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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Schroth Rallye 3 ASM harness

    Just nice and tight.
  2. I really need to make one of these, will see what I can do.
  3. Lauren

    NW- Drive out with Jap2Jap Sun 4th November

    It gives a good alternative meet to Bedford then. The Peak district is shite for driving in all honesty, I sincerely hope we aren't going there. Though it will be more of a cruise than a fast drive as drive outs tend to be. North Wales is the best, but there are some great roads north of Leeds. So I'd suggest North Wales, EVO Triangle etcetera as having a much bigger draw than the Peak District.
  4. Lauren

    NW- Drive out with Jap2Jap

    My friends at Jap2Jap are organising a drive out on Sunday 4th November from 11am. There are plenty of great roads to go for a drive where we live. Will it be the Peaks, Moors or North Wales? We shall see. Updates here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2070912833224351/ I will of course update the thread when I know more. I'm sure we can fit in a pub for Sunday roast afterwards.
  5. Lauren

    The next step...

    You'll never solve the issue about 2nd gear being difficult to select when coming down from third when cold, but it goes away after a few minutes of driving. Just learn to live with it, I have for the last 120K miles and five winters!
  6. Given you're over 80K miles it's worth mentioning that it's had the most expensive service, where the fuel filter is changed at 80K, this makes it even better value as that service is £600+.
  7. Lauren

    Would like to hear the TD exhaust

    I've got the TD EL manifold, Milltek over pipe, TD decat pipe, no cats and resonated TD system. It's fine. Not going to be down your way anytime soon though. Plenty have it. @KevinA has two cars with this setup, he's over in Hook (not that far) and will be happy to help I'm sure, providing you go to him of course.
  8. Lauren

    The next step...

    Don't bother with anti-roll bars, they will only reduce traction. I'm not convinced on chassis bracing either, it's fairly stiff anyway. BBK - the AP four pot kit from Reyland for £1500 is amazing, but only worth it if you track it or like fast descents on Alpine passes. Weight reduction is pointless too, unless you are racing. Poly bushing makes a difference but only if you have high mileage (changed mine over at 100K miles) and things like the SPL rear lower arms sharpen up the rear end.
  9. Lauren

    Front brake disc size

    294mm well 293mm is close enough. The TRD is the same as the stock model with an addition of a bodykit. The smaller disc will not be for UK markets.
  10. Lauren

    TC Light at speed

    No, the exhaust would have no effect at all. Would put money on it being a coil pack but it wont make it hard to start. If the EML has gone off, it's just a matter of time before it comes on again I'm afraid. New coil pack is £87. I can't explain why it would be hard to start.
  11. Please put prices up and pictures as required by selling rules.
  12. Lauren

    TC Light at speed

    You look at to be over 7000rpm in fifth gear. I've only ever driven at these speeds on the autobahn and not experienced this. Even if the EML is on due to the exhaust it makes sense to put an ODB dongle on and see what the fault code is. Or go to your dealer. Obviously it shouldn't do this ordinarily. You'll fry your coilpacks though if you do this repeatedly.
  13. Lauren

    Red warning light flashing

    They put it in a different place when you have TPMS.
  14. Lauren

    Red warning light flashing

    It's the light for the alarm system that was fitted at Portbury Docks when the car came over. The dash one is the immobiliser, the one near the boot button is the alarm.
  15. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    I've been having a think about how to proceed with this. I've had some discussion with a number of members, regional organisers, admin on FB page and of course the other directors though Alec is not involved as such anymore. We have decided that we will leave the directors as they are currently as Rob is still very helpful and we never want him to be a stranger and Keith is still busy with the GT86 accounts and paypal account for which Rob helps with too. I feel that in order to move the club forward we should have a committee. It may be in time that one of the committee members could fill Alec's directors position in time, but there is no rush as such for that as three directors is plenty of course. I would like a club Chairman/Chairwoman. I feel that I should stay as a director and welcome new enthusiastic members to the committee who have a vision and want to take the club somewhere. This is your opportunity to get involved in what is a great club with great people. I think a Vice-chair would also be good to work with the chair in promoting the club. For example this could be looking at promoting the club to other clubs in Europe much like Scott the Chairman from IMOC did with the Duderstadt meet. I also think we should have someone to help with the finances to support Keith as Rob takes a bit less of a roll in this stuff. A Treasurer would be the title. I've worked out with Rob and Keith's help that pretty much all of our traders pay on subscription, but adding new traders would need doing of course. Events are a major thing and we could do with somebody to be the trackday/motorsport organiser. We also need firm regional organisers who could be on the committee as Events Organiser. North, South and Midlands. I'll try and summarise what these rolls entail and people have views on other roles that would be useful for the committee, please say. Chairman/Chairwoman - To liaise directly with the Directors on Committee matters. -To communicate the business of the Directors to the Committee and members when appropriate. -To set direction for the club. -To maintain and develop links with the administrators of other similar car clubs as appropriate. -Coordinate the work of the rest of the committee. -Work on wider projects to benefit members. - To work closely with our friends at the GT86OC on club collaboration. Vice Chair -To liaise directly with the directors on committee matters. -Assume responsibility in the absence of the Chairman/Chairwoman on such matters. -Assist the Chairman/Chairwoman on club developmental matters as well as work with relations to other clubs. - To work closely with our friends at the GT86OC on club collaboration. Treasurer -Oversee the day to day running of the clubs financial accounts. -Keep track on club finances and club bank/Paypal balances and advise the committee/directors accordingly. -Assist the directors in compiling the annual accounts and tax return. Don't worry our accountant will do our tax return! -Organise and manage budgets in coordination with and as agreed by the committee and/or directors. -Maintain a shared database of comany assets (gazebos, flags, banners and other property), their location, organising replacement/repair as necessary. Trader/Affiliates Admin This could be done by the treasurer, but anyway, here's an idea of what it entails: -Responsible for running and developing the trader scheme. -Liaise with all traders both potential and existing on all matters regarding commercial advertising on the GT86 BRZ DC forum. -Responsible for obtaining fees from traders. -Be a point of liaison for traders on all matters regarding their trader status. -Responsible for setting price points for traders ensuring that traders who say they are a registered company actually are. -Responsible for setting price points for traders. -Responsible for activation and deactivation of trader accounts. -Responsible for trader rules and conduct as well as enforcing them. -To be the point of contact for any grievance from a trader. Event Coordinator x4 North, South, Midlands plus track day/motorsports organiser. -Coordinate club events both collectively and singularly and liaise with regional organisers. -Take lead responsibility for major club events including Japfest x2 and JAE (if we go again!). -Provide logistical support where necessary to regional organisers. -Identify, approach and recruit potenital regional organiser to ensure national coverage. -In coordination with the Treasurer, organise and coordinate transportation of club property to large events. There are a few other odd jobs such as membership though these may be covered through the treasurer or we can create a position. Such things are open to debate. I would expect the committee members to be responsible for moderation on the forum, though really there is little to do here for the most part. It's not like the old days of keyboard warriors on forums, this seems to have migrated to the Facebook group! So let me know what you think and more importantly if you're interested in helping to build the club in to something special for the future. If you would like to be considered for a Committee Position you are welcome to post here or send me a message.
  16. I like these. Perfect size and offset.
  17. Lauren

