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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Perrin intake questions

    I can't see why the intake would cause any issue over any other induction kit. I ran an Injen on mine from new, without issue. TD will simply tune the car with whatever intake is on it, so that won't be a problem. It won't throw an EML (the UK way to say Engine Management Light. CEL is the idiotproof version for Americans). I've got the TD NA tuning package effectively running an Injen induction kit (now nearly five years old!), plus their full exhaust system and decat pipe. It's no problem at all.
  2. Lauren

    Marks Mods

    I thought it was the other way round? I've not listened to FM for years though. Also I only listen to 6 Music which is DAB only.
  3. Lauren

    Marks Mods

    Yeah, I can see the difference. I think it depends where you live. For the most part I have no problem which is probably why I've not bothered changing my aerial. I admit, if I ever have to drive Leek way then I just put an album on as the drop out from Boseley to Leek is annoying.
  4. Lauren

    Marks Mods

    Looks alright, though shame it doesn't really integrate in that you need a seperate remote. I think you probably can improve it further with a better aerial. There are some areas near-ish Leek that I note to be devoid of any DAB signal, so I'm guessing it's a bit patchy round Baddeley. I was using Richard's 2017 demonstrator with DAB a couple of weeks ago and I noted that the signal dropped out in all the same places that my Alpine unit with DAB does. Macc though is utter shite when it comes to DAB. I have a screen mounted aerial, not sure if the latest model GT has a screen DAB aerial or whether it's integrated into the rear aerial though.
  5. Lauren

    Life after 5 year old

    I didn't realise they were that much! I've had all mine replaced under warranty but if anymore go I'll be paying for them from now on.
  6. Lauren

    Life after 5 year old

    I wouldn't overly worry, Nick. They don't 'fail' as such it's more the EML light being on disabling your cruise control that is the pain. In my experience of three failing it seems to happen when you drive the car very hard and upshift at the redline. The first time it happened, I drove my car very hard away from the M6 Toll booth and shifted up just before the limiter in third. The second time was when redlining from fourth to fifth and the third time I over drove my car at Croft in the sprint and well it wasn't clever really. So every time it has happened to me has when I've been driving the car very hard.
  7. Lauren

    Life after 5 year old

    Just a slight update. Went to the two year extended warranty and they won't do it on a car with over 100K miles. It's worth knowing that an extended warranty won't cover you over 100 miles. So it's only useful if you are sure you will be under the 100K miles in the next two years.
  8. Lauren

    Japfest Donington

    Was great to meet you, Mya. That was some time ago! Glad you're enjoying and enhancing your car. Enjoy that trip to Austria.
  9. Lauren

    Follow me home lights

    Gives you the fuel level.
  10. Lauren

    Post your GT86 / BRZ pic of day!

    I had to bed the brakes in which required 30+ hard stops. You'd expect some brake dust from that! Are the brakes worth it? I can't really comment yet as my car was straight in the bodyshop after having them fitted and it's still there. They do feel fabulous on the road, but it'll be on the track on the 9th December when they will get a proper test. I'll report back on this of course.
  11. Lauren

    Post your GT86 / BRZ pic of day!

    New brakes post bedding in. IMG_5057 by Lauren Blighton, on Flickr
  12. Lauren

    Follow me home lights

    Church, I call these other drivers that park front end in, simply amateurs. Like you, this is feature I never use. If I have to clamber in the pitch black, I simply use the light on my phone.
  13. Lauren

    Follow me home lights

    I'm being pedantic? Wherever I am, I always reverse park, so that's why in the five years of having the car it's never been of use to me. Power cuts? Rarer than snow round here!
  14. Lauren

    Follow me home lights

    I'm confused. I always reverse onto my driveway. So when I walk from my car to my front door, my lights will be shining in totally the wrong direction, just blinding people across the road!
  15. Lauren


    It's getting really hard to find nice wheels in 17x8. I have a set of TE37's but they are rare as hens teeth and they are no longer made. Rays don't do anything in 17x8 anymore really which is a crying shame. You can get Work Meister S1Rs in 17x8 though via Driftworks though it would be a custom order. About £2.2K. I run stock tyre sizes on an 8" rim. As for suspension, yes I agree the 2017 model rides better than the earlier cars, but I'm guessing you are looking at an earlier car. There are a good few tried and tested options. A lot of us run TEINS which are great value and work pretty well. Ride is a bit worse over bad roads but the damping is better than stock. Forget realistically going much over 300bhp without a forged bottom end. I would say try the NA tune, I have the TD NA tune effectively with an equal length manifold, decat and full TD system with a remap. It totally transforms the car and makes a big difference to the mid range torque. But it's not a bad idea to see how you get on with the car as stock to then work out what you want to do.
  16. Lauren


    Welcome aboard and good luck with finding a GT. I can vouch for the TD NA tuning package and a whole host of other mods.
  17. Post up £180 then I would say. Everyone always says they'll post up pics when they get home, but why not simply wait until they get home before posting up the ad? Just a thought.
  18. Please post pictures and a price.
  19. Lauren

    Cerastes - Daily Driver

    To give you an idea. How mine looks on Tein coilovers with 215/45/17 on an 8" rim: GT86- Manifold and Exhaust by Lauren Blighton, on Flickr
  20. Lauren

    Cerastes - Daily Driver

    Your geommetry will now be miles out since you have fitted the coilovers. An alignment is an absolute must as Maurice says. If your new tyres are the same size they will look the same. Seriously get the alignment done as a priority. You will need offset bushes or rear LCA's to set the rear camber. Offset bushes are cheap, LCA's less so. Go for stock toe settings and 1.5-2 degrees negative front and rear depending upon your preference.
  21. Lauren

    Cerastes - Daily Driver

    Reckon you could drop a bit more, but your choice of course. Just looks a bit high. Have you had the alignment done? Hard to really tell from the pics, but camber looks fairly stock. Edit: Mind you looking at the earlier pics I can see it's lower than before.
  22. Lauren

    Cerastes - Daily Driver

    Did you keep the stock ride height after fitting them?
  23. Lauren

    GR86 Gazoo Racing edition

    TRD are now only doing cosmetic stuff. Gazoo Racing have taken over the performance stuff. This is just one of a number of models available to buy in Japan. It will be JDM only, yes.
  24. Lauren

    Lauren's GT86 100K miles and onwards

    I cant wait to try it out Rich. Only a a bit over two weeks to go before I'm next on track. I've got a 1 litre Fabia to drive around in at the moment whilst my car has gone off to the bodyshop for some remedial repairs. Missing the brakes and of course the car already!