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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Lauren

    Parkers running a GT86

    Glad you are enjoying the car, Gareth. It's definitely worth playing with in in track mode (for comparison I always use Sport mode on the road). A tip is to press the traction button to disable the traction control if you need to make a fast getaway when turning right out of a junction. It allows a bit more slip and the power doesn't get cut. Obviously the most fun is had when you hold the button down for three seconds and turn off the stability control. Enjoy.
  2. Lauren

    Car History

    That's like saying an RS2000 is just basically an Escort, though it isn't because the Firenza had a different bodyshell with the fastback rear. The Spokrt SL was the first to have that bodyshell. Yes, 2.3 twin carb, seven dial dash etc. Well the good news with your Metro is that it didn't have the awful, ancient A Series engine. Quite liked the K Series (had a Rover 214Si which I missed off my list) apart from it's appetite for head gaskets.
  3. Lauren

    So what's this for?

    IME it has no use at all.
  4. Lauren


    The Carbotechs are amazing, but so is the noise. Had a friend who fitted a set, but ended up buying a set of OEM pads to replace them as he couldn't stand the noise.
  5. Lauren

    TTR's San Remo BRZ

    You will, I suspect get a good amount of tramlining if you go for 255's on the front. It's also a lot of grip for an NA. I would also guess that the wheel weight with those tyres will be heavy too.
  6. Lauren

    Manchester social

    Sounds good, Neal. Let's do it.
  7. Lauren

    TTR's San Remo BRZ

    With tyres that wide compared to the front, I'm guessing you like understeer? I'm guessing you are going to rectify that soon?
  8. Lauren


    I got my front set free and just bought the rears last time around (thanks, Kev). But looking about £180 or so for a full set. They look to be around £80 or so for each axle set.
  9. Lauren


    I've found the Stoptechs to be good value and stand up well enough on track. This may depend how heavy you are on brakes though. No real squealing on the road and they do seem to last forever. I'm tempted to get another set when they eventually wear out.
  10. Lauren

    Car History

    People admit to owning Metros? Not sure I can remember them all. Starting from 1989. MK1 Golf GLS 1.6 Firenza 2.3 Sport SL Cavalier Sportshatch 2.0 MK2 Opel Kadett GTE running gear. MK2 Astra GTE 16v MK1 MR2 later supercharged MK1 MR2 Supercharger MK1 MR2 NA (early one) DC2 Integra Type-R E36 BMW 325i Panda diesel (absolutely hateful, I will never listen to Mark ever again about buying a practical car for work). Only suffered if for nine months which was way too long. Panda 100hp (much better) AE86 Sprinter Trueno (still have it) GT86.
  11. Lauren

    My new car

    Welcome aboard!
  12. Lauren

    Hi all, new to the forum,

    Welcome aboard, sorry to see you go. Glad you enjoyed the car though.
  13. Lauren

    Too smokey? Or normal?

    Sounds totally normal.
  14. Lauren

    Uhhh... my rear view mirror glass fell out?

    Mine has a tiny bit of delamination on the bottom edge. May look to get that sorted, guess it will only get worse. Then again the AE86 mirror has delaminated a lot more, so they have something in common.
  15. Lauren

    Winter layover now can't open door.

    Obviously too late now, but either use a trickle charger or disconnect the battery. You should be able to open the car with the key, but these things are worth trying first, just for future reference. When Rob snapped his key I went out and tried mine and it opened fine. A little stiff, but nothing to worry about. As other's have said, try the key when you get home. There's really no point in running the car every couple of weeks with it just idling. It does more harm than good. My AE86 has been in storage since November and I am unlikely to get it out again till March or so. I just disconnect the battery leave the doors and boot ajar to protect the seals and disconnect the battery. If your car is secure in a garage probably better to disconnect the battery and leave it unlocked. Then you'll have no problem.
  16. Lauren

    Show season prep

    I will be giving my car a wash, but nothing more than I usually do.
  17. Lauren


    Welcome aboard! What colour spec, year etc did you buy? Any plans for the car? Check out Japfest at Silverstone thread, it's a good meet and well worth going to. Payment deadline tomorrow!
  18. Hi Fuzz, welcome along. Do pop along if you can, this is a good event and we all have a good natter etc. Hope to see you there.
  19. Lauren

    2012 Orange manual ** SOLD **

    Can you put a price up please? Also couldn't see mileage
  20. Lauren

    Fitting Harnesses

    For next year's TSS I'm toying with fitting a harness to my seat. Question is, is the top isofix mounting point a viable attachment for the shoulder straps? My thinking is that it'd keep the harness pretty horizontal to the seat which is good. Obviously the lower mounts can just use eyebolts in the seat belt lower mounting points. Thinking Takata as has to be done really.
  21. Lauren

    Fitting Harnesses

    Also are those bars easy to take out if you do need to use the rear seat? I'm actually quite tempted. But I do very occasionally need to lift a kid and stick them in the back. My work you understand! Or maybe having a harness bar will give me a good excuse not to!
  22. Lauren

    James' WR Blue BRZ

    Also an open face is far more comfortable and you can talk. Only drawback is it's no good if you want to go in a car with no roof. I must admit, I've already got both variants, but I far prefer the open face as it means you can drink etc whilst you are waiting to go out and passengers can hear you. Mine was £215 I think. Also get a car one, as it will have the FR (fire retardant) status. The more you pay, the lighter it will be. One head and all that, so get the best you can afford.
  23. Lauren

    New owner .. well will be in March 2017

    Great news on it being the new revised version, that is a result. You'll be the first I suspect. I'd still pick it up ASAP though, new reg's aren't really that important, but your car, your choice of course. Not so good news that your price doesn't seem to be fixed though. Thought that would have been sorted if you'd already put a deposit down?
  24. Lauren

    James' WR Blue BRZ

    I'd look to go and try some helmets on before buying. Demon Tweeks is worth the the trip for that. That's where I bought my last one.
  25. I always say that if you think your exhaust will be too loud for the track, it probably will be. Hearing the sound clips it does sound pretty loud and if you have measured it correctly you will be black flagged on pretty much every track. 105dB is right on the limit for a 'noisy' track day.