    Goodbye GT86

    Really sorry to see you go, but nice one on the replacement. I'd love an E92 M3 but it would eat too much into my income for running costs. But if you can, good for you. Yes of course you're welcome to come to meets. Take me for a spin in the M3 please!
  18. Lauren

    Red budget build

    TEIN Flex Z is a good choice, Flex A is better though for the hyrdopneumatic bumpstops. I've been in a lot of GT's. I've yet to find one with lowering springs that feels right, though I haven't tried them all. The trouble is if you put lowering springs on it doesn't match the damping and the stock dampers are not that great. Spring rates on the TEINS are 6/6kg or you can go 5/6kg which is my spring rate. TD NA package is a no brainer and they have a discount on ex display stock at the moment. It's a bit of a bargain.
  19. That's cool, I run SPL rear lower arms, they are billet aluminium though, not titanium. Is that what you meant? The adjuster bar is titanium that goes to the rose joint. They are a lovely bit of kit and that's a lot of money to put change all the suspension parts for SPL items.
  20. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    @gavin_t that sounds a great idea. Linking up with other clubs is always good and keeps it interesting too. Great stuff.
  21. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    Donington is in the midlands but it is one of the very best circuits in the UK. Cadwell and Oulton are also real gems. Anglesey is good, though doesn't quite make the A list. Croft being the other one right up there with the best. But yes, people who want to do the better northern tracks can certainly get together and we have done a few in the past with Oulton being popular. I'm definitely up for another day at Donington though. Great idea about going to a race meet. Having a meal afterwards is always a good option.
  22. Lauren

    Tuning developments stage 1

    A lot of us have the TD NA package, had mine on over a year now. Makes a big difference to mid range torque, recommended. Your timing is perfect as they have some ex-display manifolds to move on and are offering a disount:
  23. Lauren

    Worst Car Ever Driven

    When I was 19 I used to pick up a lot of cars for my cousin's boyfriend who had his own garage. A Fiat 127 was the worse car I've ever driven. This would have been 1990 or so. It felt like I had to stir the gear lever to find a gear and well it was terrifyingly slow. Pretty sure it had drum brakes all round too, not sure if they were all working. It was a total dog of a car. I think my friends Beetle comes a close second. What an absolutely appalling car by design. Well I guess 1930's technology is the problem there.
  24. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    Wow great response! Thank you. @chris_9011 that's brilliant, I'm sure we've met via my time at IMOC (I'm still there and from 2004 too!) and JAE of course. We'll have to wait and see what happens in regard to JAE next year. I don't want to drop it, but it must make financial sense if we are going to use club funds. I think helping with events more local to you would be brilliant and also in the midlands. @VAD17 wow great response! Looks like you can easily cover the track days in the south. Given though the best tracks are up north, would you consider travelling further? All great ideas though and I know the novices like Bedford, but it would be a lot of fun to mix up track days with those of us with more experience, everyday is a school day and all that. Also really good on the CatD stuff. It's just making sure there are enough left to continue to do it, but I don't think that will be a problem with an influx of newcomers to track driving. The southern events at Silverstone and Goodwood are great too. Great idea about drive outs. I've done a few round the EVO Triangle, always good fun and also further north. Some cracking roads around North Wales and the towards the borders. A family friendly event is an interesting one. I've always thought that those with children tend to want to escape for a bit to come to a meet, but like you say maybe it needs more thought. And yes good point, we will need more than three event coordinators, though I was trying to keep the numbers down for the committee as we have regional organisers already and can always expand on that. @Sighe98 thanks, that's brilliant. I think being a regional organiser would work well for you. Good idea on the events at Combe as there's always plenty going on. And lastly, anyone from up North? We are severely lacking in regard to events being organised in the North, I feel pretty much on my own here! The south is just so well covered it seems.
  25. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    @Minion, that's great Jake. Thank you.