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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. You missed a fun afternoon playing in the Peak's! Was a nice relaxed day with a few fun roads thrown in.
  2. Great pics, Will and a good drive out I reckon! We did the same today too.
  3. Lauren

    Puncture. So glad I had a spare...

    That was my worry in regard to having more grip meaning that I'd have to go that much faster before I could play with the chassis. After today's excursion over the 'Lauren Triangle', which takes in the Cat & Fiddle, I had so much fun with the Primacy's as you don't have to be going that fast to play with the balance of the chassis and I love them for that.
  4. Lauren

    Air con cerns

    If you don't use it, the seals in the system tend to dry out as running the AC lubricates them which results in the refrigerant leaking, so it's essential to run your AC regularly even in the winter.
  5. Lauren

    Marks Mods

    Looks really good Mark. I did see your boudoir interior pics last night. ;)I am starting to think the look of those lights is growing on me and the TRD spoiler looks great. :+:
  6. Yep, lame in it's entirety. Also very surprised the car was an auto.
  7. Okay looked at it at work again today. Basically I can't log in. I put in my password and username and it goes through the process but I'm not logged in. I can keep repeating the process but nothing changes still not logged in.
  8. I'm using whatever browser comes with Windoze 7, I think. IE something.
  9. It shows me as logged in. I even went to the admin panel logged in there, could see the admin panel, then clicked back to the forum. Again it displays like I'm not logged in.When I removed the cookie it did log me out. I logged back in no difference.
  10. All present and correct, login is okay. But no option to reply to a post and the only option I can see on other posts is the option to click on 'flag', nothing else. No reply at the bottom either.
  11. Okay, spoken to the IT guys this morning. Cleared the cache as per their instructions deleting all my cookies and everything else. Still doesn't work. I give up.
  12. Lauren

    Convertible Anyone ?

    No thanks to the convertible, not my thing. Hybrid, though, that could be interesting.
  13. Okay will see, but I'm a bit nervous about calling the IT guys about something not work related.
  14. Lauren


    Looks great but I'd never fit a splitter as it would just get damaged.
  15. I've deleted the cookies, but it still doesn't work. I'm moving to another office in a month, may just wait till then. The crap thing is, they upgraded our computers to Shitrix which meant it came with Windoze 7 or something (never seen it before) so it got rid of the problem with IE8, but now of course I can't post. Arrghh!
  16. Lauren

    Auto Express Top 50 Ever

    Some seriously dodgy cars in that list though. The Calibra, erm Cavalier chassis? hmm.
  17. LOL! The reality is that a lot of drivers these days simply don't have any RWD experience, so they don't know how to handle it. It's okay for the more mature amongst us that have had plenty of RWD cars. It was news to me recently that when Mark insured his MX5 he was asked if he had had any RWD cars before (he'd had eight!) and was still loaded because he was changing his insurance from a FWD car (Yaris).
  18. Lauren


    Most likely to be water from the AC condensor.
  19. Lauren

    Future of the Superchargers...

    LOL where can I get one? :tongue:
  20. Okay, just finished bookings for my second Euro trip of the year. The plan is we are taking our dog, Indy to see her favourite uncle who now lives in Lake Garda, Italy. We are driving to mum's in London, then taking the Chunnel on the 2nd September. From there we'll speed through France and arrive at Basel in Switzerland. Killerbee (on the FT86 forum) has kindly made me a route to take in three passes the following day. Hopefully we'll manage to meet up with him on the way. Sustenpass:Then the Grimselpass:Furkapass:Then we stop over in Lenzerheide and the following morning we go through St Moritz (lunch stop if we can afford it perhaps?) and onto the Stelvio:We will staying in Lake Garda for five nights, before returning over the Alps via the Stelvio but then taking the tunnels instead of the passes before stopping over in Colmar in France which looks pretty:What I wanted to say, is if anyone is along route and wants to meet up, let me know. I must say, having never driven the Alps before I'm rather excited at the proposition.
  21. May well go the way of EVO. It takes months and lots of miles to get to know a car well and loosen it up too. Mine seemed to improve around 10K. Is nicely loosened up now and drives so much better than it did when I first got it.
  22. Lauren

    What are you doing to your 86/BRZ?

    I think you need a wikkid 'zorst' next. :tongue:
  23. Lauren

    What are you doing to your 86/BRZ?

    Mine will get a remap, that will be the next mod. Not in any great rush though. Following that, chassis bracing as I've been impressed by how it changed the feel of RRG's TRD and also to Keith's turbo auto. The next actual mod may well be winter tyres which will be going on in November. Other than that, i'm trying to give my car a rest, 20K in eight months and two euro trips this summer, means it needs a break I think!
  24. Lauren


    I haven't driven a car with these tyres on. However, I have heard good things about them on the grapevine. Let us know how you get on. :+: