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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Word on the grapevine is that Stu is in some way related to Dan, hence hte obsession with protecting Dan's interests, possibly.
  2. I'm not entirely sure, Richard. IT seems this must have been building for days. I'm guessing something to do with Rob refusing to return the banner as he feels that DAn has not entirely paid for it and possibly something about Keith's remarks yesterday in regard to the BHP show. I'm not going to stoop to their level. They've done what they've done and I'll just have to concentrate my efforts here.
  3. We tried to work with Dan and Stu when Keith registered the company name, however when Dan was approached to set up a not for profit club he declined and people got their accounts suspended. So we did not create a 'divide' out of choice, we simply had no other option when it became clear that Dan had no interests in setting up a club for the members.
  4. Stu goes on to say: It is, I agree completely. It's a shame the individuals involved couldn't have put their efforts into making this a better place, instead of going off and doing their own thing and creating a divide. The irony is, some of them consider me and other as "the select few", as if we're the enemy. I personally have invested quite a bit of time trying to improve things here, reacting to suggestions/problems, trying to move things forward yet those actions fail to be acknowledged. I did this because some people were complaining that things weren't being progressed so I stepped up the plate and tried to make a change. I don't think it really comes down to the issues they raise, as they ignored what happened after. I think some people just have to be in control, some people like to complain whatever, and some like to be rebels and follow the new crowd. We always knew clones would be created (although creating a company in our name was quite rich!), it's inevitible, all successful clubs 'suffer' it. I'm only interested in donating my time to help make this a better place. Most of our members are quite happy chatting away on the board, sharing ideas/banter, benefiting from discounts/deals from our traders and other 3rd parties, and meeting up and having a good social time.
  5. I honestly have not spread any misinformation. I have informed people that Dan runs 50 odd forums with the sole intentions of making profit from advertising and traders. He has no interest in the car. If someone would like to explain to me how this is misinformation, then I'm all ears. Furthermore I did not realise that there was censorship in regard to what can be talked about at local meetings.
  6. Apparently: Ian asked: Can you explain why lauren has been banned as she has no idea herself, also if we post a link from the other forum why does web address change, Im a member of two MR2 clubs & we freely copy & paste links on each others websites without issue. Stu said: There were reports from our members that she was attending social meets arranged here and spent time spreading misinformation about our club and pushing her own club, quite aggressively some found.
  7. Great stuff, Faith! We will have some stickers soon!
  8. Lauren


    Yeah, probably best. Do that and we'll see how it goes.
  9. Lauren


    We could, I reckon.
  10. Lauren

    Day out to Yorkshire, Sunday 11th August 2013

    Well, not a bad turn out today. Really nice to put yet more names to faces and have a bit of a natter. The weather did go a bit Yorkshire on us at times and after being rained off at the Squires cafe, we opted for a short 40 mile drive north. Alec and Dave shot off, I knew the convoy was going to struggle as I had about ten cars behind me. So I just followed the sat nav which meant a fair old slog up the none too interesting A1M. Still Alec and Dave hadn't faired that much better. But, at least we were met with a smattering of good roads in places. I think the distance we covered meant avoiding motorways was a touch more difficult. Still, some scenery was seen. We stopped at Masham and ended up having a pub lunch. The weather really didn't play ball and chips were close to floating off the plate at one stage! We then went on a great bit of road, a bit hampered by other road users and stopped at a farm for ice cream. Mark and I headed back not long after we got there and had an absolute corker of a drive back to Masham, seemingly unspoilt by other traffic. We managed 230 odd miles over the course of the day, not bad going I think. I know there were others with far more impressive mileages like Faith and Keith. It was a shame to lose Sam, no idea how he fell out of the convoy on the way out after the initial meet. We need more northern meet ups! I didn't really take any pics as such, but here's one that came out better than I thought it would. This is the Manchester contingent refuelling at Birch services.
  11. Lauren

    Here I am for the second time!!

    Welcome aboard. Nice pics too!
  12. Lauren

    Day out to Yorkshire, Sunday 11th August 2013

    Yep, let's do it!
  13. Lauren

    RRG Macc' modified TRD review

  14. Lauren

    Potential Mod Design

    That's a very distinctive look, Keith, I like it. I admit to slightly preferring the second design on the wheel spoke, which is more subtle.
  15. Lauren

    The Club shop is now Open!

