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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Reckon we could take you on the Cat & Fiddle etc. No problem there. :+: Sure, appreciate that about Rob and Jay coming further. Well the offer is there to anyone who wants it.
  2. Lauren

    JAE 2013 - Photo's

    IIRC they are Gram Lights which are not cheap.
  3. Well, just trying to help and I do like to dine out given the opportunity. Huddersfield is a fair old distance away from Macc!
  4. If anyone wishes to use our guest room and go out for a meal on the Saturday night then please let me know. Have a guest room and a rather large comfy sofa if any others want putting up. I do a mean breakfast too. ;)Thinking about it, would be good to have a social. Anyone fancy a curry?
  5. Lauren

    GTA V

    I'm not much of a gamer these days. I'll only really buy the new Gran Turismo or Grand Theft Auto games when they come out.Have to say though, I do enjoy it on occasion. Much fun to be had with this game.
  6. Lauren


    Tried the T1-R on my DC2 Integra. I felt it ruined it compared to the OEM RE010's (which were unavailable). Way too soft on the sidewall, it really took the precision out of the steering.In regard to your other options, I'd save a bit more and get a premium tyre, especially so if you're not going to fit winter tyres. For the most part it's a case of you get what you pay for. Though check a few sites, you may get a better deal. S-Drives may be in your budget a good tyre that would suit the GT, I think. I liked them on my old E36 325i. They are a bit old though, so be careful to check they are not more than a year old.
  7. Lauren

    GTA V

    Drifting in GTA V in a Futo (AE86):
  8. Lauren


    I'm wondering whether I will try different tyres when I've got through my two sets of primacys. I would most likely for a Continental Contisport Contact 5. Excellent tyres, I think. Also I would look at the Yoko Advan AD08 as fitted to the TRD. I'll be honest though, price is not my first consideration. A tyre that has great progressiveness in the wet and a stiff sidewall are generally my highest priorities. Eagle F1s are a good tyre. I'm not sure about the current assymmetric but the previous ones (GSD2/3) were too soft on the sidewalls. Also I'd advise against Toyo Proxies, too soft on the sidewall dulls steering response and precision. The Yoko S-Drive is not a bad tyre. A bit long in the tooth now perhaps but a reasonable all rounder and stiff on the sidewall.
  9. Lauren

    GTA V

    We've been playing it a fair bit. A poorly Indy on Wednesday meant a day off for me and well, what else could I do but give it a go. Played it all day and night till I went to bed. It's great fun, have done a number of missions and spent a lot of time driving around. Look out for the Futo which is obviously an anagram of 'tofu', which is a nod to Initial D of course. Yes, it's a two door AE86 Levin and you can of course customise it. It was a wickedly quick car that handled in GTA IV and does pretty well as a getaway car in GTA V too I reckon. Worth looking out for! Am loving the improved visuals, the map is immense. Guess what we'll be doing tonight. :tongue:
  10. Lauren

    Read it and weep 86'ers

    Pretty certain it will be a manual given they didn't think much of the auto.
  11. Lauren

    New Hyper REV : anyone got it?

    I had the last one and have a few others for previous cars of mine. Nice things to look at but I can't read Kanji, so it's a bit limiting.
  12. Lauren

    Read it and weep 86'ers

    Is this a BRZ of the FI variety?
  13. Lauren

    GTA V

    Picked up a copy from Game local to where I work. Our problem is that our two wireless controllers seem to be absolutely dead. All installed but can't bloody play it!
  14. Lauren


    Probably got GTAV fever. :tongue:
  15. Lauren


    I did have a quick look (was off recovering today) but it didn't seem to be moving much!
  16. Lauren

    JAE 2013 - Photo's

    Nice pics, Will. :+:
  17. Lauren

    Anyone we know?

    Also I don't think owning a car for two months is really enough to give a good overall picture of what a car is like to live with. I realise this now after 20K miles and 8 months! It gets better with age and mileage I find. :tongue:
  18. Lauren


    Welcome, Martin. Think it might be a bit of a wait for the new Subaru special edition. Does look good though. :+:
  19. Lauren

    One Year Later

    Glad you're liking it now. Must admit, don't agree with much that was said in the review. I always feel the FRS is a different car in so many ways.
  20. Downhill on the Stelvio Pass with Alex in hot pursuit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc4ZillEVRk
  21. Possibly the best exhaust appreciation tunnel in the world at Munt la Shera....
  22. Lauren

    Spoiler yes or no

    Your's I think Ian.
  23. Lauren

    Spoiler yes or no

    It is pretty cool to be fair. :+: How much?
  24. Lauren

    ABBEY MOTORSPORT over here on the darkside

    Welcome! I'm sure we can get Rob to sort it out, though we're all off to JAE in a bit.