dealer will know, you just spoke to the wrong person. There is no rush to get this done in all honesty. Your options are to wait or to contact your dealer again.
  2. Lauren

    Rear Speakers.....will these fit?

    You are better off deleting the rear speakers and just going for a sub in the boot. The cabin is pretty small and doesn't need rear speakers. Also they don't add anything. Save your money!
  3. Lauren

    OEM wheels query

    PS4's will offer you a huge amount more grip than the Yokos. Going one tyre size up from stock will make little difference to that. I tried a 225 on my 8" wide wheels and the flex was not good, the reduced stiffness on the sidewall was more the issue. I went back to 215's on my 8" wheels and that for me was the perfect combination. I have a lot of grip from the PS4's they are astonishing in fact but I still have the sharpness of response I want. So going the other way and putting 225's on a 7" wheel is not what I'd recommend. It depends how much you value sharpness of response. I don't think you will gain anything by going up a tyre size, it's a lose, lose situation as far as I can see.
  4. Lauren

    OEM wheels query

    You can do and people have done and are perfectly happy with it. I think 225 is a bit wide for a 7" wheel, so there'll be more sidewall flex and of course the profile will increase.
  5. You need to do it via the calendar to get it to work, or I may need to move it. I think see what interest you get.
  6. What are the bigger engine issues? I've not had issues in 128,000 miles from new. As long as you take care of it and service it on time, there is nothing to fear here. It's nothing like the RX8 in that respect.
  7. Lauren

    Front wheel bearing

    That's it I would guess.
  8. Lauren

    Newbie from Wiltshire

    Unless it's been driven by an idiot before you got it, it should have plenty left. I had mine changed when it was in for recall at 127K miles and it still had a bit of life in it.
  9. Lauren

    Front wheel bearing

    You'll know if a wheel bearing is going as it will hum as your speed increases. It is quite subtle though. 20K is nothing though, I've had one go at 110K miles.
  10. Lauren

    2019 New Look

    Got mine done today. Team livery on! Obviously a bit of a nod to my friend Chris Hodgetts copying his livery for his double BTCC winning AE86.
  11. Lauren

    Drivers Club Traders Membership Fees

    Hi Lee, It's £120 a year and an option to have annual advertisement banner for £40 a year. That's for a limited company.
  12. Lauren

    2019 New Look

    Looks fab, Kev. Sorry for the Starsky and Hutch reference I said last night. I showed it to Mark and it was the first he said too, when he got in. 🤣 Nice and simple though, I like it.
  13. Lauren

    Severe engine rattle

    You don't know it's a valve spring issue. From what I've heard the car won't even start if a valve spring fails, that your's does points to something else.
  14. Lauren

    Severe engine rattle

    Had one go at 110K miles. Though obviously it didn't go anywhere. It just rumbles a bit and gets louder with speed, was making my exhaust sound funny. You will hear it.
  15. Lauren

    Severe engine rattle

    Well that is a pity, I guess they need to determine what caused it. They are very specific about what cars are affected in the recall as it was down to the material used in the valve springs not meeting specification, so they will know by the engine number or VIN number.
  16. Lauren

    Severe engine rattle

    Cars affected by the recall were built between April 2012 - May 2013. This will affect a lot of cars that sat around and were registered sometime later. It's affected 3505 cars in the UK. Looks like you'll get it all covered under warranty which is a result. Could be a new engine. My car has been fab. One wheel bearing, four coil packs and a few other minor things, I use mine as a daily and stil really enjoy it. I'm nudging 128,000 miles. Good luck.
  17. Lauren

    Celebrating six years of ownership today

    Cool, had my six year anniversary on the 1st February.
  18. Event Title: NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April Event Author: Lauren Event Date: 21.04.2019 At last a new venue for the ever popular Jap2Jap meet which has moved from Chorley to Warrington. Easy access off the M62 and close to Manchester. There's normally a good mix of Japanese cars and various other things seem to turn up. Always good for a natter, let me know if you are interested. A number of us have been going to these meets for years. Let me know if you fancy it. 1. Lauren 2. Swingking 3. Riceburner (GT4) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April
  19. Lauren

    Service prices

    I'll bet there will be additional costs for changing spark plugs, diff oil and fuel filter.
  20. Lauren

    NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April

    I noticed you were still on winter tyres as well! That must be interesting! 😂
  21. Lauren

    NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April

    Just wanted to say, thanks to all those that came on Sunday. It was nice to meet Lionel and have a good chat with the regular attenders. Sorry I missed the couple of you that were parked up, but I couldn't find you! The next one is on the 19th May same venue. I will be at the Cumbria International Show in Kendal though that day. Here's a vid where I think all our cars are featured at some point.
  22. Lauren

    Hopefully a newbie soon

    There isn't a FAQ on forced induction weighing up all the options as such but there has been many a thread. You could just search for forced induction on the forum. It would probably turn up quite a lot of threads though. The max on stock internals is 300bhp or 280bhp to be safe. But, that is honestly plenty. If you want more you'll need a forged bottom end as the rods are the weak point. It's probably better to do your research and then come back with specific questions for your application. Good luck.
  23. Lauren

    Severe engine rattle

    In a two valve per cylinder configuration as many single overhead camshaft engines are, they don't have any rocker arms, the cams work straight on the bucket, just like they do in four valve per cylinder engines with sixteen valves an two camshafts.
  24. Lauren

    NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April

    Just so everyone is aware, don't get there before 2pm as there is a car boot on before. The last thing you'd want to do is mix with the great unwashed and you won't be able to get in before that time.
  25. Lauren

    NW: Jap2Jap - now in Warrington Sun 21 April

    Great stuff. We're going to aim for 2pm Lionel. You can probably get there a little earlier if you wish. There will be marshalls there to take your £2 off you. It's normally a pretty relaxed affair.