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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    I should add (how did I forget this last night) that when we have a number of people interested I will organise a meet in the midlands so we can all get there, expect lunch in a pub so we can discuss properly face to face and come up with a cunning plan!
  2. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    @Deacon That's fab, let me know what you're interested in.
  3. Lauren

    Committee members wanted!

    @James-GT86Aero that's brilliant. Watch this space. Enthusiasm is the main requirement really! Thanks for your offer.
  4. Okay, thank you all so much for your replies. The next stage is here:
  5. Rob, Keith, Alec and I started this club over five years ago now. I am pleased that it has gone from strength to strength, however five years is a long time and Rob has now sold his car and Alec by his own admission does not participate in the running of the club anymore. Keith and I are still around of course, though it seems like I'm the ever present director these days. I feel that I'm doing most things these days and I could really use some help! This is mostly with the events side of things and I know we have some excellent regional organisers, like @Leevsfortyone, @will300 and @Deacon, @VAD17 to name but a few. Not to mention the great support from @smudge for his help with running the Facebook page. I couldn't do it without him. I totally understand times change and we cannot expect even the directors to own their cars forever. Life changes and people move onto other things, unless you're me of course, 120,000 miles in my car and still going strong, which is great and all that, but I feel that we need to prepare the club for the future. So what am I proposing? Well I'm looking at forming a committee as such for the event organisers where we can have our own forum to discuss and organise events and delegate who will be doing what. Alec has said that he's happy to stand down as a director and I understand that it's far easier to effect these days. If someone feels that they would like to take on the heinous responsibility of being a director for the club, do please let me know! I would really like to hear from those enthusiastic members that would like to get more involved in the running of the club. There's no pay of course as we are non-profit and we all do stuff in our spare time when we are not earning a living. So who do we need? Well I'd really like to reinforce the regional event organisers we already have, so there is the South East/West, Midlands, possibly East Midlands and of course the North West and East. We are lacking in the Northern part of the country and should do more up here. We also need someone to liaise with the Owners Club. I've built this relationship with the help of Rob over the last year and after a good chat with @Kesler at JAE we are going to work to promote even more events together across both clubs. This is great news as I believe that all owners irresepective of whether they are on this club or the OC should all get to benefit from the events we organise and vice-versa. We had a great collaboration at Japfest Silverstone this year, but more work needs to be done on other events such as Japfest Donington and JAE if we continue to attend. We also have a great relationship with Toyota UK again through @Kesler and are trying to coordinate factory tours at Burnaston through @Riceburner. Really we have some great people already on board and great contacts in this respect, but it needs working on to ensure that we have some great events. I would absolutely welcome new ideas and a good injection of new blood is definitely needed. Please reply if you have any questions and wish to get further involved. @rob275 and I have agreed that we will have a meet up somewhere central in the coming months with those that are interested in taking the club further and getting more involved. It will probably be around the midlands.
  6. Lauren

    New owner

    Welcome aboard. Any plans for the car?
  7. Lauren

    Just saying Hi to everyone

    Welcome aboard, Tom. Check out the social meets for events going on local to you.
  8. Lauren

    OcUK HQ Motors Meet 3, 15th September

    Okay I'm definitely coming. Have a few appointments this morning but should make it down around lunchtime. Mark was quite excited at the prospect of all the geek stuff!
  9. Lauren

    Stock Exhaust

    That's what I've done with mine. It has zero miles on it as a Miltek went straight on before the PDI. It's been wrapped up since January 2013!
  10. Lauren

    OcUK HQ Motors Meet 3, 15th September

    Will see what I can do. I have a morning full of appointments so probably can't get there till 1pm or so and will have Indy of course.
  11. Lauren

    Tyre question/confusion

    If you have an 'inside' and an 'outside' marked on the tyres, that's all you have to worry about.
  12. Lauren

    Poor quality audio unit

    It sounds like you have the stock audio system. Really easy to tell if you have the JBL as it's embossed on the front speakers. This is a good improvement over the useless stock system, though it's still not that good. I got rid of the complete stock system when my car was a month old and had pro install. The rear speakers are totally useless and not worth bothering with. If you want a reasonable upgrade fit the Focal replacements to the front. The head unit is not good either and doesn't have an output for an amp. All depends how far you want to go of course.
  13. Lauren

    Rear end (diff?) juddering slow turns

    Japanese low spec autos didn't and also I believe US autos. It's why I went for a base spec manual when I hired one from Toyota Japan. I can confirm it had an LSD.
  14. Lauren

    Selling my car - Incoming Partout!

    Pics and prices please.
  15. Lauren

    Rear end (diff?) juddering slow turns

    Why do you think you have the wrong oil? Toyota have changed the oil they are using, but I've noticed no difference. If they put the wrong oil in then they would be liable.
  16. Lauren

    Rear end (diff?) juddering slow turns

    Yes, you would think so, but YMMV when it comes to different dealers. Certainly check with Richard.
  17. Lauren

    Rear end (diff?) juddering slow turns

    Toyota aren't putting 'non spec oil' in, they have another oil that Richard got in from Japan that is an alternative, so the specification has changed.
  18. Lauren

    Rear end (diff?) juddering slow turns

    Yes, Richard mentioned it to me saying that there may be some juddering from the change in spec to the diff oil, at least that was my understanding. He mentioned about you noticing it, but said I probably wouldn't notice it and to be fair I haven't.
  19. I don't recall this. I'm sure we can get you reinstated!
  20. If you would like to take on the traders and ensuring they're paying up, that would be fabulous!
  21. Lauren

    Lucas' Daily

    Fair point @Lucas@PartBox, I knew that'd be the reason. HKS oil filters though...
  22. Lauren

    Lucas' Daily

    I've had the original Injen kit since I ordered my car new. On the rollers it did seem to show a gain of around 10bhp over what other stock cars were doing at the time. We think it was because it leaned out the air/fuel mixture. Obviously once a car has been mapped it negates this advantage really. It looks huge. I'd worry that if you wanted to fit say a TD manifold, it would get in the way, but I can see you are fitting something else. I honestly do not see the point of using anything other than OEM spark plugs or ignition components on an NA car. I can't see how you will gain anything with the HKS plugs. I'd rather have the assured reliability of OEM considering how difficult they are to get at. I've just had OEM plugs fitted again at my 120K service. They work fine for me. I also (forgive me!) see no point in fitting anything other than OEM when it comes to oil filters. I won a couple of HKS oil filters, years ago, but wouldn't fit them, so sold them on for fiver each. 6K is ridiculous really. Same with HKS oil I won, I literally can't give it away.
  23. That's fab, @Minion, thank you very much. Could really do with more going on in that area. I'd love to see more monthly regional meets and also collaboration if there is a big show going on in your area.
  24. @VAD17 and @Leevsfortyone that's fab. You two have already done a brilliant job with organising events and I would love that to continue. I think 'official' trackdays is an idea. I guess we need to gauge what people want. I used to organise club trackdays going back 17 year or so, though trackdays were really cheap then and we could have the whole day to ourselves which is far more difficult nowadays to do. We used to get 70 odd MR2's at places like Elvington and 30 at the old Anglesey track. But we can of course identify a day and aim all the members at that. Far easier and no risk as such. At both those days we wouldn't have enough cars to take over the day as such. I think Silverstone National is not worthy of a track day, but if it's the GP, then if people are willing to pay it would be worth doing I think. Donington is always a winner, easily a better circuit than the other two by a long way and also pretty central for people to get to. But yes, why not do stuff at each track and see what the take up is? No harm in doing that. The CAT training days have been popular with those new to track driving and many members have enjoyed those days, so if there is still a take up on these I'm all for it. I just know that a lot of people have done them now.
  25. Thanks @KevinA, I think maybe some stuff with the trackdays and the like and obviously the stuff you already do with the sprint series, plus maybe some of the southern events too, would be really useful.