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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Phone ban - watch out...

    Yep, that's it, Keith. It's just the penalties that have changed so people are trying to get their heads around a law that is anything but new. Just shows they should have paid attention the first time round. Still, I guess it may have the desired affect!
  2. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    Interesting, but, not on the list. Maybe next year?
  3. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    The AD08? It's a discontinued tyre, that I don't think should be in the 1A list. It's successor the AD08R is in list 1B.
  4. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    What were you going to go with? Guessing Contisport 6?
  5. Lauren

    Ztox's Aero

    I shall remind him it is a static show and confiscate his keys on arrival.
  6. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    It doesn't say PS4, therefore it isn't in the list. It doesn't say 'the Pilot Sport range in general is allowed', it lists specific tyres. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the 1A list which is where I would expect it to fall. But not on the list means it hasn't been classified, so technically you can't use it.
  7. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    If that's the 2017 list, Kev, the PS4 isn't on it? Bit bloody hard to see though, have you got a link for it?
  8. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    That's not so bad then. Forgot Tay has silly sizes on his one.
  9. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    Yeah, there's the rub, £520 for a set of tyres is a lot compared to £320 for the Yoko Advans. I expect they're better, but £200 better?
  10. Lauren

    Manchester social

    Sunday 12th March 9.45am. It really needs an individual thread started in the calendar.
  11. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    Yes, I agree, but it needs to be on the list. I guess it will be in 1A, we just need the list out to confirm it.
  12. Ah the aluminium one? The sump guard then! Sounds like it wasn't on properly. That shouldn't happen.
  13. Was that the undertray, you mean? How did you manage that?
  14. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    V105's are £80 inc VAT per tyre. About the same probably with fitting.
  15. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    Is the MSA tyre list out yet for 2017? I can't find it. PS4, isn't on the 2016 list
  16. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    How much were they? Also go for the extra load option if there is one, to help have a stiffer sidewall.
  17. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    I think they will be, less so for the track though. Sidewalls are too soft which is the other thing. Your choice etcetera.
  18. Lauren

    Re-alignment For Body Panels

    Have you not got a friend who has aligned a bonnet before who could help you? I've had the bonnet off my AE86 a few times now when I've had the engine out and it's not difficult to line it up. As Hubert said, just slacken the bolts off and have wiggle, it's not hard to do.
  19. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    I've not tried the PS4, though everyone seems to be raving about them. I like the Yokos because they still allow you to play with the chassis, but have a great progression to them. This is also why I run stock tyre sizes on an 8" rim. I tried 225/45's but the increase in sidewall flex was not welcome and they seemed to have too much grip for my liking. I like to balance the grip with the chassis and how much power I have. I do a lot of track stuff as I compete in the TSS. Winning my class two years running on stock tyre sizes against those with wider tyres.
  20. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    I think they're a good choice if you are a road only driver who doesn't push it really hard. Wouldn't recommend them for the track though.
  21. Lauren

    Tyre choices

    Change them. The Primacy tyre is not great for feel. I like the Yoko Advan V105's. Riceburner on here can you do a good price.
  22. Lauren

    Daily Driver Vs Weekend Toy

    I've done 94K miles it is my daily car I do everything in it, I use it for my work. I've realised that life is too short to drive a boring car and that I cannot drive a boring car again. Years ago I had a Panda diesel (terrible mistake) and a DC2. I hardly ever got to drive the DC2, so I would never put myself in that situation again. I had a decent sound system installed when I bought the car, stuff like that really helps. I stil love driving mine, even though it's a pain driving arounda the local council estate for work with it's pot holed roads and mountainous speed humps! The excitement soon comes back when I drive it on track or get a chance to play on a decent road.
  23. Lauren

    Parking sensor - comments please

    The Toyota ones are all the same though. Would have thought it would have been the same for Subaru
  24. Lauren

    Parking sensor - comments please

    That is incredibly poor. I still don't understand why you can't go to another Subaru dealer for what is a warranty issue. I am confident that you would not have got that response from Toyota.
  25. Lauren

    Nürburgring Talk

    It's heavy on brakes if you're on it, because it's quick, there's a lot of corners and it's very long. Though one lap at a time helps a fair bit. The speeds are high though.