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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Top Gear 2017

    You hated the new TG last year though? Whilst I appreciate that Chris Evans is a somewhat marmite character it seems (I think he was given way too hard a time personally), what surprised me is that you didn't seem to see the talent in the other presenters. Chris Harris is a very talented and accomplished driver, Rory, does a good job of representing more your typical petrolhead (no bad thing at all) and Matt Le Blanc has the money to do what he likes and loves cars, a bit Jay Leno, again, a good mix I think. Whilst I accept that there were certainly things about Chris Evans that annoyed me, it was more than made up for by the other three. Chris Evans's piece on the Ferrari stuff, was great though, it really showed his passion for cars, particularly Ferrari of course. I have to say, that I really enjoyed the Grand Tour (apart from the stupid car ones, stop appealing to non-car people, they have plenty else to watch). I love the chemistry between those three and it was genuinely funning places. Sure it's not perfect, but neither is TG, but the new platform for Clarkson et al., suits them very well. So it's a win, win situation. I shall look for your face when I see it on Friday week.
  2. Trax was bad when I last went in 2002. That was enough!
  3. Lauren

    Proper footwear required...

    I never drive in heels. I only drive in flat shoes or bare foot during the summer which is my favourite option.
  4. Lauren

    Deacons '86

    They look pretty clean. Have you done many miles on them? I was suprised how good my Teins looked after 70K miles. The top mount plate seems to corrode easily but the damper units looked remarkably good, just a bit grubby.
  5. Gary you need to put a price up please for the parts.
  6. Table booked for 6 for 7pm Saturday. We'll aim to get there around 6.30pm or so. See you in the bar.
  7. Lauren

    Track day prep (tools)

    Do come. Driving on track will finish at 4pm, though we'll be around for a little time after that I would expect.
  8. Lauren

    Hello from Cheshire

    Welcome aboard. If you wing Friday afternoon off, bring a helmet and come over to Oulton Park. A number of us are on track. Any obvious plans for mods that you are considering?
  9. Lauren

    Track day prep (tools)

    Are you popping over to Oulton this Friday then? A load of us are there for a trackday.
  10. Lauren

    Track day prep (tools)

    That's a good tip. I normally take a four pack of Lucozade Sport to ensure that I am well hydrated as the concentration can take it out of you.
  11. Lauren

    Track day prep (tools)

    Hi, I've been doing track days for 17 years now, so I can hopefully help! You don't need to take lots of stuff unless you have a particularly unreliable car, so there is that. A GT86 takes use well, and it's not an old car, so I wouldn't expect problems. Get a tyre pressure gauge and insure that you have a pump. Electric is easier. I just use the Toyota one and then check the pressures afterwards. Do this when the tyres are cold though. Make sure you have your wheelbrace, locking nuts. If you're not changing wheels over though don't worry about a jack. If you really need one you can always borrow someone elses. For helmet bags and tools, I just either leave them in a friend's car who isn't on track or put them in the pit garage. I've yet to have anything stolen. I'm on track this Friday at Oulton. I'm just taking my helmet bag and dancing shoes, no tools as such beyond what I normally carry in the car. Something that is useful, if you expect to do a lot of track miles is a 20litre jerry can, which I will take with me to give me a tank and a half of fuel. Saves a trip out to the petrol station halfway through the day.
  12. Lauren

    Manchester social

    Good work, Neal sounds like a nice route and should be quiet too at that time.
  13. Lauren

    Manchester social

    The A54 is great, I commuted on it for two and a half years. I wouldn't call it tight and twisty though, it's a fast A road. Wait and see how you find the B road I've picked!
  14. Lauren

    Newbie from Milton Keynes

    Welcome aboard, Amanda, hope you enjoy the club. Keep an eye on the social meets and events, spring is coming so it will all be happening soon.
  15. Lauren

    Michelin Primacy HP vs 3

    I prefer not to rotate so I don't have to buy a whole set of tyres at a time. I get through three sets of rears to one set of fronts it seems.
  16. Lauren

    Driving tips when abroad.

    The Italians are worse.
  17. Lauren

    Michelin Primacy HP vs 3

    Well yes, they don't last forever, but I had 14K miles out of my rears and 25K out of the fronts. With V105's I get similar out of the fronts and about 7K out of the rears in comparison.
  18. Lauren

    Standard car? Join me!

    You won't be insured and track day cover won't work of course. You can get motorsport insurance (I did this for my first ever trackday in the GT86, though I've not done it since). You insure the car for a given amount say £20K as an example. The excess is £20% so £2K in this scenario. Cost was about £165 (in 2013). I must admit I don't worry about it. Pretty sure that no-one insures their car for the Sprint.
  19. Lauren

    Michelin Primacy HP vs 3

    Stock are HP ones. But they last forever, so you'll have them for a while yet, Bob. Still at least you have matching tyres I suppose!
  20. Lauren

    Hello! I've finally put my money where my mouth is!

    Is it not coming in through Portbury Docks? I thought they all arrived there. Then just all the UK bits to fit at the docks before it speeds over to your dealer for PDI.
  21. Lauren

    Standard car? Join me!

    Come on people, there must be some stock cars out there! We have four already in the N1-S class and that will rise. Bob, you should aim to see if you can beat some of the N1 Class. Yeah, you can enter any round you want. Everyone gets entered into the championship, but you need to five rounds out of six to do that. But plenty just do a few rounds to see how they get on.
  22. Mine is fine with Indy, she's been on some very big trips with us though and will do 12 hours in the car if needed. But, she's well used to it. Stick him in the back, he'll be fine and cover your car in fur.
  23. I take it, he's not a small dog?
  24. Bring the dog? Indy is coming.