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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Paint Issue?

    Well, Will, it could be worth it for dinner. :tongue:No worries, Keith, I'm sure Pete will be happy to help.
  2. Well if your car is decelarating downhill in neutral then it does sound like there is something dragging, perhaps the brakes? You'll find the AE86 a bit archaic in comparison. It's fun, but in a more crude way.
  3. Lauren

    Paint Issue?

    When you come to JAE I'll get Pete (a friend who does detailing) to have a look at if for you. :+:
  4. Bit of an odd one about the car decellerating downhill. It will do depending upon the decline of the road and what gear you are in. All cars with gears do this, it's simply engine braking which is why when going down a hill it gives you better control if you select a lower gear. I don't really understand the passenger seat issue. Maybe your wife prefers to drive? :tongue:With the auto lights, I sometimes just flick the lights on dipped beam manually when they don't switch on automatically. For example I'd do this if it's raining on the motorway in the daytime where I want other drivers to see me.
  5. It's got a really fantastic ascent, but the descent is a little narrow in places:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furka_Pass
  6. Just one more..... I've loads more pics to sort out.Atop the Furkapass at over 2400 metres complete with an Indy:Overall mpg was 36.0. This is impressive when you have to consider that driving the passes, particularly the bonkers, mad ascent of the Stelvio must have reduced the average by about 5mpg!
  7. Well, mission accomplished! :)2414.4 miles in all. I have to say, I had two of the most epic drives of my life. First was with Chris (Killerbee on FT86 forum) my newly acquired Swiss friend who with his local knowledge made driving the Klausen, Susten, Grimsel and Furka passes just fantastic. Brilliant, utterly brilliant. I still have the sound of my exhaust reverberating through the tunnels and mountain sides in my head everytime I think about it.Following Chris's car through a tunnel out of Basel:http://www.flickr.com/photos/dexterslab2010/9726093982/Rest of the images are here too.Then after a dissapointing first run at the Stelvio Pass due to it being just stupidly busy, we did it the following Monday, this time with Speedy (Alex) our site hoster and IT guru. What can I say, what a completely brilliant drive, just loved it. We also took in a cool one way tunnel crossing the border into Switzerland and happened upon the excellent Fluelapass. A proper write up with pics will follow once I have a moment. :)It just doesn't get much better than this:And then there was Reims of course:So much to say! I daresay i'll bore people stupid with it at JAE. Apologise in advance!
  8. I think 4mm should still be enough to be good enough in the wet. They should be better in the dry than fully treaded tyres really. You could swop round the tyres as the fronts wear quite a lot less it seems. For winter, seriously consider a set of winter tyres, it makes a big difference.
  9. Lauren

    Fifth Gear

    Damn, I only have freeview.
  10. Lauren

    GT86 with most options for sale

    Also decent pics of the interior would also help the sale,particularly as its the red/black combo.
  11. Lauren

    GT86 with most options for sale

    Good luck. Post pics up, rather than link to them. Makes it easier for the buyer.
  12. Lauren

    Well Hello Everyone !!

    Sorry 'did' (can't edit posts on iPad)
  13. Lauren

    Well Hello Everyone !!

    Welcome, Nigel. Have to a where does that username come from? Dd you do a lot of test drives? :tongue:
  14. Lauren

    Pictures with logos

    Also it says 'UK' in the URL.
  15. Lauren

    Pictures with logos

    Think they look good, but not convinced we need the 'UK' part. Also may as well lose the 'www' bit as it goes without saying and would shorten the amount of text.
  16. Lauren

    Hi Guys

    Hello Mike, welcome.
  17. Lauren

    Hello from Canada

    Welcome, Ken. We should try and do a meet up. Maybe the Curborough sprint is a possible. When is it?
  18. Our taxes are higher too.
  19. Lauren

    Hybrid-R. 420 BHP

    Like it. :+: This could well be the future.
  20. I seem to have been banned from Dan's forum. No idea why. Anyone care to explain?
  21. Lauren

    Shell V Power Nitro+ Triple Points

    I get Waitrose vouchers, so far after spending about four grand on fuel I've go £9.50 off at Waitrose. It's absolutely dire IMO.
  22. Have to say, having a mega time. Yesterday's drive of the four passes was simply epic. I think it made a huge difference having Chris our local guide and fellow GT86 owner. We could you know have a tour around this area next year. Would be a stonking club event! Today we drive the Stelvio! I did all the driving yesterday so Mark can do some today. To be fair Mark was terrified of the drops at times, so I think he wants to go a little more slowly today.
  23. It's not that bad, Richard. £40 for a decent meal and a couple of beers each is okay I think.
  24. Just a bit of fun really. I'm sure someone will have done more than me, but I thought it worthy of a bit of banter to pose the question. I've had my car since Feb 1st, so five and a half months and have managed 12150miles so far. I'm off to Germany in a week so will put another 2000 on I reckon!