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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    My Cars first service

    Sounds like you need to sort out that suspension issue. That's not good! Spacers seem your likely option, am guessing you need about 5mm. James, the brakes always squeal, seems to be the pad material that causes it.
  2. Lauren

    Supercharger or Turbo

    It's way too complicated, I'd advise anyone thinking about it to can that idea. It's just simply not worth the effort and the added complication. Better to pick one or the other. :+:
  3. Lauren

    PS4 orXBOX ONE

    We'd go for the PS4 as Mark loves Sony and we've had all the previous generations. Thing is all we use the playstation for is for playing blurays and the occasional use of vidzone (though the recent addtion of adverts has put me off it). Is it worth it for that? 5 days of playing GTA5 and now I'm bored with it, tells me I'm not much of a gamer.
  4. Lauren

    Ace Cafe Toyota Meet London.

    Too far for me I'm afraid. I've been there a couple of times for AE86 meets, good food and drink, though expensive. The most dog unfriendly place ever!
  5. Lauren

    Supercharger or Turbo

    Don't forget the Litchfield. A rotrex supercharger will give quite a different delivery, more peaky so you'll need to rev it more, but there again, there's no harm in that. Just a thought as I wonder if the delivery may well suit the car the most. I still haven't read the EVO track article yet!
  6. Sideways and to oblivion I say. :tongue:A friend of mine auctioned me off to take people round Donington in her drift car a few years ago. Twas a lot of fun.
  7. Lauren

    Northern Meet / Hoon

    I'd likely be up for that. :+:
  8. Okay, I will be darn south next Saturday 12th October.The plan is to meet up with Keith, Rob and Jay and anyone else. There also looks to be the opportunity to visit Abbey Motorsports and have a nosey/chat with Mark et al.The plan will be a bit of a drive out and lunch, possibly at the Grasshopper, Westerham before I head back up north.I would love to meet some more of our southern members as I don't often get the opportunity.
  9. Lauren

    New Scottish owner

    Ooh, so exciting, I remember that feeling! Just the first 1000miles to get done to get the basic running in sorted. I'm sure it won't take long.
  10. Lauren

    Climate Control

    Aircon works even if you are heating the car. This is particularly useful in the rain when it's cold and you want to demist the car. This is why the AC turns on automatically if you hit the demist button. Airconditioning removes moisture from the air, which is why it's so good for demisting. You can run in auto mode with the air con off by simply turning the AC off via the auto button. It will still run in auto mode. You should also run your AC regularly as the refigerant contains oil which lubricates the seals in the system. It generally won't work though below 3C as a guide. In all honesty it does no harm to run your AC all the time. I tend not to run my AC when I have the window open as there's no point and when the weather is mild and dry. But when it's really wet, especially if you got wet getting into the car, then the AC is useful for demisting all the windows. Hope this helps!
  11. Lauren

    New Boy on the Block

    Cheers. It was pretty uneventful apart from a couple of monsoons, but fortunately no accidents this time.
  12. Another thing to consider is that new tyres always tend to feel better. I'd be interested in what you think after a few weeks. Particularly when you've driven it a bit in the wet.
  13. Lauren

    New Boy on the Block

    Hello stranger! :tongue: Nice to meet you today. I too enjoyed my time in Abbey's supercharger.
  14. The speedo over-reads though so you'd need to hit an indicated 64mph or so to get to 60mph and you will hit the limiter I believe in 2nd before you get to 60mph so you need to grab 3rd gear. I think five hundredths of a second is more likely variance and not any significant really.
  15. Good news! Interestingly EVO's long term GT go the same tyres fitted and they certainly seem pleased with the initial results. :+:
  16. Ten cars in all! Twas a good meet, nice to meet everyone and also nice to put some faces to names that I haven't met. Good to meet you Keith and nice to meet Neil, James and also Mark from Abbey of course. Had a go of the supercharger too, was really very impressive. I think there was a slight throttle lag, but blimey, it does pull very strongly indeed. Like it lots! It's always the case of once you try it, you start thinking, 'hmm, I quite fancy one of those'. I've had supercharged MR2's before and the experience reminds me a lot of that. Instant torque and a really nice strong pull right through the rev range. It certainly makes it a very tractable motor and the power increase of around 50bhp with corresponding torque seemed to suit the car well. Cheers! :+: Also Rob's triangle wasn't bad at all and I had some fun trying to keep up with Faith. It was certainly slippery out there in places! Just got home, a nice four drive back to Manchester.
  17. *See you in the morning (can't edit on iPad).
  18. Right I've made it down to London! Looking forward to meeting everyone at the grasshopper tomorrow, also nice to go back to an old haunt of mine. Seeing in the morning.
  19. Well, all said and done, it's not us trying to cause any divide, all we want to do is meet like minded owners, hav a drive and a natter. Can't see any harm in that!
  20. Lauren

    p3cars Gauges for the GT86/BRZ

    You can see in the pic at the top, that the top part of the vent still opens, so yes you can still use the vent. :+:
  21. Lauren

    Litchfield Spec S - web page now live

    This is the biggest problem with modifying. You end up increasing wheel and tyre sizes as well as grip levels. Then you upgrade the brakes and whatever else you are doing. You end up with a very quick car, but then you need to go so much faster to have the same fun.Slippery slope!
  22. Lauren

    Litchfield Spec S - web page now live

    It was estimated at 4.5 secs to 60 in EVO IIRC. However, it does look very appealing and a not to terrible price either. I do find it quite appealing.