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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Looked at that castle in Sirmione, it's not far from my friends flat. Will see what I can do. :+:
  2. LOL, maybe Sy. These Swiss hotels are expensive. :tongue:
  3. I was 30 km/h over the limit. So yeah not too worried by that. Spending 20 minutes each way in the back of a police car to find the most remote cashpoint known to humankind was a pain, but, never mind all part of the experience! I had behaved myself pretty well up till that point, typical eh?
  4. Am I going there? I've no idea tbh. If I happen upon it of course. Just arrived in Basel. Only took 13 hours from London. It would have been a little quicker if I had t spent a nice hour going to a cash point with the gendarmerie. But never mind, 90 euro light as a result we did pretty well, just so tired. Food then bed and an early start tomorrow to meet Chris to drive some passes.
  5. Lauren

    GT86 Crash on A14

    Made a right mess of their car too.
  6. Lauren


    Welcome aboard.
  7. Lauren

    Carriage return on ipad safari iOS

    Just trying it on my IPad on the M6. Carriage return Did it work?
  8. Well, Ed, it could be a Euro trip next year, tour of the Alps and all that. :+:
  9. I shall try and get a picture of that for you!
  10. Lauren

    BRZ STI Ts. Website

    Those Recaro seats are lovely. :lover:http://www.ft86club.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=48546&d=1376922810
  11. Cheers, Richard. We will nearly be passing each other. We pass back through that way on the 9th, funnily enough, staying in Colmar on the way back. Did I mention that Alex (Speedy) will also be joining us in Lake Garda.
  12. Okay, the time has come, we set off for a friend's in London tomorrow. Two nights in London as my mum lives an hour from the Chunnel off the M20 which makes it a perfect stopping over point, then early morning Chunnel on Monday morning and so it begins. Am so excited. Tuesday morning will mean an early rise in Basel where we drive to meet Chris who's a Swiss GT86 owner. He's kindly taken a day off to show us four Alpine passes. Yes, I'm looking forward to it! I will try my best to upload some pics and a little about how it's going. I'll compile a full write up upon my return.
  13. Lauren

    Spotted... Was it you?

    There'll be one in Italy next week. :tongue:
  14. Lauren

    BRZ STI Ts. Website

    Pity the vids are so short. Not sure on that rear spoiler on the STi, but it's not that easy to see from the vid.
  15. It's not only that, I think it makes more sense to differentiate between us both. Also it was an opportunity to get BRZ into the company name. I'll post the details up as soon as it is sorted. :+:
  16. Lauren

    Hi again!

    Welcome to the club!
  17. Many thanks, Dave. :hug: I think time will help with sorting a lot of issues out. We are clear though that we will not be oppositional to Dan's forum. Otherwise, we'll let you know!
  18. Lauren

    Car Insurance + Gap Insurance

    I've had a quick chat with Ollie from Sky, he's coming on board. I've pointed him to this thread too. :+:
  19. The trouble is the BMW is a lot more expensive once you've ticked a few boxes. And yes, interesting to see what the collaboration with BMW yields.
  20. I'm currently on 16800 miles since 1st Feb. About to put on 2389 miles or thereabouts in the next week or two. Blimey, Colin, poor effort. Sure you don't fancy joining us on a sojourn to the Alps? :tongue:
  21. To be fair Steve, we have discussed and are currently addressing the naming of the club. It is all in progress and will be sorted very shortly. I sincerely doubt that in doing so this will lessen the hostility that has been experienced, but in all honesty I want our club to be obviously different from Dan's forum. We are interested in moving on, not dwelling on petty arguments that can't seem to be resolved.None of the above means we can't work together when it comes to events.
  22. Hello! :)It's one of those things, really, still watch this space in respect of events, as we're pretty active on that front!
  23. Lauren

    Forum update 27/08/2013

    Seems all to be good. :+: