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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    how do you remove attachments?

    Best thing is to host it elsewhere like Flickr etc then paste the link in.
  2. Lauren

    Lowe's Team Grey

    That's looking really good, what a difference. Love the wheels. Did you notice the difference in wheel weight on the way home?
  3. I doubt you'd really notice it. Bang for buck it's a lot of money. You won't be at low revs on the track.
  4. Lauren

    Clutch release bearing

    Your clutch is slipping? What mileage have you done? I'm still on my original clutch at 113K+ miles!
  5. Church, that would be great if all you did was drive your car on track, though it would be very expensive to do. I find that your mileage varies in terms of the gears being optimal for the track as it very much depends on the track. When sprinting I've sometimes found I'm inbetween 2nd and 3rd in some corners and that Kev who was at the time running the shorter final drive ratio of 4.67 had an advantage, this has been the other way round at other tracks/corners. So you can't win really. I've tried the shorter final drive. I didn't like it, so quite happy with what I've got. My car is driven on the road 99.9% of the time though.
  6. Yes, I know. I guess it's personal preference. Gearing is fine as it is, was my finding.
  7. We did comparisons on different final drives a while ago. They offer no advantage was the consensus. Better to stick with stock gearing I would say. I've driven a car with the shorter final drive, the 4.67 and it was quite annoying in how short the gears felt, particularly first whilst seemingly offering nothing more really.
  8. Lauren

    Clutch release bearing

    It could just be the pedal itself. Seems total madness to go to the expense of changing the clutch due to a release bearing. The bearing normally gets noisy rather than squeaking.
  9. There's also an article in this month's EVO magazine pitching it against the AMG GTR. June issue.
  10. Lauren

    New Speakers, Sub & Amp.

    I just worry that they won't do a good job of protecting the sub when something flies around in your boot! Function all the way for me.
  11. Lauren

    29th September 2012 Space Saver Spare

    That's a lot of boot space lost there. I've never had a spare, have an amp and a whopping great sub in there instead. Not had a puncture in 113K miles. Waste of money, Nigel.
  12. Lauren

    New Speakers, Sub & Amp.

    Can you not just get a cover for it? Just thinking that would be more effective than that. Got one on mine on the 12" sub I have in the boot floor.
  13. Lauren

    Miltek non-resonated Catback video

    Lose the second cat and improve it a bit more.
  14. After last Friday's trackday at Oulton, the car was brilliant except for the brakes. I'm not a hard braker and I'm smooth, but I always run out of brakes after three laps or so. I think it's because I carry a lot of speed into the braking zone and I'm on the brakes right up to the Apex. They tend to rumble and obviously they just seem to fade away. I'm running stock discs, fluid and Project Mu HC800 pads. The pads are a bit better than stock, but the problem always remains it seems. I do think that given they've been on since March they are probably getting a bit tired with a season of sprinting two track days and 15K miles under them. The pads themselves give really good feel but create an insane amount of dust that has ruined the powdercoat on my wheels. My discs are getting a little thin and such things do not help of course. I've been tinkering with a BBK, but can I really justify it just for track days really? Anything good seems to be about £2K which is a lot to spend just for being mega on the track. In road driving the brakes are perfectly fine. I'm considering going the PFC front and EBC yellow rears like Kev uses, but I'm wondering if there are any better discs than OEM out there and if alloy bells reap any real benefits? I guess I'm trying to find a halfway house between upgrading the pads and discs without resorting to the huge expense of a BBK. There is the STI Brembo setup, but I wonder what the cost will be new and if it's available?
  15. Lauren

    Smudge's supercharged V8 build

    Great news! Do keep us updated.
  16. Lauren

    Lauren's GT86 100K miles and onwards

    Cheers for that, Si. Mark is going to have a go for me. Now I've realised you access the seat belt bolt from underneath I now know I had already done it right initially by pulling that side panel out of the way. I couldn't quite get a good enough view (trying to be kind to my back) of the bolt and went about trying to pull the C-pillar trim off to try and get access from the top which was a bit of a game and I got stuck with it.
  17. Lauren

    What to look for?

    It's in the tank under the rear seats so all that has to come out.
  18. Lauren

    Lauren's GT86 100K miles and onwards

    With my recent back problems, I tried a sprint at Cadwell last week and whilst I really enjoyed it, I had to retire early as it was aggravating my back. The problem is that you simply move around too much in the seat and use your back muscles to keep you in place. So I thought I'd invest in a harness. I don't want a harness bar, so I've bought this one which attaches the shoulder strap to the rear seat belt mounting below the C-Pillar: https://www.schrothracing.com/products/rallye-belts#1576 Hopefully this will do the trick. I just need to install it, but I will probably have to take it to RRG to do as I had a quick go, but I literally have no patience or skill or will anymore to do anything myself and I couldn't work out how to get the interior panels off over the C Pillar to get to it. Also it looks like the seat may need to come out to get access to bolt the lap belts on. But I've got till the 19th May to get it fitted so there is time yet! A huge thanks to Maurice for sending me a set of shoulder pads he had.
  19. Lauren

    What to look for?

    It's all in the service manual. The fuel filter needs replacing. It's a little bit more expensive than the 60K service when the plugs are changed.
  20. Lauren

    Hi, another new owner !

    Welcome aboard! Enjoy, nice day for it.
  21. Event Title: Jap2Jap Rolling Road day @Tuning Developments Event Author: Lauren Event Date: 15.04.2018 See here for details: https://www.facebook.com/events/510648959328246/ Jap2 Jap are having a rolling road day at Tuning Developments in Warrington on Sunday 15th April. It will kick off at 9am. I believe all the spaces have gone if you want to run your car, but you never know and there is a reserve list which you can do through the FB group. I think I'll try and pop along and see what's going on. Let me know if you're interested. Jap2Jap Rolling Road day @Tuning Developments
  22. So who's coming then?
  23. Lauren

    What to look for?

    No worries, it's just a thought if you find the perfect car with slightly higher mileage it could be a good bargaining tool and you might get a slightly newer car.
  24. Lauren

    Ade's Road and Track Toy

    It's so much more fun turning off the TC/Stability control so you can play properly. Learning how to balance the throttle is what it's all about. Glad you enjoyed it and yes breaking habits takes a bit of time, but it's all worth it when it comes to the art of driving quickly.
  25. Lauren

    Ade's Road and Track Toy

    LOL! You knew I was going to say it. It's only because if you keep your hands fixed (obviously they will only go so far and I admit, release one hand and keep the other fixed for a bit more if I need it) it really helps you be a lot smoother. Try it next time, see how you get on.