    Great stuff, Rob, well done. Have paid up.
  16. Lauren


    The idea, Sam is that because we are non-profit, any revenue generated through traders and through any optional membership fees is able to to be put forward for events and socials and to subsidise anything that will benefit the members. As the other forum is for Dan's income, he makes money from advertising revenue and traders, but that money is not going to go on members events etc, it will go into his pockets. For me that is morally an issue. I am already a director of a non-profit club called IMOC-UK Ltd. Come, see our stand at JAE or better still come on it in your GT86 (we will have an area on the IMOC) stand and see the facilities that are paid for by income from traders and membership fees. Whilst the other forum is an established one, it does not cater for members in the same way.
  17. Lauren

    New member signing in

    Hello Pitman, glad you found us here.
  18. Lauren


    Hello there! Yes, early days, but a non-profit club for the members is our focus.
  19. Lauren

    Just signed up...

    Hello Mike. This club and forum has only been going a couple of months, but we are looking forward to building the club for the future.
  20. Well hopefully there won't be too many caravans or cyclists in the way. I daresay I'm bound to encounter this in places, but will take the opportunity to enjoy myself when the road is clear. I must say I really am so excited about this trip. I've been to Switzerland a couple of times in my life but I've never driven the roads. Just got to be done!
  21. Lauren

    Euro tour to Duderstadt

    Okay, time for our Euro trip. We are going back to Duderstadt to meet up with a load of Dutch and German friends. Principally we will be travelling from Calais next Tuesday and meeting up with Johnny in Belgium (if we can find the services!) on our way to a couple of nights in a nice hotel in Utrecht for a couple of nights. From there we head to Elburg for lunch. We have been recommended this by our Dutch friend, Erik (he runs the NL MR2 club called the 'Wild Bunch), before staying over at Erik's in Zwartsluis which is NE Netherlands. The following morning we meet up for breakfast just over the German border, where the rest of the Wild Bunch join us for a convoy to Duderstadt which is situated in Lower Saxony in the Harz region. It's a bit like the Peak District but with less caravans! We will then be camping with ze Germans, where we generally sit around the campfire and drink beer. Duderstadt itself is a beautiful German town on the old east/west border and there are many remants left of the 'Wall' which it makes it a very interesting place to visit. The town let us display our cars in the town square and it's a very nice setting with some very nice ice cream. From there we go on a drive out into the country and get to enjoy some very nice and quiet roads. After that it's all about the socialising and the BBQ, then we set off on the following Monday to drive back. Last year we stayed in Brugge on the way out, but this time we are going to stay over there on the way back as it will break the journey up nicely. We fell in love with Brugge so couldn't resist revisiting it again this year. Our route on Google maps:http://goo.gl/maps/Fw3n1Some pics from last year:Brugge:My AE86 and Erik's MR2 Roadster at Erik's in Zwartsluis:Cruising in the AE86:Ze mad Germans where we camp:JDM tastic in the Town Square in Duderstadt:Toyotas, okay mostly MR2s vill the town square:No particular shortage of wood for the campfire!On the drive out on the Saturday, fond memories of the AE86 and a whole load of fun:The old 'Anti car emergency barrier' at the Borderlands museum which represents the old East/West divide. 6 tons and cut you in half in four seconds when it flies across the border crossing!Ice cream time on the Saturday in Duderstadt:Convoy on the drive out:Traditional remedies at Duderstadt. Cures everything! Anyway, should be a fab trip. I'm going to have a chat with Dutch and German friends as I'd love to get something going for the GT86's next year. It's a great trip and perhaps more importantly a great social. I will add stuff whilst I've got wifi when I'm away and do a write up when I get back.
  22. Nothing striking about this comparison here, more speculation about current values and the like. http://www.pistonheads.com/doc.asp?c=52&i=28149
  23. Lauren

    Midland Meet - 03 August 2013

    Sounds like a great meet. Impressive turn out too. Wicked that you got to drive Pitman's turbo. I'm really looking forward to trying Keith's at the sprint. Can't think of anything for the gif I'm afraid apart from compressing it, but unless there's an export option where you can compress I can't think of anything. Been using Macs to long.
  24. Lauren

    Forum Update 03/08/2013
