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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Yes. Not read the article yet though.
  2. Great stuff, make it so. Will have to change the title soon, to a proper meet!
  3. They have changed the tyres on the GT86 for Dunlop Sport Max's. Jethro likes the improvement saying it improves precision, reduces understeer and will still go sideways. He's liking it and says, 'good car' at the end.
  4. Lauren

    Club Flags

    They look really good. Great stuff! :+:
  5. Cool, well it sounds like EVO is about to drop on my doormat. I've missed my bedtime reading.
  6. Lauren

    are these things normal?

    Hmm, my gearbox makes quite a few noises. Sounds like input shaft bearings and the like. I think it's probably normal, but I do wonder at the longetivity of the gearbox given it makes a fair few noises already. As for the idle issue, well it is important to check your ECU is up to date. I still get the occasional dip, though nothing like the problem I had which was induction kit related. I think the occasional flutter is nothing to worry about. I reckon it would be great if the car idled just a little higher in the first place thus avoiding these issues!
  7. Sounds fine, Rob. 51 minutes is fine, though if people want we could always do the shorter one. As for mileage well after just over 8 months I've managed nearly 21,000. That includes two euro trips, one to deepest Germany and the other to Italy and back. Got to drive it!
  8. LOL! I've got to drive home to Manchester afterwards!
  9. Or, if Mark at Abbey doesn't mind us popping over we could do that and head back to the Grasshopper for a decent lunch.
  10. Great stuff, Ian, would be good to catch up. :)I don't mind in terms of driving, though I have 200+ miles to get home afterwards, so perhaps more of a social, but really see what everyone wants to do. I guess in my eyes a short drive out if people want to, would be ideal.
  11. Cool. :)It's the Grasshopper Westerham (pub):Moorhouse, Westerham Rd, Westerham, Kent TN16 2EUIt's a huge pub, you cannot miss it. 10am Saturday. :+:
  12. Do you know any good local roads around there, Rob? I used to drive around there a fair bit, but that was over 20 years ago. The A25 is a good enough road, but suspect traffic might be an issue. But , there must be some half decent roads not far from there.
  13. Lauren

    Relocating to Lincolnshire, UK

    Yeah, he was saying he was retiring from the military so it's a personal import. That's how I read it anyway.
  14. Lauren

    Productive Day

    Hmm, I'm not sure, look forward to seeing it in the flesh next Saturday though. :+:
  15. Grasshopper is cool by me. Can do for around 10am, yes, shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps grab a latte at the pub then a drive out round 'Rob's Triangle', Abbey, if Mark's up for it, then back to the Grasshopper for lunch?
  16. Can meet up late morning if that suits. Not sure where, I was kind of relying on Rob for that as I was thinking we'd heading over his way. I'll be driving over from Chislehurst which is London/Kent.
  17. Lauren

    Productive Day

    Cool. Nice work! I've got to be honest, I'm not sure about the key wrap thing, but I'd need to see it for real I think. Any pics of those door handles refitted?
  18. Lauren

    Relocating to Lincolnshire, UK

    In respect of your MX5/Miata. As this is over ten years old, it will just need an MOT to pass the test SVA test is more stringent than MOT. You'll have to fit a rear fog light (if it doesn't have one) and sort out the headlamps to point the right way on dipped beam. So it's a bit simpler and a little cheaper for this one. MOT is about £50 (they vary a bit). If you are coming to the UK to live ie moving from your home in the US to set up home here then there is no VAT to pay on your cars (Value added tax which is at 20%), so you'll be glad of that.
  19. Lauren

    Relocating to Lincolnshire, UK

    This will be useful: https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/overview
  20. Lauren

    Relocating to Lincolnshire, UK

    Hi, I did post on the FT86 forum, but my posts dissapeared for some reason.In terms of importing you will need an SVA test which is about £150. Also your lights will need to conform to UK requirements. Your headlights need to point left rather than right on dipped beam. I think the BRZ has a rear fog light (this is a requirement here). It does mean though you can lose those orange side repeaters. Also you will need a vehicle road fund licence (road tax) which is £225 per year. Plus insurance which you will need proof of to get the road tax. You don't need an MOT as your car is under three years old. You will also need to pay to get your car registered here so you can put UK registration plates on it. I can ask some friends of mine who have imported plenty of cars from Japan into the UK (very popular here).
  21. Today I replied to a US guy on the UK thread in the regional section of the FT86 forum. I did put in a link to here because he is looking at bringing his car over. I also gave advice on importing, SVA issues with the lights etc. http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1252033#post1252033Four hours later I went back to see if there were any replies and my post had been removed. I had not been contacted. So I reposted trying to remember what I wrote originally. Now when I go back to it, I don't seem to have permission to access that thread. Also I cannot even see the European region in the list. Once again, no notification, nothing. What's more a few posts higher Alec has posted about this club, so I am a bit perplexed as to if this is the problem. I have contacted them asking what is going on.
  22. Lauren

    Abbey Motorpsort and Tony Gillam

    Great news, Mark. If you're around I look forward to meeting you guys next weekend.
  23. Lauren

    Club Flags

    Sounds good. Thank you for your support. :+:
  24. Lauren

    Fifth Gear has GT86 vs Megane 265

    Finally seen the first two episodes on you tube. Actually really good. I so much prefer this over Top Gear. Enjoyed the test against the Megane too, though my you tube clip cut off just before the GT completed it's lap!